200w+ CFL scrog in the attic


Active Member
Nice canopy man, looks like you nailed it.
Thanks! They actually stretched a whole lot last night, so I did some more training just now. I'll add pics tomorrow after all the tops have had a chance to twist around and adjust, but I am really worried I might run out of space before she stops stretching. If that happens and they grow up like 1+ feet above the screen, I'm afraid my CFLs won't have the penetrating power necessary to have healthy buds. But you live and learn, right?


Active Member
Nothing wrong with a little generosity haha. You might find yourself with a little more than 5 grams a plant though. I did a grow that was 12/12 from seed under 8x23w cfls and though all my plants hermied, I got about a quarter a plant. the plant that went the longest without getting seeded or developing pollen sacs came in at ten gram. I did a hempy style grow with just perlite and vermiculite and I used jack's classic blossom booster. they were also bag seed and your going from clone from good genetics and will probably take better care of your plants than i did mine. I also cut off lower shoots and only let the top foot or so of the plant bud, because i know the cfl doesn't penetrate deep. I'll definately follow your sog too if you post anything about it.


Active Member
Nothing wrong with a little generosity haha. You might find yourself with a little more than 5 grams a plant though. I did a grow that was 12/12 from seed under 8x23w cfls and though all my plants hermied, I got about a quarter a plant. the plant that went the longest without getting seeded or developing pollen sacs came in at ten gram. I did a hempy style grow with just perlite and vermiculite and I used jack's classic blossom booster. they were also bag seed and your going from clone from good genetics and will probably take better care of your plants than i did mine. I also cut off lower shoots and only let the top foot or so of the plant bud, because i know the cfl doesn't penetrate deep. I'll definately follow your sog too if you post anything about it.
Well the reason I expect such a small amount per plant is I'll be rooting the clones under 12/12, and the clones will be taken from fully mature plants, so they will be forming roots for the first week or two of 12/12 probably, before their tops even start growing much. I haven't been able to find any examples of someone rooting their SOG clones under 12/12, but I just am assuming that it will significantly cut down the amount of time the plant is undergoing vegetative growth before it starts to focus mostly on flower production. But I won't know until I try it!

My SOG journal is here: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/529247-dinafem-super-silver-perpetual-sog.html

Right now the only SOG plant I have in the flower chamber is an attempt to root a branch I accidentally snapped when I was training the ScrOG, so it already had 22 days of 12/12 before I even tried to root it. The Mother will be ready to donate her first clone to the SOG sometime in the next few days, I think, so then I'll have 2 plants there. I should have a pretty good idea of how big the plant will be in about 3-4 weeks, but I'm really not expecting too much growth.


Active Member
this is all very interesting man. I actually took the top from one of the plants that I topped, rubbed it in some rooting hormone and stuck it in a jiffy pellet under a plastic cup and it's in my grow room under 12/12 too. I just want to see if I could get it to root under such little lighting. I posted a thread one time asking if anyone knew if it took longer for a clone to root in 12/12 or for a flowering clone to revert to veg to root under 18+ hours of light and then made to flower again. No one ever answered me though.


Active Member
this is all very interesting man. I actually took the top from one of the plants that I topped, rubbed it in some rooting hormone and stuck it in a jiffy pellet under a plastic cup and it's in my grow room under 12/12 too. I just want to see if I could get it to root under such little lighting. I posted a thread one time asking if anyone knew if it took longer for a clone to root in 12/12 or for a flowering clone to revert to veg to root under 18+ hours of light and then made to flower again. No one ever answered me though.
I'd say toss the clear plastic cup. In my experience the clones with domes take longer to root and have a lower success rate than the ones without.

As to your question, I also don't know! For me in this grow, amount of time isn't really a concern, it's more about how big the plant will eventually get. But if someone is growing more commercially or consumes a lot more than I do, I can see why you might be more time-conscious.


Active Member
Just a quick update with pictures.... first off, the canopy today, on Day 29 of flowering, Day 54 from seed:

As you can see, the flowers are starting to come along nicely. Here are a couple closer shots showing the flower development:

I also watered again today, which is 12 days from the last watering. Before watering I mixed some Happy Frog dry fertilizer into the surface of the soil, which is the first feeding since she was transplanted. I probably won't feed again for another 40 days or so, unless she starts to look like she is lacking something.

That's all for now!


