chocabloc, good luck with your plans , if you do go ahead with them then please please please make sure to start setting some aside for bail and a lawyer.
good luck again
I expect to be able to get 5 a plant at least. I have done my research into this and the average for a 600 watt seems to be 300 grams with a long veg time. This man last year sold 26 bags in one day. Hed prob be able to get rid of 10 os in a day no problem. How do you know they weight the plant? Because i mean the average plant prob weighs a kilo with soil and everything. That means anyone caught with one plant is absolutely fucked. I hope i dont come across as a tyre kicker or a greedy cunt. I have done a serious amount of research into this and i think its crazy how expensive weed is here. Ive been paying 450 -500 an ounce for last year and I wouldnt mind making a dent in that. Even if its only a small one
Ok I don't mean to be a dick, but 10 ounces off 4 600w lights? Iv gotten 12/13 on a good run off a single 400w changed to a 600w midway through flower.
"Just outta interest where you gonna tell "your guy" all the weed is coming from? What you gonna do when he decides his cut isn't enough and you're making all the cheddar? What you gonna do if he tells someone when drunk and they decide they want your stash? Have you considered the need to defend yourself? Have you considered his risks of getting arrested and ratting you for reduced charges himself?"
The fella in mind has been my friend and neighbour since i was about 4. I have already thought about this. Ill give him 4 o's at a time. That way if he does got caught he wont have too much on him and i know he will not rat. I am 100% confident of this. He will know im growing it and I know he will keep his mouth shut.
I havent come to a decision yet what to do with the money. I can live with not spending it on nice things. Electricity will be in my name and the landlord is not a issue. He never visits as he lives abroad.
I have seen many strains reach far excess of this. Obviously an indica as there heavy yielders. I have seen grows where people have gotten around 20 ounces from 1 plant vegged for 4 weeks in a dwc under a 600 hps. Have you heard of scrogging? .5 gram per watt is what any novice grower should aim for. Im vegging each plant for 2 months. Achieving 10 ounces is the least of my worries. Even if i only got 5 ounces I would be happy. The strength of a weed is due to genetics. It has absolutely nothing to do with how big its grown. Obviously correct flushing affects quality but size does not affect quality.
I do appreciate all yer answers even if they are not what I want to hear. My main issue with this is still how cannabis is valued. Im getting mixed reports. I have been told by the fella in the growshop that its 400 per plant regardless whereas I have heard here that they weigh the plant fully. Can anyone give me a definitve answer on the valuation.
I could vent into the attic or through a window. Surely this will deal with the heat for 4 600 watts.
Oh theyre coming along, the 400w tent a little behind the 600w but I expected that. I'll post something up when it's not just really hairy nodeshows your own comeing along har? must be getting musty in that tent by now....![]()
Also I will have no bags or scales on the premises. I had to stop growing with my previous partner because he wouldnt stop selling.
My lowryder 2 has just started flowering, does anyone know how long lowryder 2s take to flower?
also choca, ive been reading your posts and ive a few things to say,
Firstly, can you deal with being paranoid 24/7 about police showing up at your door? What happens if the ESB or whoever notices the huge irregularity in your electricity bills?
Also what happens if you have visitors in the house the house and they notice the absolute stink of weed?
And lastly i have heard that the guards value each plant at 400 euro coz i know someone who was caught with 8 HUGE plants and a few young plants and the guards seriously underestimated the value of the big ones but overestimated the value of the small ones
I have the cash to cover the electricity and 5 months rent if i need it. @ Harrekin. I meant 10 ounces per 600 watt. To be honest I do want to make money from it. If were growing 2 plants for us and the penalty is the same as growing 8 then why not grow the 8 and make extra money.
If two guys are caught in a house with two plants for your own use you may not even hear anything about it again as ive heard many a story of garda taking one and two plants and nothing ever happened about it, but if your caught with 8 plants with big lights they are not going to let you off, its true for 8 plants i dont think you would do jail if its your first offense
morning kang, hows the hand these days, i was supose to be back down the hos this morning, said fuck it i`ll go tonight, and i`m bringing the internets with me, in case theres another ould fucker that won`t change the channel beside me again..hahahaha..
fingers crossed, hate a dry spell myself....
good news on the hand tho, like to go to the bone its healed fairly qiuck... and as for throwing the left, well as long as the fingers roll the papers then your grand....hahahaah
Thanks for all the advice. I only reply to one person at a time as i dont know how to multi quote. Im gonna go to visit the grow shop guy and see his perspective on it and maybe talk to a lawyer for a definite answer. You think theyd be able to give it?
so chocabloc you and your mate both smoke 3 oz's per month each? 3000 euro a month, if thats the case the best advise i can give you is get a better job that will fund your serious habit or take a break and re-access your smoking and cut down cause you both are paying for a drug dealers house
I already sell to fund my habit. Which is what im trying to stop as its just too risky. I dont mind having a cultivation charge but i dont want a sale and supply charge hence me here looking for advice. However im not going down the route of getting a key.
believe it or not its people like you that is preventing cannabis being legal, if every smoker grew his own plant and not 50 of them theres nothing anyone could do about it but when cops find a house full thats been grown for profit they have full support of the zombie public and the war continues"
So its not people like me who are preventing it being legal. Its the fact that every smoker doesnt grow his own plant. Either way people are still gonna buy the weed. Someones gonna grow the weed and make money off it. Could either be me, a limerick drug gang or some poor Vietnamese bastards. The only way for legalisation through non political means is to over grow the government. Thats not gonna happen anytime soon.
i hope you hear where i`m comeing from as were small growers here, we choose to be... were capable of growing trees of weed, and growing commercial quantitys but we choose a little quality smoke for our own consumtion, rather than commercial weights of stock weed....
Loud and clear. Im planning on growing serious smoke too. Just because theres lots of it doesnt reduce the quality. Unless of course its cured
At the end of the day I am just a quiet nerdy stoner who wants to grow weed. But if im taking the risk of growing it, I would like to be able to grow as much as I can without the penalties rising. Whether im caught with one plant or ten as far as i know its pretty much the same sentencing. Which is why I think its pointless to grow only one or two.
BTW ae86 google LBH 4 way LST. Its a much better way to Lst than the spiral one around the pot thats in your avatar.