Malawi Gold ScrOG with Magenta Kessil


Well-Known Member
Hey All! Soory it took so long to post - I hade some chores to finish. Here is my log for Saturday:

Went to the hydro store and bought a cheapo clone tray and dome ($7) and a killer Dutch cube holder made of heavy duty plastic. It can be flipped over to hold large cubes or it can be used to hold 1" Grodan Rockwool cubes. This thing rocks! I am going to try FlowaMasta's suggestion and just use root gel and no xtra water systems. We will see if it makes a difference. Cut all of the clippings at the fan leaf node, scraped away the outer layer, split the stem, dipped in the rooting gel, and placed them in the prepared cubes. I did add a little twist - I put white/black plastic over the cubes and made slits so the stems could poke through and the cubes will stay damp.

I love cloning! I am going to start trying it with my tomato!



Well-Known Member
OK - Here is what I did on Sunday:

I checked on the progress of the Clipping clones and was suprised to see half of them wilted and then I realized that I had put half of the tray where it would get hit by sun! Oooops :(
The other two clones look fine so we will just wait and see what happens to the baked ones.

Moved the flower clone outside. I put her in a container with some old EB Stone organic soil with roots from other veggie grows. It smells amazing and is full of old mushrooms and roots and other good stuff!

There were some gnats in the soil (they are everywhere right now from the hot weather) so I sprayed some neem oil on the soil. Knocked them right down. This motivated me to spray down the whole yard so I spent some time soaking the yard in neem. It will be interesting to see the results as this is my first season trying this stuff.

I added nutes to the indoor girl and got a new reflector socket so I could add the UVB back in. Oh, and I added a second screen! There was some trauma both on my and the plant's part. I did some unitentional supercropping :P The screen had a bulge in the middle and when I was gently pulling it taut it slowly lowered in place - yay! Then it poped up and back down and gave me a few kinky tops! We will see what effect that has on her growth.

EC - 2.0
pH - 5.7


Second screen full setup








Micro Clone

Big Clone



Flower Clone Planting (with growth tip from attempted FIM)

That is all folks!



Well-Known Member
OK - last post for today. Here is what I did today:

First of all I forgot to explain the 11/13 thing in the last post - I meant to tell you but I got distracted by the pictures.... I was reading some posts where they referred to an article about using different (11/13) flowering photoperiods to get the most from Sativa. So I am trying this method. I changed the timing by 5 minute intervals until I was at 11 light and 13 dark. Maybe more dark makes the Sativa push harder to finish. If it causes problems I still have my outside babies.

I have been getting concerned about the small net pot that I am using is not allowing my roots to get any bigger so I am trying something drastic. I am cutting away the net pot from underneath. On my first pass this morning I was able to cut away all the top of the net pot. This caused the plant to drop a few inches until it rested on the branches. I was able to remove some Hydroton from the top of the net and reveal some roots that were trying to grow up. These should go nuts now.

Later today I returned to do some more damage hehe. First I used some of my LST wires to suspend the plant from the first screen. Then I got out my sterilized tin snips and worked my way down the side of the net to try and remove the whole thing. I was able to cut away two opposite sides without damaging any roots, but the halves did not come off - too many roots! I was able to remove much more Hydroton and free up some more room for new root growth.

In clone news today the wilted clippings are making a slight recovery - surprisingly! I also removed the dome because there was a post here that said he gets better results without. I always love an experiment :)

The flower clone showed some slight wilt during its first day of full sun (very hot today) but after some watering she bounced back nicely. The micro clone had that standing at attention look I love to see! She was loving the heat :) The big clone also loved the sunny day and she got her neem bath today. The yard seemed to have a much smaller population of gnats and such today so I think the neem is making a difference. The little saucer of beer under the plant had a moth in it! - It works :)



Well-Known Member
Hi All! Here is what I have been up to today:

Cut away more of the net pot. The middle seemed to be composed of nothing but loose Hydroton!
Cleaned the LJT top and aligned the main plant better. Trained and clipped some tops, added some Sea Green and SuperThrive.
Cut tip growth off the top of the big clone to fix my FIM error. I made a clone of the tip.

