Show me an electoral count where Obama wins (and is feasible). At this point, it is Romney's to lose, even the librul media agrees.
I dunno maybe, it seems to be a valid question considering their candidate which will never win.
Show me an electoral count where Obama wins (and is feasible). At this point, it is Romney's to lose, even the librul media agrees.
If he makes Rand Paul his VP pick, he'll get every one of the Ron Paul supporters and just about every libertarian. He'll already get the Conservative vote and looks like he has a distinct edge on Independents. The GOP could have put forth Charles Manson as their candidate and they'd still get my vote this year. I can't think of one scenario other than major head trauma that leads to me voting for Obama.
A lot of us don't like Rand enough to sway our vote towards Mittens, he is a social conservative. I would not vote for Mittens just because Rand would be the useless VP.
So you'll vote for Obama? Either directly or by pissing your vote into the wind on a third party candidate in a show of defiance that no one but Obama will benefit from? I tried that with Perot, it didn't work out so well. The enemy of my enemy is my friend... For the sake of the country, hold your nose and vote for some sanity and at least a four year intermission from this progressive, traitorous and suicidal agenda.
Not remotely true.If he makes Rand Paul his VP pick, he'll get every one of the Ron Paul supporters and just about every libertarian.
Ridiculous claim. Very unlikely. Romney did horrible with independents.He'll already get the Conservative vote and looks like he has a distinct edge on Independents.
Not remotely true.
Ridiculous claim. Very unlikely. Romney did horrible with independents.
I like how you just state your opinion here as if its fact....I am sorry its just not..We have had poll after Poll on libertarian and Ron Paul websites showing just the opposite of what you wrote and we libertarians are constantly disagreeing with you in our writings on the Internet. I have to say the vast majority of the libertarians on the Internet disagree with you about all of this, further, there are MANY conservatives that absolutely dispise Mitt Romney this is well known. I would also like to add that typical libertarians do not buy into the "LESSER EVIL" or "Throwing away your vote" crap...they are after all third party voters historically...
I am sorry but no matter what Glenn Beck tells you ..Conservatives are NOT libertarians...
sorry this is just your opinion and while some people I am sure share this opinion it is not EVERYONE, as you put it, and scientifically proven not to be the majority.
I don't know where you get your information, but Romney has been killing Obama on the Independents for a while now. Maybe i overshot by including the libertarians, now that I think about it, they may be stubborn enough to help Obama so they can not vote for Romney. As to the wasted vote subject, I used to think that way, but every vote for a third party candidate is exactly the same as a vote for Obama. Perot absolutely won the election for Clinton. I know, I fell for it.
I haven't listened to Beck or watched Fox news in over six months, not that I'm avoiding it, I'm off political tv at the moment and Beck is too religiony for my taste these days. Take your incorrect and condescending bullshit down to the kiddy table.
How can we ever elect the best candidate if we vote with the "lesser than two evils" mentality?
Have you looked at any of the Polls lately? And not just on fox news but on any liberal media outlet?
Romney and Obama are essentially tied in the polls.
So, what are you basing your insane assumption on again?
face it, one of the two are inevitable this time. maybe if your hero and savior actually tried for a revolution instead of a massively failed delegate collection strategy, we would be looking at a possible three way race.
so this year, it's a matter of blocking the worse candidate, the one who would rather see you buy a pill from big pharma rather than grow your own medicine in accordance with state laws.
That only leaves you with a choice of a write-in vote for Ron Paul, or voting for Gary Johnson.
you're such a drama queen. pull the wadded panties out, dry up your tears, and buck up, sweetie.
“What I specifically said was that we were not going to prioritize prosecutions of persons who are using medical marijuana,” Obama said. “I never made a commitment that somehow we were going to give carte blanche to large-scale producers and operators of marijuana — and the reason is, because it’s against federal law.”The president continued: “I can’t nullify congressional law. I can’t ask the Justice Department to say, ‘Ignore completely a federal law that’s on the books.’ What I can say is, ‘Use your prosecutorial discretion and properly prioritize your resources to go after things that are really doing folks damage.’ As a consequence, there haven’t been prosecutions of users of marijuana for medical purposes.”
And yet, Obama was able to instruct DoJ to ignore enforcement of DOMA. In case you don't know, DOMA was passed by congress, and Obama nullified it from an enforcement perspective; but he can't nullify congressional law when it comes to enforcement of cannabis laws. It almost seems like Obama really is just a standard drug warrior, but don't let that stop you from massaging his ball sack.
The DEA and FDA determine what is listed in the controlled substances act. The president could call in the heads of those agencies and order them to delist cannabis from the CSA tonight and their only options would be, "yes sir, it will be done tomorrow" or "here is my resignation".
Obama owns the drug war, just like every president since Nixon.