First Time molly user


Im gonna be doing molly for my first bassnectar concert at red rocks this saturday and was wondering if if anyone knew how much moonrock costs for probably just enough for me. I have never done it before but want to try it. If not moonrock then definitely molly in the powder form? Idk if powder form or another form is better. Either way I have never done molly, and don't know how much it would cost for just me. I am probably going to buy it from someone at the concert but maybe beforehand if this guy I know follows through. Thanks.
bring about 20$ for molly or maybe even 30 for extra precaution, you need about .1-.2 depends how good it is but maybe even bring like 50$ so you could bump if you wanted
Its always sketchy buying drugs like molly from people you dont know well. Or at all. You never really know what your gonna get. Either way its a fantastic experience especially 1st time.
Its always sketchy buying drugs like molly from people you dont know well. Or at all. You never really know what your gonna get. Either way its a fantastic experience especially 1st time.

Well moonrock im hoping for but dont know if its available at this concert. That would suck if they didn't but goddamn its effing colorado!
Hopefully there's gonna be moonrocks there. Would be a shame to be at red rocks and not get that trip. The pricing of them is high here in denver you think?
moonrocks? sorry what are moonrocks? im a very experienced user (althought ive been out of the loop for several years now) and have never heard of this moonrock before.. and you say powder? molly is a crystal... like salt and like salt cant be pressed to hold a shape. be careful you arent buying bunk shit.

dont pay more than $10 for .1 or your getting ripped off, have an experienced friend with you if possible...
yes moon rocks, and yes molly is a crystal, and i payed 20$ a .1 just cause it was delivered to me form a city 2 hours away lol, but i bought .4 and had a experienced friend with me who made sure we didn't crash hard, or were fine the next day, he gave us vitamin C and some other stuff, just cause i dd 90mg of adderal the day before that lol and was worn out and shit and didn't eat for 2 days and didn't sleep lol but you should be fun, molly is a great experience and the feeling of it, unexplainable happiness..
haha, molly at a bassnectar concert, way to break the stereotype man!

ahh, mainly I'm fucking with you, but the whiskey is telling me that I should laugh anyways.

just make sure you stay hydrated; you'll probably be dancing a lot. I doubt you need to worry about a test kit. But then again, I don't know you or the people you're getting it from. i always get drugs from my people I trust.. but i realize that's not a luxury everyone has. I doubt anyone is gonna sell you anything else purporting to be molly that's not molly. If anything it'll be some knockoff RC that won't be as strong. So don't worry about freaking out or anything on something that's stronger than molly. General rule of thumb: if it's a stronger drug you'd be paying more. So relax and you'll have a good time. Just stay hydrated and be smart.
haha, molly at a bassnectar concert, way to break the stereotype man!

ahh, mainly I'm fucking with you, but the whiskey is telling me that I should laugh anyways.

just make sure you stay hydrated; you'll probably be dancing a lot. I doubt you need to worry about a test kit. But then again, I don't know you or the people you're getting it from. i always get drugs from my people I trust.. but i realize that's not a luxury everyone has. I doubt anyone is gonna sell you anything else purporting to be molly that's not molly. If anything it'll be some knockoff RC that won't be as strong. So don't worry about freaking out or anything on something that's stronger than molly. General rule of thumb: if it's a stronger drug you'd be paying more. So relax and you'll have a good time. Just stay hydrated and be smart.

This isnt always true. Let me back up first... A lot of times there will be testing stations ( comes out to events like that where i live) at these type of events because there are SO MANY BUNK DRUGS BEING PASSED FOR THE REAL DEAL. So back to my first comment, that isnt always true.. if its stronger itll be more expensive, for exampe moxy a fuck ton "stronger" than molly and costs half the price, which ive also seen being passed as molly as raves. main thing to remember is to start slow and redose when you need it because the dealer you bought it from doesnt give 2 shits what happens if you have an alergic reaction to something in it or you take too much and die from heat exhaustion on the dance floor (seen that too) and if you get pills, dont fall for the double stack triple stack bullshit. and dont pay more than $15 for one. what im really trying to say is just be careful.. ive seen too many friends get permanent damage from these club drugs because they arent smart about their usage. The RC community ruined EDM culture by selling bunk drugs. Too many stories I hear "WHAT THE FUCK WAS IN THAT K DUDE?" or "OH FUCK WHAT DID I JUST SNORT THAT WASNT MOLLY!!!" its a shame really... Ive been watching it happen for years ever since i started DJing at big parties... Its sad really. [video=youtube;_SzCmk5KLUs][/video] This club was NOTORIOUS for RC's back in the late 90s. Good shit too but a lot of bunk shit