Here are some pictures of the root project from earlier today before I cut more away:

Next time I will turn off the sprinklers so my camera does not get wet!



Well-Known Member
Has anyone told you that you have an awesome camera??? lol
FlowaMasta got his first and he made me fall in love with it! It is a Samsung WB150F with 18X zoom! Gets great macro shots. Best Buy has a great deal on them!



Well-Known Member
Wow. You're doing so many interesting things here. Your cloning, your double screen... and net pot surgery? Now I've seen it all. I actually have quite a bit of reading to do. Now I know what it's like to try to follow one of my threads. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Wow. You're doing so many interesting things here. Your cloning, your double screen... and net pot surgery? Now I've seen it all. I actually have quite a bit of reading to do. Now I know what it's like to try to follow one of my threads. Lol.
It is all your fault LordJin! I have a temperamental Sativa and two cats! Oh, and I am loving every minute of it - thanks!


Well-Known Member
Wow, you're an mj multiplier. That clone (plant) looks really good. How do you do that?

You and FM make me wish I had my own real garden area with real dirt. I would love to get my hands dirty. lol.


Active Member
FlowaMasta got his first and he made me fall in love with it! It is a Samsung WB150F with 18X zoom! Gets great macro shots. Best Buy has a great deal on them!

I actually bought mine off of ebay from a retailer out of NY.(Canadian retail price was $299) Got the camera on sale for $189.99 and for another ~$30-35 I got an extra battery, 16GB SD, USB Card Reader, 2 Tripods, screen protectors, lens cleaner, and a few other things! Best Buy is far from a good deal! ;-)


Active Member
Hi All! Here is what I have been up to today:

Cut away more of the net pot. The middle seemed to be composed of nothing but loose Hydroton!
Cleaned the LJT top and aligned the main plant better. Trained and clipped some tops, added some Sea Green and SuperThrive.
Cut tip growth off the top of the big clone to fix my FIM error. I made a clone of the tip.

Here are some pictures of the root project from earlier today before I cut more away:

Next time I will turn off the sprinklers so my camera does not get wet!

No offense, but I really think you have rot by the looks of that picture! That would cause the slow growth. The net pot should have little to no effect, as I use the 3 or 3 1/2" net pots only for my plants. They will grow roots below the net pot when healthy without issue. By the time I chop, the stalks fill up at least 1/2 of the inner diameter of the little net pots that I use. Plants in the end are 2 1/2-4' and yield great. It isn't the net pot!

I just started running the tea in my Undercurrent setup and have won the battle I was having finally! Now I can concentrate on getting my girls ready for the flip in a week or so and let the show begin! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
No offense, but I really think you have rot by the looks of that picture! That would cause the slow growth. The net pot should have little to no effect, as I use the 3 or 3 1/2" net pots only for my plants. They will grow roots below the net pot when healthy without issue. By the time I chop, the stalks fill up at least 1/2 of the inner diameter of the little net pots that I use. Plants in the end are 2 1/2-4' and yield great. It isn't the net pot!

I just started running the tea in my Undercurrent setup and have won the battle I was having finally! Now I can concentrate on getting my girls ready for the flip in a week or so and let the show begin! :bigjoint:
Woops, he might have something there. I'm really, really high these days... please forgive me for not thinking more deeply about your brown roots. Thanks, Slanty. I think you're right. I've seen browning with roots exposed to air, but that's normal (to an extent). I didn't really take into account the slow growing because of the fact that it's a Sativa, but it's probably indicative of something, eh?

Mo, are you using organic additives?


Active Member
Woops, he might have something there. I'm really, really high these days... please forgive me for not thinking more deeply about your brown roots. Thanks, Slanty. I think you're right. I've seen browning with roots exposed to air, but that's normal (to an extent). I didn't really take into account the slow growing because of the fact that it's a Sativa, but it's probably indicative of something, eh?

Mo, are you using organic additives?
Hey, I don't have a lot of spare time these days, but I do try to help friendly faces around these parts, and I am pretty sure I nailed it on the head! That is some ugly looking root structure if you ask me for a hydro setup.......:sad:

I can honestly say I did avoid using H2O2 all together and fixed my issue with using the TEA!!
I had to get my local dro shop to actually order in the Botanicare products.... but I can attest that the TEA does in fact work!!! Beneficial bacteria beats chemicals any day IMO!

Breed enzymes that feed on the bad stuff! Who woulda thought? :wall:


Well-Known Member
Hey, I don't have a lot of spare time these days, but I do try to help friendly faces around these parts, and I am pretty sure I nailed it on the head! That is some ugly looking root structure if you ask me for a hydro setup.......:sad:

I can honestly say I did avoid using H2O2 all together and fixed my issue with using the TEA!!
I had to get my local dro shop to actually order in the Botanicare products.... but I can attest that the TEA does in fact work!!! Beneficial bacteria beats chemicals any day IMO!

Breed enzymes that feed on the bad stuff! Who woulda thought? :wall:
Enzymes remain something of a mystery for me. I tried Mother Earth Tea and Hygrozyme and it made my roots look all brown just like that! I went the h202 route and it worked perfectly for me. And yet I've heard others with reports of stellar success with zymes and such. Hm.


Well-Known Member
Thanks All!

This is my first indoor grow and I have been using the FloraNova Bloom which is this brown goo along with the Sea Green which is more brown goo. The roots do not feel slimy and the root area smells like carrots and not like sewage so I think they are healthy. I did have some light getting in which I finally fixed and I think the nutes are too high. I have been using H2O2 all along per LordJin's advice and it really seems to work. It may just be the strain, or the LED, or the fact that she had her roots broken off at a young age, or... ?

I am going to do a flush this weekend and get her nice and hungry and then feed her dialed down nutes. How does that sound?

Plus the outdoor lady looks so happy and June is just starting! :)

I may just start this indoor grow over with one of her clones and a 600W if I cannot get these flowers to bulk up.



Active Member
Enzymes remain something of a mystery for me. I tried Mother Earth Tea and Hygrozyme and it made my roots look all brown just like that! I went the h202 route and it worked perfectly for me. And yet I've heard others with reports of stellar success with zymes and such. Hm.
Need to breed the proper ones that actually work! I have Sensizym from AN and METG/METB and have cut everything out at this point except for AN 3part and some CAL/MAG supplement and the Heisenberg Tea. I will slowly start adding back other sub-nutes and see if things keep going in the right direction. I know something that I added to my system is contaminated in some sort of way, as I have never had issues like this before.


Active Member
Thanks All!

This is my first indoor grow and I have been using the FloraNova Bloom which is this brown goo along with the Sea Green which is more brown goo. The roots do not feel slimy and the root area smells like carrots and not like sewage so I think they are healthy. I did have some light getting in which I finally fixed and I think the nutes are too high. I have been using H2O2 all along per LordJin's advice and it really seems to work. It may just be the strain, or the LED, or the fact that she had her roots broken off at a young age, or... ?

I am going to do a flush this weekend and get her nice and hungry and then feed her dialed down nutes. How does that sound?

Plus the outdoor lady looks so happy and June is just starting! :)

I may just start this indoor grow over with one of her clones and a 600W if I cannot get these flowers to bulk up.

Sorry to say, but those are far from healthy roots! Do not fear and don't throw your hard work to the curb just yet! Look into the TEA and see what you can do! Your plant should make a full recovery as long as you keep it in veg! I personally go for the active microbes in the reservoir/solution as opposed to killing the majority of them using H2O2 regardless if you are using Organic or not. That is just my preference.

edit: Figure out what you are doing in a hurry, as you will risk the chance of losing a substantial amount of time with that indoor plant if you don't do something in a hurry! The Tea is a end all be all resolution that will keep on giving......

Just my 2 cents!

ps. my grow shop actually personally asked me to give a report on the Botanicare products that I made them order in. Apparently there was a very bad distributor for them up here prior, which I 1st heard from Botanicare Reps themselves when I called them! I have nothing but GREAT things to say so far!