
Oh I did, thankyou x Cosplayers know how to rave. Will put videos up in Cosplay Corner and day two outfit in L and F

Everyone's looking sexy as usual
He does, he's very handsome. And he has watches that are apparently nice? Idk lol. Never even heard of the brand but everyone else seemed to know so...I suppose they must be really nice.
looking hot mama! how was your day?

Long as hell! My youngest daughter is convinced she's going to turn pink from eating strawberry ice cream and being read Pinkalicious entirely too much. My oldest son's gf broke up with him, he's very sad. I might run her over. Accidently. (kidding lol) My younger son got into gifted classes and i'm too proud about it. Plus he hit a home run at his bball game. He said to me before the game he's like "mom, just beeee quiet ok? You just sit here on the bleachers, ok?" I told him he wouldn't even know I was there. He hits the ball and i'm 20 feet in the air jumping and screaming lol. Embarrassing. Got my older daughter a haircut. She's got crazy amounts of super curly hair. I always tease her and tell her her crazy starts inside and just twirls it's way out of her head lol. She comes by it honest at least. Her momma's off her rocker too.