Well-Known Member
Your flowers are beautiful! What are you feeding them :)

My Malawi Sativa is trying:



Active Member
So I was trying to post this last night, but RIU seemed to be having some kind of server issues (again?), so I had to save it to a text file for later posting. As I'll explain below, I'm going to be largely abandoning this journal in favor of a different forum that has less server problems. But first, the stuff I wanted to say last night ("today" is yesterday in the post, etc.):

Don't you just want to pop one of those things in your mouth like a delicious sweet.
Funny you say that... last night, I accidentally snapped the top off a tiny side branch when I was pushing in the spout of the watering can. It was too short/tiny to make cloning feasible, so I was about to toss it out when I decided I might as well sample it, even though I was expecting almost no THC yet at this point. I clipped the leaves and threw the bud on top of my wireless router (reliably warm spot) last night to help it dry out quickly. Well, after drying about 24 hours, it looked combustible (if not really dry yet), so I just ripped it up and tossed it in my 1-hitter. It was barely enough to fill the bowl... and this is a little tiny bowl on a fake cigarette.

Well... long story short, let's just say it definitely contains THC. lol! Like a pretty pleasant amount for such an immature stage of flowering. I suddenly have very high hopes for this crop and this strain more generally. I mean it's not blowing my mind, but it's probably 5x or even 10x what I was expecting when I packed that bowl, which was an almost undetectable head change. This is less than 1/3 of the way through flowering!

Your flowers are beautiful! What are you feeding them?
My Malawi Sativa is trying:
Yours is looking a lot more like a pure sativa than mine... I'm definitely jealous on that front. In terms of fertilizer, I've actually hardly fed her at all. I used an organic potting soil that had some nutrients in it to start with (see this post), and I mixed in a little more Espoma Plant-tone when I transplanted her into this container. Since then, I've only been giving water until last night, so the flowers you see resulted from just that. Last night I added a dose of Happy Frog dry fertilizer, and that's probably all the fertilizing I'm going to be doing unless I notice unhealthiness of some sort, at least for a month or two. I might do one more feeding around the one-month-before-harvest timeframe, but that's all I have planned at this time... at least unless someone convinces me otherwise!
So, as much as it saddens me to do this, I am afraid that the server issues here are making me less motivated to be as active on this forum. I will still check in here to reply to questions and maybe even post an update once in awhile, but I will be primarily maintaining my regularly-updated grow journal here now: (REMOVED)

EDIT: As I state below, I've changed my mind yet again and decided to stick around.


Active Member
Sorry to have you go. At least post up pics of the finished plant and harvest, maybe a smoke report. It was fun to watch you grow while we could.


Active Member
Sorry to have you go. At least post up pics of the finished plant and harvest, maybe a smoke report. It was fun to watch you grow while we could.
Okay after sobering up and thinking about it for a day I'm going to give RIU another chance. I really do like the community here, I just wish their servers were a little more stable. So, sorry for the flip-flopping, but I'll stick around after all!

So, in celebration, here's a super close-up shot showing trichome development as of today, Day 32 of 12/12:

And here are a few other photos from today:



Active Member
Just found your journal. Nice job! Gonna follow it up to the end

So my timer apparently burnt out the night before last, who knows how many hours of light I got that night (at least 3-4, that's when I went to bed). Last night I didn't realize the timer was out until almost 3 hours into what should have been lights-on, so there was definitely an extra-long "night" yesterday, even if the timer didn't burn out until near the end of the "day." Since I'm turning the lights on and off manually while awaiting a new timer (delivery estimate tomorrow), that meant I got 11 hours of light last night, followed by almost 14 hours of darkness, and tonight I'm only going to be able to do 10 hours of light at best before I have to leave for work. I really hope I don't get any hermies. That old timer had served me well for close to 10 years, both with my first grows (2003-2004) and my aquarium lights since then, so I guess it was just reaching the end of its life.

I took some pictures last night, but didn't have time tonight. Here are a few teaser pics from last night:





i just started following up on your journal today and man let me tell you am i impressed with your grow. Im still a newbie grower here with my first plant but ill get the hang of it. Im also using cfls for my grow but unfortunately i am short on money like nothing at all at the moment. I have my little whiteberry clone that i ordered from clone queen genetics and not that much growth has showed but i think its because im lackin light im only using 2x27w cfl that are like super close to the plant since they dont give off much heat. Any suggestions would be appreciated. +rep


Active Member
i just started following up on your journal today and man let me tell you am i impressed with your grow. Im still a newbie grower here with my first plant but ill get the hang of it. Im also using cfls for my grow but unfortunately i am short on money like nothing at all at the moment. I have my little whiteberry clone that i ordered from clone queen genetics and not that much growth has showed but i think its because im lackin light im only using 2x27w cfl that are like super close to the plant since they dont give off much heat. Any suggestions would be appreciated. +rep
got a journal? if not, start one and I'll happily sub! growth will depend on lots of other factors too, like what soil you're using and how often you're watering. The less you water the better, at least to a point. You want to let ithe soil get dry, like parched in the desert dry, between watering.