PLEASE HELP - not sure what's happening with my plant!! PICS INCLUDED


ANY advice will be greatly appreciated!

Hey this is my plant in it's 11th-12th week of outdoor growth and it's been having some problems: the lower leaf sets are getting yellow and wilted, but as you move up the plant it seems to look healthier. The larger fan leaves have started to show yellow spots (in the up close pic below) so I am getting worried. Could this be a nitrogen deficiency? Or potentially heat stress?(the area Im in is about 96 degrees avg). Or some other problem that Im not aware of? I've been watering regularly with a fertilizer of an NPK of 5-5-5.

Also, are there any things I can do to induce or help with flowering?

Help is very much appreciated! Thanks a lot guys.



Thanks, I've looked it over as well as some other similar articles but I cant discern which of these problems is the cause...any other suggestions??


Well-Known Member
Plant looks nice and green but them gold spots tell
Me you probably have a visitor spider mites I'm almost sure that's what they are spray
Your plant with mighty wash and around the
Base drop some phyrthryn follow up every 3 days
If you can


Active Member
i agree that you got spider mites. The yellowing at the bottom could be overwatering. How often you water and how much? 96 degrees has to be too hot... If you water with nutes everytime it could be a nute overdose...


Yeah I thought it might be spider mites because Ive been seeing these tiny insects crawling around the soil and base of the plant. I water about every other day, sometimes every three days - this is because it's very hot and the soil dries quickly where I am. I only water with 12 oz. Occasionally I spray the foliage with plain water - will this help with the spider mites?

Also, would every one agree that using mighty wash and pyrethrin is the best route to take? Or are there any other (better) approaches to removing spider mites?

Thanks for your replies.


About once a week - only about a tablespoon mixed in 12 oz of H2O.

What method is preferred and typically gives best results? Neem oil or mighty wash with pyrethrin?


Active Member
Spraying the foliage can cause burning especially if you do it in the middle of the day, especially in 96 degree weather.
only 12 oz ever 2 or 3 days? you might be under watering them...

I spray my foliage but it gets no hotter than 85 over here right now, and I do it in the morning like 8am before it gets too hot...

water will not get rid of the spider mites.... mighty wash idea is cool.

I water every other day and I use a gallon of water each time.IMAG0955.jpg adding mulch will help you out too. Kills growing weeds, helps regulate soil dampness and temp. Also kills the mites you have on the ground before they get to your plant.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought it might be spider mites because Ive been seeing these tiny insects crawling around the soil and base of the plant. I water about every other day, sometimes every three days - this is because it's very hot and the soil dries quickly where I am. I only water with 12 oz. Occasionally I spray the foliage with plain water - will this help with the spider mites?

Also, would every one agree that using mighty wash and pyrethrin is the best route to take? Or are there any other (better) approaches to removing spider mites?

Thanks for your replies.
I would recommend using Neem or AzaMax as a preventative measure, and I use "End All" insect killer in the concentrated bottle so that I can mix it in my sprayer for a gallon when I need to kill them on contact. Works just as good as the Mighty Wash does, except that it's Organic.

It's most definitely spider mites though. And the yellowing on the bottom leaves is because those leaves have had mites the longest, and they move up the plant. I used to get mites regularly by the last couple weeks of flower, and typically all throughout until I started using AzaMax as a soil drench and the alternating between Neem Oil and AzaMax as a foliar as well.


Well-Known Member
or aphids, or thrips..they all cause the plant to look like something has sucked it's green out...


I would recommend using Neem or AzaMax as a preventative measure, and I use "End All" insect killer in the concentrated bottle so that I can mix it in my sprayer for a gallon when I need to kill them on contact. Works just as good as the Mighty Wash does, except that it's Organic.

It's most definitely spider mites though. And the yellowing on the bottom leaves is because those leaves have had mites the longest, and they move up the plant. I used to get mites regularly by the last couple weeks of flower, and typically all throughout until I started using AzaMax as a soil drench and the alternating between Neem Oil and AzaMax as a foliar as well.
Okay thanks, I called my local garden supply and they only seem to carry neem oil, no Azamax. So I was going to use the neem oil with the End ALL insect killer. What regimen would you recommend for this? How often to apply, what time of day, how much, etc...