Bypassing power meter?

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check out dog vaccines for friends wife orders them now for me...she gets a better tate than i was getting ..they have a dozen dogs and have a litter or two a year and a fridge with a backup generator ....i w as paying like 2.50 at that site... what do you vaccinate for? parvo is the only thing that scares me..had a dog get it 5 years ago..he lived but it cost me 1,200$:cuss:
You're lucky... My dog got it and my vet charged met $4,000... And that was years ago :/
Dont wana piss on anyone's parade , just wanting to chip in my advice before I leave you to it however anyone reading this and is thinking about it , really just dont do it , its not worth it.

First off , if the power goes missing the company is gonna start to ask some questions , which will only draw attention. I'd even maybe argue within reason as long as the bills paid the power company dont give a fuk what you use, more a police thing even if that, as its money in there pocket. If I owned a power company , id market myself out there to growers , growers are a power company's best friend, were like crack heads to crack dealers , they just look at us and see $$, after all there a business , bussiness's have quotas etc and are run for profit , so long as you dont take the piss , I would imagine your fine.

Not to mention if worst comes to worse, you will get done for stealing power on top of everything else , maybe even some extra if they think the way you did it was extra dangerous.

Personally I'd rather tun the risk of selling an oz or two to pay the leccy bill then steal the power, esp for peace of mind, all just hypothetical ofc.

Not saying you cant do it and get away with it , however its one of those silly things(usually get you caught, up there with pissed off ex's) I would not want looming over my head , the possibility that something could happen down to me being silly and doing something like stealing power , would be like an ultimate boot in the balls to loose everything due to me wanting to cheap out a little.
here is the thing.... everyone assumes that if some is stealing juice they are cheap or broke or whatever...i have never met anyone who wanted to steal power to run a couple 1k watters.... the people who steal power do it for one reason only...they kinda have to ...if you had a 3k a month bill the electric company would probably come out and change meter thinking it as faulty.. you can not run big grows and pay the bills in most states..lets say someone in a non medical state living and growing in a 5 bedroom home has a 3k a month flags and you will be turned in.
here is the thing.... everyone assumes that if some is stealing juice they are cheap or broke or whatever...i have never met anyone who wanted to steal power to run a couple 1k watters.... the people who steal power do it for one reason only...they kinda have to ...if you had a 3k a month bill the electric company would probably come out and change meter thinking it as faulty.. you can not run big grows and pay the bills in most states..lets say someone in a non medical state living and growing in a 5 bedroom home has a 3k a month flags and you will be turned in.

100% agreed. most commercial growers in non legal states are using generators as far as i know.
generators are noisy as fuck and break down/over heat bet would be to get a natural gas generator and wire to your panel and steal natural gas....or get your panel wired to a liquid propane generator and use two different companies to refill the propane and alternate between them so you are not using an obscene amount of propane.
here is the thing.... everyone assumes that if some is stealing juice they are cheap or broke or whatever...i have never met anyone who wanted to steal power to run a couple 1k watters.... the people who steal power do it for one reason only...they kinda have to ...if you had a 3k a month bill the electric company would probably come out and change meter thinking it as faulty.. you can not run big grows and pay the bills in most states..lets say someone in a non medical state living and growing in a 5 bedroom home has a 3k a month flags and you will be turned in.
That is why you grow in a couple of rentals next door to each other... If you want to get bigger than that, open a welding company front. If you still wanna get bigger than event that.... Well, then you're just plain greedy... Move to a state where you can set up a legit grow op... I'd love to have a ten 1k set up but that ain't gonna happen. Live with what you can get 'cause sitting in prison, you aint gonna have no set up :/
here is the way i look at. i got my bill today, thats 1 ounce. house payment, thats 5 ounces. that new ballast i just ordered, another ounce. now that leaves about 36 more to pay the rest of the bills and have some fun. pay your damn a good life.
generators are noisy as fuck and break down/over heat bet would be to get a natural gas generator and wire to your panel and steal natural gas....or get your panel wired to a liquid propane generator and use two different companies to refill the propane and alternate between them so you are not using an obscene amount of propane.

