Questions about starting a OP in a rented house


Active Member
I'm looking in to renting a house, possibly a townhouse, and starting a grow op in the basement or a spare bedroom.

What kind of contact with the landlord should i expect?

I'd pay my rent on time and would not cause an problems with the neighbors.

Any input would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
There is always the ""what if "" happens ...

What if ,,,,
the water heater breaks ,
he is a nosey landlord,
neighbors smell your garden
Im sure i could go on for a while .. but I'd rather get laid and go to bed ,, so Good luck.. I would not do it .. but I aint doing your time if you get caught ..Peace


Well-Known Member
Yep, all depends. Does he live across the street and is unemployed or is he a doctor who live miles away?

Aside from that it is very random man. If the landlord has a mortgage on the property the bank may come through once a year, insurance reasons, routine maintenance. You need some stealth.


Active Member
I'm not sure about all the property I'm looking at, i know one is owned by a real estate agency that buys foreclosures.

They would have to tell me before they want to enter the house, correct?

Before i started the op i would feel out the landlord for a few months and see how he is about stopping by.


Active Member
If you set up a grow op that takes up a whole room you might have to toss out a lot of plants. When you rent it is absolutely paramount that anyone that shows up be able to walk through every room without noticing anything. Even if you ask your landlord point blank and he/she says no problem you are not safe. I couldn't think of an easier way get a bunch of free weed. "Give me half or I will report you!" Stealth like Picasso said.


Well-Known Member
technically in most places they will have to give you 24hrs notie before entering, but that doesnt mean that you landlord will. Also if there is any sort of emergency; fire, flooding, they will be in without notice. If you do decide to grow in a rental I would recommend you obviously be as stealth as possible, and try to stay as small as you can. I wouldn't use a whole bedroom, you may however have a decent storage space in the basement that may be utilized. Also try to find a place where you are payng for your own electricity if you are planning on doing any major lighting.


Active Member
So my best bet would be to try and find a place that has a decent amount of closet space i can utilize?

I'm guessing they wouldn't want to look in the closets unless there is something that looks fishy.

Also i would most likely be paying for all the utilities in the places i was looking at.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
If you rent under your own real name & info. then the house can be traced back to you just as easily as if you were growing in your own home. You have to pay for rent and utilities... are you going to pay cash or write a check? A check ties you to it further and I doubt a landlord is going to want you showing up at their house once a month with a wad of cash. Money orders maybe???

Still there is the issue with renting under your real name. Most landlords will want to run a credit check so you can't get away with just giving them some false name & info.

Lastly... like the others said.... there are MANY reasons a landlord could show up and enter without 24 hour notice.

I think maybe you've seen too many episodes of WEEDS


Active Member
Why would it matter if i have it in my real name?

I'm not a felon, nor do i have an drug related priors.

Many people pay bills with money orders, it would hardly be strange for me to pay rent with one.

With the input I've got here I've deceived to go the stealth closet route, if i can control the odor i think it will be relatively safe.

As entertaining as weeds is i don't think i will be taking any pointers on any aspect of the industry from it.


Well-Known Member
If you keep it to a closet sized grow and pay your own utilities i don't think you run too much more risk than anyone growing in their own home. Just make sure you are very safe and don't burn someone elses house down ;) Good luck and good growing.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Why would it matter if i have it in my real name?

As I understand it most people who chose to do the rental thing (vs. a small grow at home) is so that they can have a larger garden which, if busted, would be a felony instead of a misdemeanor. By renting and not having their real identity tied to the place if they drive up one day and see DEA raiding the place they can simply keep on driving. Shedding a few tears I'm sure... but free freedom intact.

Perhaps this is not your intent and you just don't want to grow at home for some other reason (parents.... kids... etc.).

Either way... my point is that if you don't own the property where the garden is growing then you have a lot less control over the possible entry by landlord and getting busted.... and if real identity is used... being TIED to the crime.

Whatever... best of luck to you :D


Well-Known Member
I didn't read the other posts, but if they say you're gonna get caught, their right.
The landlord will be all up and in your business, *ahem* your busi-nass, if you will. You better believe they snoop while you aren't there.


Well-Known Member
Alright iv lived in three different town houses and iv Succesfully grown in each one. The last place was a close call, Police with landlord at the door:( Very scary stuff. But imo i would say that as long as you have the smell covered your in the clear 110% The smell would be the only reason you would get caught. The landlord does not and CAN NOT go in to your apartment with out a 24 hour notice and thats plenty of time to take care of the situation.


Well-Known Member
Rental properties are typically inspected by an agent at least once a year, at least that's how it's always worked since I've been renting. The are required to give you notice, it's 48 hrs notice where I live.


Well-Known Member
I think its better to rent and grow then own! But all these smart people on this thread saying don't rent and grow, are going to be crying like little bitches when they have everything they own including their home taken away growing in the home that they OWN! Punishment is the same for renting and owning your home, but if you own your home and get caught they can take your home along with everything else. I rent and grow, and they give notice when they come. You clean up the shit, hide the plants at a friends house, and move them back after the walk through. Its a pain in the ass, but I would rather have to do that, then risk losing a house I paid for. :) Its fine, just hide smell, be a good neighbor! :)


Active Member
" As I understand it most people who chose to do the rental thing (vs. a small grow at home) is so that they can have a larger garden which, if busted, would be a felony instead of a misdemeanor. By renting and not having their real identity tied to the place if they drive up one day and see DEA raiding the place they can simply keep on driving. Shedding a few tears I'm sure... but free freedom intact."

I don't think he wants to rent a place and fill it with plants. I think he plans on living there, and growing some weed somewhere inside.

It all depends on your landlord. Most of them do not want to go anywhere near your house as long as you pay the rent on time and don't have problems with the neighbors. I've never heard of an agency requiring annual inspections but I suppose some might. Just don't rent from them if they insist on invading your privacy every year for no reason.
I would be more concerned about room mates running their mouths.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I don't think he wants to rent a place and fill it with plants. I think he plans on living there, and growing some weed somewhere inside.

Ahhh, then I completely misunderstood the original post. Thanks for the correction. LOL.. It appears I am the one whose seen too many episodes of WEEDS .... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
landlords like to stay away from there property as much as possible.. well if its in an apartment building... if u rent a townhouse\halfhouse\whole house. then they like to stop by every once in a while to make sure there nice property they bought to keep in good condition isnt getting ruined by the renters(you). so if u rent a half house er townhouse........ make sure its in the hood. or in an area of alot of foreclosures....... apartment complexes arnt that good. the landlord has keyes to all the aparts. townhouses( most of them) u can change the locks as u wish..... but stay in a bad\poor\forclosure ridden ares. they are the best with non nosy landlords. or buy your own house, and rent the other half.......... live somewhere else. and grow in your half.....


Well-Known Member
I'm looking in to renting a house, possibly a townhouse, and starting a grow op in the basement or a spare bedroom.

What kind of contact with the landlord should i expect?

I'd pay my rent on time and would not cause an problems with the neighbors.

Any input would be appreciated.
im not gona bother you with all the dont do it shit... if you ask this question is cuz u already know the dangers n i dont think you want to hear them from us.....i have been renting for like 6 yrs by my own, other times with my parents... we have never have any problems with the landrords walking in into our property... they just cant... if you gona rent a house to grow... i suppose you dont want to use the closet or small space.. try to get a house with 3 rooms you can use one for veg other for flo and you can stay in the empty one... my uncle has a big ass house that he rents 3 rooms and he is growing in 2 of the rooms...