You guys are all such clowns with your speculation and and rumor spreading. I figured out why everyone here feels free to talk shit. No dislike or disapprove button. Say whatever you want if it doesn't affect your visual reputation on the site...
A lot of the things you all speculate about are things you can look up on the Internet and find the answers to. Moonshine was the master grower for a dispensary's "boutique" line of medicine, aka high end herb. Yes he grew these strains there. You can look back and find entire tables of RD gear before it was released. Moonshine owned a dispensary prior to this. No one is backing RD. The Amsterdam cup win was a surprise and things just took off from there. Personally one of my patients has a brother in law in CO. He told him that his caregiver was with moonshine when he won for the moonshine haze and his response was "all I smoke is moonshine's herb. Ive been smoking the moonshine haze for a year." he frequents the dispensary that moonshine grew for until march 2012.
You wanna find someone being backed by money that is a hack of a breeder, look at Bret bogue. He openly admits he has billionaire backers. RD is a small start up company.
I don't know whether or not HT covers can be bought, I personally also think the HT crew are a bunch of coke heads, but remember that the cover was the strongest strain tested in any of the competitions last year. Talk shit if you want to and say the results are fake, but another friend of mine's strain he created that is clone only came in 5th and was written up in the article inside that issue. He didn't grow or enter the sample. Just created the strain and passed the clone to everyone. That tested at 22.85%. 25.49% is not out of the ordinary, and I don't understand why people doubt that number.
Hopefully this will be the last time I post in this retarded thread. Just had to add some facts into the mix of shit stirring.