Sup... just wanted to throw in my 2 cents, yes the bigger the pot the more growth you will get. However, there comes a point where the roots have no more room and as a result will start to grow around the pot forming a large root ball. The roots in turn fight and compete with each other for remaining nutrients in the soil. occasionally, this can cause growth rates to slow. I really recomend using smart pots. They air prune roots which prevent roots from getting to the point that they are competing with each other. This allows the roots to grow healthy and continuously which in turn allows the plants to do the same. The difference of using a smart pot vs a conventional pot is really night and day. Using a 3 gal smart pot is like using a 5 to 7 gal regular pot. No joke. Definitely give it a try. you wont be disappointed. Also, you may need to water more frequently as soil tends to dry out quicker due to the fiberous material of the smart pot.