He does, he's very handsome. And he has watches that are apparently nice? Idk lol. Never even heard of the brand but everyone else seemed to know so...I suppose they must be really nice.

haha...thank you very much for the compliment.

my dad always said a man always has a nice watch. that it says a lot about you. i guess it kinda stuck. never had a necklace, ring, bracelet, or earing in my life. always just a watch.
I would've never guessed..
Holy shit...

You have to understand now I look at you totally different ehh?

how do you mean?

OK so...are you like...a columbian drug lord or something? What do you do for a living?

i'm not latin. lol. half black and half white. born and raised in NY. i'm a real estate developer/investor. plus i have a shipping logistics company.

Picture 1 = Your high
Picture 2 = Your drunk


picture 1 i'm wrecked!! 2 boxes of shrooms, couple glasses of sangria, and a ton of weed and hash. wandering the streets of amsterdam with my boy. out of our minds. lol

picture 2 i'm probably just stoned. i really don't drink that much. probably been drunk 5 times in the last 5 years.
The sun and I don't get along. It's always tricking me.... I go outside because the sun makes it such a pretty day....then it turns around and burns the shit out of me. And it does it all creepy and stealthy-like too. I don't even know i'm burning. I'll just be hanging out, having a grand ol time. Then I get home and hours later my skin is on fire and itching me to death. I'm peeling right now from a bad burn I got on a walk lol.
The sun and I don't get along. It's always tricking me.... I go outside because the sun makes it such a pretty day....then it turns around and burns the shit out of me. And it does it all creepy and stealthy-like too. I don't even know i'm burning. I'll just be hanging out, having a grand ol time. Then I get home and hours later my skin is on fire and itching me to death. I'm peeling right now from a bad burn I got on a walk lol.

No bueno.. I don't burn, but I go out of my way to make sure I don't tan my face. I use self tanners on my face to match the rest of me, lol.
6 is a killer whale. 7 is a wahoo. 8 is a dorado (mahi mahi).

I knew Dorados where ugly mofos, but that's a first for me seeing one. V-cool pics. I like the pic of De Waag Huis in the Dam as well. Just along the road from my house.

Peace, DST