The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!


Well-Known Member
Come to think of it, maybe it IS time to bust out the big guns. 8)
FUCK YEAH! <insert Banshee scream here> AAAIIIII!!!!!!!


White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Well a thread like this would be useful for some who would have a lot of questions but don't want to start a shitload of threads :D like for example.. I have this white widow plant that just drooped the hell up about a day after I transplanted it. I flushed it on a suggestion of a user here(since yeast and stuff bubbled al over it) and am now waiting for the results. The top little part where new leaves grow out of still seems to be a nice green color but the old leaves are screwed up. So I'm hoping there'd be a chance of the plant pulling through.. what do you all think?

PS: I can't post pics since I don't have a good cam and the plant is still a seedling.

Good point Conoclast - this is a good thread for pretty much anything and I agree with Lacy, your plant will pull through...



Well-Known Member
Jesus FDD's not fucking around anymore We ere having a peacful smiley war, and then he breaks out the atomic bombs on us.....

It's cuz I was
him with the smilies. I'll tell you all the story...

One day, fdd went into the bathroom as usual, to do his business but he was snatched up by my high tech robot arm.... that brought him to my secret underground lair. As soon as he realized it was all my doing, he started talking I took off one of my white gloves and smacked him with it to challenge him to a duel.

I was gonna whup his butt with my nunchucks...but I'm a little outta practice. So we dueled and dueled some more Then he cheated by poking me in the eye with a stick and I cried He thought that was funny, and raspberried at I turned into an allegator and ATE him. would think that would be the end of the story, but it's only the beginning....


Well-Known Member
Jesus FDD's not fucking around anymore We ere having a peacful smiley war, and then he breaks out the atomic bombs on us.....

It's cuz I was
him with the smilies. I'll tell you all the story...

One day, fdd went into the bathroom as usual, to do his business but he was snatched up by my high tech robot arm.... that brought him to my secret underground lair. As soon as he realized it was all my doing, he started talking I took off one of my white gloves and smacked him with it to challenge him to a duel.

I was gonna whup his butt with my nunchucks...but I'm a little outta practice. So we dueled and dueled some more Then he cheated by poking me in the eye with a stick and I cried He thought that was funny, and raspberried at I turned into an allegator and ATE him. would think that would be the end of the story, but it's only the beginning....

hhahahahhahahaha :mrgreen: