Rare Dankness: 501st OG HERMIES!!!

YESSSSSSSS adventure time come on grab your friends we'll head off to distant lands with jake the dog and finn the hu-man the fun never ends ADVENTURE TIME
adventure time + regular show= epic hour of television
Bottom line is most of these strains are untested F-1s. A lot of these clone only's that they are X with have not been out that long. All the people on here that are backing up RD are either working for them or testing for them now. I don't care either way, I have bought the beans and will grow them out. If you don't want to buy them don't, you can wait for test grows. I have GTH #8 going and they are going off with a lot of stretch. Does that concern me? Hell no, most of my biggest producers are big and stretchy. You buy F-1s and you know what you are getting, if you want to wait for test grows I'm sure they will be out soon. At least RD is answering questions, subcool will not address the Plushberry hermie issue.................grower error my ass. And yes, all strains are susceptable to hermies but that does not mean we want to buy them. And sexing plants and putting them back into veg should not be an issue, I take BUDS off @7 weeks or more and clone them to preserve the strain and have NEVER had issues with herms. If that is not more stress than sexing them and putting them back in veg than I don't know what is. And yes, I have pics that I can take right now to show you bud that I have rooted and will re-veg. Ask and you shall receive
lol but why would you reveg a bud....why not just the plant or clone a branch instead...just curious....also ive seen alot of threads on plushberry and havent heard about any herm issues with it...you say you never had herm issues before but then you say you did have a herm issue with the plushberry?? or are you saying just no herm issues with these reveged buds?
Plush has a high herm rate! I got herms in agent orange! Lots of hermage in tga gear as of late.
and i to agree that rd has better comunication skills lol
Subcool won't address issues? Are you fucking kidding me? I can find 10x the info on any strain and subcool is the easiest person to ask questions or get answers from. What in the hell are you talking about. RD is right here, Subcool is right here. They both have threads and emails and I have asked them both questions more than once. Quick honest answers from both. What the fuck, are you going to say he doesn't test either? lmao.

And I support RD, I am not an employee, and I don't test for them. I wanted to see more grow reports so I am making one.
thats a shocker.i've never gotten hermies in his stuff ,thats one for the books.

Man, lot of people are dealing with Nannerberry and Tranny Bubba. The newer stuff from TGA has not been living up to historical expectations in a number of gardens that I am familiar with. That does not lead me to hate on them and harass them, its just the pains of market pressures on a small business.

Now, honestly, the reality is the market pressures to release spiffy F1s is huge. People are demanding these relatively untested/worked strains, they are not gonna be as stable as IBLs, F5s, etc. Furthermore, many are created off stress produced pollen, leading to further instability. If you don't want hermies buy IBLs or F3+.

These F1s on the market are like running 1.0 software releases, there ARE bugs. It does not mean its a crappy breeder, just that you bought the wrong product for your expectations. Now if you buy a IBL that hermies without you stressing it, THAT is a crappy breeder.
I was gonna say.....don't be shocked, just grow some more of the gear and you will eventually. I have had herms in JTR, Agent Orange, Chernobyl, and Space Bomb. I have found super nice plants in all those same strains as well, with no sign of hermies. You gotta expect it in F1s and poly-hybrids. No breeder that does f1s and poly-hybrids are gonna be 100% herm free. I havn't found any herms in any of Connoiseurs Genetics stuff yet, but if I keep playing with the fems they have, I'm sure I will sooner or later.
And sexing plants and putting them back into veg should not be an issue, I take BUDS off @7 weeks or more and clone them to preserve the strain and have NEVER had issues with herms. If that is not more stress than sexing them and putting them back in veg than I don't know what is.

Wow. Someone actually comments on what I did, and says it's safe? Imagine that... I never had a problem force sexing... never cause any issue

You guys are all such clowns with your speculation and and rumor spreading. I figured out why everyone here feels free to talk shit. No dislike or disapprove button. Say whatever you want if it doesn't affect your visual reputation on the site... A lot of the things you all speculate about are things you can look up on the Internet and find the answers to. Moonshine was the master grower for a dispensary's "boutique" line of medicine, aka high end herb. Yes he grew these strains there. You can look back and find entire tables of RD gear before it was released. Personally one of my patients has a brother in law in CO. He told him that his caregiver was with moonshine when he won for the moonshine haze and his response was "all I smoke is moonshine's herb. Ive been smoking the moonshine haze for a year." he frequents the dispensary that moonshine grew for until march 2012.
RD is a small start up company. The cover was the strongest strain tested in any of the competitions last year. Talk shit if you want to and say the results are fake, but another friend of mine's strain he created that is clone only came in 5th and was written up in the article inside that issue. He didn't grow or enter the sample. Just created the strain and passed the clone to everyone. That tested at 22.85%. 25.49% is not out of the ordinary, and I don't understand why people doubt that number. Hopefully this will be the last time I post in this retarded thread. Just had to add some facts into the mix of shit stirring.

AND here YOU are again. FUNNY. RD has paid NO ATTENTION to this thread. They send their "messenger boy"/shit starter/pot stirrer here to try and make us all feel stupid. Not sure about the rest of the followers here, but I've been growing for 10+ years and don't have these problems ever. I think that combined with your bad attitude, and shitty customer service skills RD has found a REAL GEM to represent their company. Oh, and by the way COLORADO leads the world in BS THC%'s... Subcools catalog for his strains has the highest testing cannabis in the world... tested out of CO. Here you are claiming 25%... Steep hill labs did an interview and said 24% was the highest they had ever seen (could have changed by now) and rarely do they see examples exceeding 20-22% I'm sooo sick of THC numbers. I know if it's bomb if I don't need to pack my 2nd bong hit that's laid out.
Lastly, Greenhouse seeds, and most the other companies "as a small start up co." DO NOT HAVE 50+ strains out in the first year. Some STILL dont have that many... GUESS THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU GUYS' RARE....?

You represent a company that claims to have been around for years on the Co scene. With only a couple grows documented, and 50 strains available that are claimed to be tested and stable. That is silly and you know it. All those beans and all those test grows but no proof. And it's always the same shit excuses. I'm sure the weed is good, but stable and tested? No fucking way. How many people does it take to test 50 strains? How long does it take to stabilize 50 strains? What about the people that have been growing RD in Co for all these years before now. NONE of them get on RIU or any other site? Please man, get real. You know what? No one would care that much about stability if you guys didn't run your mouths first about how great you are and how stable and tested your shit is. Should have just left that part out, because now folks expect shit that has been tested and somewhat stable. You must have a huge ego if you think a dislike button would be good for your company here. Lol. People that make huge claims with no proof are clowns.

E X A C T L Y....
Subcool won't address issues? Are you fucking kidding me? I can find 10x the info on any strain and subcool is the easiest person to ask questions or get answers from. What in the hell are you talking about. RD is right here, Subcool is right here. They both have threads and emails and I have asked them both questions more than once. Quick honest answers from both. What the fuck, are you going to say he doesn't test either? lmao.

And I support RD, I am not an employee, and I don't test for them. I wanted to see more grow reports so I am making one.

what like this abundantly helpful post.... this is about all you get in info from the plushberry automated and on repeat

I'm not sure how all the sudden people feel a strain thats only been created some 7 months could be old.
The dominant state of Cannabis is duel sex its not some secret its spelled out in detail in every cannabis botany book.
I have 3 plush runs within driving distance and the 3 growers won't be dropping there massive pink berry budded plants soon.
When you distribute seeds by the tens of thousands the few people that get a bad pheno here and there grow in incident. 69 pages of happy Plush growers on this thread with a very few small issues.
You push this strain she will react simple treat her right she treats you right I had no issues nor did any of the original testers.
SElect the good ones toss the bad ones thats cannabis cultivation guys!

all i know is e$ko ditches strains that even show a few sterile nanners... in the middle of testing , toward the end, no matter.


cause he does test grow on test grow, works & knows all his parentage BEFORE making seed , and has super high standards for his beans in general.

imo : the idea that one has to look for a "non nanner" pushing pheno(s) is ridiculous.
You guys are all such clowns with your speculation and and rumor spreading. I figured out why everyone here feels free to talk shit. No dislike or disapprove button. Say whatever you want if it doesn't affect your visual reputation on the site...

A lot of the things you all speculate about are things you can look up on the Internet and find the answers to. Moonshine was the master grower for a dispensary's "boutique" line of medicine, aka high end herb. Yes he grew these strains there. You can look back and find entire tables of RD gear before it was released. Moonshine owned a dispensary prior to this. No one is backing RD. The Amsterdam cup win was a surprise and things just took off from there. Personally one of my patients has a brother in law in CO. He told him that his caregiver was with moonshine when he won for the moonshine haze and his response was "all I smoke is moonshine's herb. Ive been smoking the moonshine haze for a year." he frequents the dispensary that moonshine grew for until march 2012.

You wanna find someone being backed by money that is a hack of a breeder, look at Bret bogue. He openly admits he has billionaire backers. RD is a small start up company.

I don't know whether or not HT covers can be bought, I personally also think the HT crew are a bunch of coke heads, but remember that the cover was the strongest strain tested in any of the competitions last year. Talk shit if you want to and say the results are fake, but another friend of mine's strain he created that is clone only came in 5th and was written up in the article inside that issue. He didn't grow or enter the sample. Just created the strain and passed the clone to everyone. That tested at 22.85%. 25.49% is not out of the ordinary, and I don't understand why people doubt that number.

Hopefully this will be the last time I post in this retarded thread. Just had to add some facts into the mix of shit stirring.

LMFAO!!!!! Ive seen THC pecentages 28-30% tested in AZ, so the test dont mean shit.

Now if you look back on Kindreviews.com, there isnt shit about any of RD's strains being talked about or tested untill the beginning of 2011. And if youll notice, its crossed with an Afghani IBL. Because up untill then, thats all that they worked with and bred everything to. I remember seeing in a post on thcfarmer back in early 2011 in the colorado forum with a link to the RD website then. 20-30 strains were crossed with the same IBL male. The info you can gather off Kindreviews website backs up what im saying. I frequent dispensaries in Colorado, everywhere. I have a brother on the eastern slope that used to grow for a disp and no one has heard of these or seen these strains that you say was passed around the dispensaries untill recently.
So you don't have these problems ever or all of your tga seeds Hermed? Which is it? You contradict yourself in back to back posts. And no one sends me here. I come here on my own. Keep thinking RD is a giant company with dozens of minions sent to brainwash the masses. You can count the number of people that actually work for RD on one hand. They are too busy to argue with someone as wishy washy as you.

And I doubt Addison from steephill said that. With their quantacann now at multiple dispensaries, there is a lot wider sample range. I have had a piece of the white test at 22.76% THC and my buddy's sample of our blueberry cut tested at 23.54% THC on the steephill quantacann. Of course those are above average numbers, but I doubt they are in the top 2% of samples steephill has tested around the country.

I agree that THC % doesn't mean anything though. It's all about the delivery systems. Terpenes are what's important. The more terpenes, the more effective the medicine, or the more well rounded the high is.
LMFAO!!!!! Ive seen THC pecentages 28-30% tested in AZ, so the test dont mean shit.

Now if you look back on Kindreviews.com, there isnt shit about any of RD's strains being talked about or tested untill the beginning of 2011. And if youll notice, its crossed with an Afghani IBL. Because up untill then, thats all that they worked with and bred everything to. I remember seeing in a post on thcfarmer back in early 2011 in the colorado forum with a link to the RD website then. 20-30 strains were crossed with the same IBL male. The info you can gather off Kindreviews website backs up what im saying. I frequent dispensaries in Colorado, everywhere. I have a brother on the eastern slope that used to grow for a disp and no one has heard of these or seen these strains that you say was passed around the dispensaries untill recently.

RD launched the weekend of 4/20/11 for Colorado patients only. Before that it was a different company with the same genes, different strain names.

And so what? Find a good male, you use him. There are at least 5 males being used in breeding right now that I know of. Is that better for you?
what like this abundantly helpful post.... this is about all you get in info from the plushberry automated and on repeat

I was typing that the post stated that sub doesn't address issues, and I was like WTF sub even has a show on youtube that addresses issues left and right, but I went back and reread what lilbsdad actually said and it was that sub doesn't address the plushberry issue, not issues in general. So I will pump my breaks on that, cuz I don't know. lol.
Wow. Someone actually comments on what I did, and says it's safe? Imagine that... I never had a problem force sexing... never cause any issue

AND here YOU are again. FUNNY. RD has paid NO ATTENTION to this thread. They send their "messenger boy"/shit starter/pot stirrer here to try and make us all feel stupid. Not sure about the rest of the followers here, but I've been growing for 10+ years and don't have these problems ever. I think that combined with your bad attitude, and shitty customer service skills RD has found a REAL GEM to represent their company. Oh, and by the way COLORADO leads the world in BS THC%'s... Subcools catalog for his strains has the highest testing cannabis in the world... tested out of CO. Here you are claiming 25%... Steep hill labs did an interview and said 24% was the highest they had ever seen (could have changed by now) and rarely do they see examples exceeding 20-22% I'm sooo sick of THC numbers. I know if it's bomb if I don't need to pack my 2nd bong hit that's laid out.
Lastly, Greenhouse seeds, and most the other companies "as a small start up co." DO NOT HAVE 50+ strains out in the first year. Some STILL dont have that many... GUESS THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU GUYS' RARE....?

E X A C T L Y....

At least you sound pissed in that comment, fuck dude. A few pages in, I thought you where trying some crazy ass tactic to try to get a job again.

Confused the shit out of me.

...then you contradicted yourself right after that post though. lol. But you sounded pissed damn it. lol
You guys are all such clowns with your speculation and and rumor spreading. Hopefully this will be the last time I post in this retarded thread. Just had to add some facts into the mix of shit stirring.

It would be real easy to stop 90% of the speculation and rumors and general dislike of RD public relations.

For starters, stop calling people names and treating them with contempt.

You say there are reports and pics and test info. So why dont you post one time with all the links together. Then anytime a retarded clown starts asking questions you can repost the post with all the info

I will give you an example.

Hello I am so and so from RD and here are some links to help you decide

First up is the strain everyone is talking about, the strain on the cover of high times. It is called xxxxx and you can buy beans at xxxx. The mom is xxx and the dad is xxxx.
RDstrongestdope. com

Next up is the high times cup winner. It is called xxxxx. The mom is xxxx dad is xxxxx and here are some pics
RDcupwinner. com

I realize that it takes a lot of valuable time to take pics and post some links. I also realize that RD says the info is out there and some links may have been posted, but for crying outloud act like adults even if the stoners at dopegrowers. com are not behaving the way you want them to.

Post the info with links on a few strains, especially the ones above and 90% is solved. How hard is that? Or take your beans, go home and dont chat anymore like has been done