all generators are noisy...even natural gas and propane ones. problem is with propane and NG generators is they are not designed for continuous use. they are standby generators. you can get a year or 2 out of them without any issues but after that they will start to fail. if you are going to be running a lareg draw then you need a continuous use diesel generator. they don't break down/over heat if you buy a quality unit.
if the power company is loosing $3k a month from your transformer your gonna get caught soon that aint like bumming a cigarette they will investagate the first month second month your door will be kicked in you can't get away with stealing that much power pros use generators and solar n shit you must spend money to make money
if you want to go big save your pennys strart off small buy a piece of land in the boondocks buy a generator build a small or large home and get to work your not going that big in the city you can't have neighboors for a big op unless your leagal but thiers going to be the dea as well and you can't just nickle n dime that brings heat cause thier are tons of rats I bet atleast 3/4 of the population will rat to save thier own ass so you need to meet some straight outlaws not some college kids like the hells angels or something like that give them a good price and they will protect your buisness from cops and robbers if your real good thats if you don't seem sketchy to them just be cool they are normal people they do kill people but thier dealing with degenerate assholes and wack jobs a patched in member of the HA or outlaws or any big biker gang will never rat I wouldn't trust big city gangs as they are racist as hell unless your black or spanish but if your white stick with white gangs and be cool!!
generators are noisy as fuck and break down/over heat bet would be to get a natural gas generator and wire to your panel and steal natural gas....or get your panel wired to a liquid propane generator and use two different companies to refill the propane and alternate between them so you are not using an obscene amount of propane.
shit if you prove to the hells angels your a great grower they will probally fund you a warehouse you don't want this cause you will be thier bitch cause you owe them everything they set you up they will only give you a pecentage but start small 2-4 pounds every 2 months and save your money don't buy nice cars and shit cause it draws attention and takes away from you goal rent a few house not apartments more power less suspicious less neighboors and do everything to a T pay your bills on time the more rural the better best thing about bikers is a lot of them live in the sticks and have conections like a mother fucker just don't fuck them over and they will absolouty love you guys are pretty funny....few things i disagree on...I would never get in bed with the angels or outlaws..EVER..bikers are retarded..i have one buddy who is an angel and two buddies and an uncle who are outlaws...bikers are a huge target for the feds, most do meth,coke , pills and other hard drugs..not to mention automatic weapons..hard drugs make you dumb and don't want partners who use hard drugs or run guns...the d.e.a. is in most medical states looking for grow houses..probably better off in a non med state growing ..because non med state will bring in higher price per lb than a med state and you don't have to traffic it in.... and the guys i know who steal or stole juice were in the city...not out in the middle of nowhere...I am cool with a handful of bikers ..some i even work construction with but i would NEVER join a biker gang ..or any gang..i do my own thing way to lay low and avoid heat.
We lived near a Crackhead that just had an extra meter he had stolen from somewhere, and he would stick a grill fork and the meter in there and somehow that got him power...til he got in trouble for stealing a kid's 4 wheeler one of the neighbors had in their yard for sale, and then the cops came to his house to get the merchandise and there was his rigged up power...He ended up getting in a whole lot of trouble that night...luckily we never had to see them again...creepy strung out weirdos..."can we borrow your ketchup?, sugar, salt, chicken, lettuce...whatever...our house was their grocery store, because when they went to the store they never bought anything, they just ate whatever they wanted there in the if they got hungry at home they had to
Lol @ crackheads. They get annoying like that, but there are good ones that have cheap stuff they stole. I can't tell you how many packages of diapers I got from crackeads "fo da low low". I've gotten 3/4 drive duralast ratchets and sockets for like $2, games from blockbuster. All kinds of shit. All "fo da low low"! Lol
We lived near a Crackhead that just had an extra meter he had stolen from somewhere, and he would stick a grill fork and the meter in there and somehow that got him power...til he got in trouble for stealing a kid's 4 wheeler one of the neighbors had in their yard for sale, and then the cops came to his house to get the merchandise and there was his rigged up power...He ended up getting in a whole lot of trouble that night...luckily we never had to see them again...creepy strung out weirdos..."can we borrow your ketchup?, sugar, salt, chicken, lettuce...whatever...our house was their grocery store, because when they went to the store they never bought anything, they just ate whatever they wanted there in the if they got hungry at home they had to

if he had another meter why would he need a fork?
Actually it was, it was not "powered by a generator". The generator power was being amplified by the tower before being sent out wireless, it in no way "powered" the tower. Tesla wanted to saturate the globe with electricity as a dynamo so that everyone on the surface of the globe could obtain electrical light just by sticking wires into the soil and a electrical bulb would light. When J.P. Morgan heard about the Tesla project, he was asked: "How can we get money from the electricity which Tesla is supplying to every part of the world?" After that Morgan cut the funds and the Tower was never finished. Ironically, depriving a nearby town of power until the generator was fixed. Thats BS also Pack that in your pipe and smoke it
You have no idea what you're talking about, but I don't call YOU stupid. I should, but I didn't.
Lol @ crackheads. They get annoying like that, but there are good ones that have cheap stuff they stole. I can't tell you how many packages of diapers I got from crackeads "fo da low low". I've gotten 3/4 drive duralast ratchets and sockets for like $2, games from blockbuster. All kinds of shit. All "fo da low low"! Lol

so we shouldn't steal from the power company because the loss gets passed on to everyone else? but it's ok to buy diapers from people who steal them and then use the money to buy crack. seems like you are supporting stealing and drug abuse. :bigjoint:
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