• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Media Blackout As Obama Appoints First Ever Assassination Czar


Well-Known Member
Osama stated the reason for Sept 11 was specifically because the US wouldn't shut down its bases in Saudi Arabia. Just leave the Middle East alone, let them develop their economies and get jobs...then they'll want to buy iPhones off you, not blow up planes.
You're being naive. A primary tenant of Islam is that ALL must accept Allah (they really mean Mohammad) or die. Their "religion" allows them to commit any atrocity in the name of Allah(Mohammad). Their reward is to spend an eternity of debauchery in Heaven? Doing things forbidden in life?


Well-Known Member
You're being naive. A primary tenant of Islam is that ALL must accept Allah (they really mean Mohammad) or die. Their "religion" allows them to commit any atrocity in the name of Allah(Mohammad). Their reward is to spend an eternity of debauchery in Heaven? Doing things forbidden in life?
How is it that the current heads of the Islamic faith have said that any killing of innocents is strictly forbidden by the Koran.

Enemies of Islam are those who attack the Islamic faith, not just all non-Muslims.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but even I would have to draw the line at Jeanine Garofaolo, and my standards are pretty low.
'Ere now bruv... thems fightin words! Jeanine may have made more bad pictures than fotomat, and have some wacky off the wall or even batshit crazy political ideas, and may even be nuttier than squirrel shit but i'd still do her. Like an Amish barn raising i would nail her!!

She was adorable in The Truth About Cats and Dogs and in Mystery Men!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
How is it that the current heads of the Islamic faith have said that any killing of innocents is strictly forbidden by the Koran.

Enemies of Islam are those who attack the Islamic faith, not just all non-Muslims.
Now i get to *facepalm*

your No-True-Scotsman defense of the "heads of the Islamic faith" must exclude all the mullahs of Iran, and in fact all of Shia Islam, the entire Wahhabi sect, all of the Talibs, every moslem insurgent group, and about 1/2 of the sunni "clerics" in mosques in the western world (they wont be real Clerics in my book until they can cast a Cure Light Wounds!) who spend their time spitting venom at the USA for defending saudi arabia and kuwait (at their fucking request already!) from a frootloop dictator who used VX gas on Iran and his own people! If defending 2 moslem countries from a nutbar with poison gas weapons and a track record of using them (against other moslems!) is attacking islam, then what does it take to be a friend of islam?

dont bother answering, we already know. You cant be a friend of islam untill you become a moslem.

also, this statement "Enemies of Islam are those who attack the Islamic faith, not just all non-Muslims" is a double facepalm. that statement is INCLUSIVE of "those who attack the islamic faith" AND "not just all non-muslims"

This may be a simple grammar mistake, but sadly for the moslems we are talking about (Al Qaeda, insurgents, terrorists, mujaheddin, islamic dictators, the entire wahhabi sect, and the iranian government) this is not a mistake, its an article of faith.


Well-Known Member
Now i get to *facepalm*

your No-True-Scotsman defense of the "heads of the Islamic faith" must exclude all the mullahs of Iran, and in fact all of Shia Islam, the entire Wahhabi sect, all of the Talibs, every moslem insurgent group, and about 1/2 of the sunni "clerics" in mosques in the western world (they wont be real Clerics in my book until they can cast a Cure Light Wounds!) who spend their time spitting venom at the USA for defending saudi arabia and kuwait (at their fucking request already!) from a frootloop dictator who used VX gas on Iran and his own people! If defending 2 moslem countries from a nutbar with poison gas weapons and a track record of using them (against other moslems!) is attacking islam, then what does it take to be a friend of islam?

dont bother answering, we already know. You cant be a friend of islam untill you become a moslem.

also, this statement "Enemies of Islam are those who attack the Islamic faith, not just all non-Muslims" is a double facepalm. that statement is INCLUSIVE of "those who attack the islamic faith" AND "not just all non-muslims"

This may be a simple grammar mistake, but sadly for the moslems we are talking about (Al Qaeda, insurgents, terrorists, mujaheddin, islamic dictators, the entire wahhabi sect, and the iranian government) this is not a mistake, its an article of faith.
So all Muzzies are murdering, bloodthirsty, terrorists?

Your bigotry is showing.

Tell me how they treat Jews in Iran outta interest.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So all Muzzies are murdering, bloodthirsty, terrorists?

Your bigotry is showing.

Tell me how they treat Jews in Iran outta interest.

Again with the rhetorical fallacies. Not all moslems are terrorists, or nutjobs or dangerous extremists. the ones who ARE nutjobs extremists and terrorists are well supported fiscally and philosophically by the iranian government, wahhabis, the house of saud, a huge percentage of sunni imams in western mosques, and pretty much every voice of religious or political authority in shia islam.

your specious claims about sufis as an example of islam fall flat because the sufis are persecuted in most of "real" islam, bith sunni and shia. as are jains seikhs and a few other "apostate" sects of islam.

I cant speak to the plight of jews in iran today, but the zoroastrians have been seriously persecuted under iran's stict interpretation of sharia. Zoroastrians cant even bury their dead in observance of their customs, because it "offends moslem sensibilities"

If islam functioned as advertised, the moslems sects would not be in constant conflict with EVERY group they come in contact with around the world, and this is not debatable. Throughout it's history islam (and christianity and jewry) have suppressed or murdered people who dont hold their religious views, but in the modern world, Islam is the single largest source of rhetorical and physical violence on those who hold differing beliefs. Jewry (and eventually christianity as well) rejected the folly of violent conflict to expand the dominion of religion, but islam's most vocal adherents are still dripping with hatred and venom for anyone who doesnt pray their way.

Hey look everybody I'm an asshole!!

I can guarantee this, nobody has ever been forcibly converted, coerced into conversion, made to wear a yellow star to mark them as unbelievers (first developed by the caliphate), or forced to pay a jizya tax for daring to visit the wrong temple by my religion.

Achievement Unlocked!! I can now Post at Douche level 9!!!

Sorry everybody, I'm a dickwad!

Sincerely Dr Kynes Esq. Apprentice Fart Brain

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I say once you play the, "my god is better than your god," game, you get what you deserve. I only have sympathy for those who refuse to play.


Well-Known Member
Again with the rhetorical fallacies. Not all moslems are terrorists, or nutjobs or dangerous extremists. the ones who ARE nutjobs extremists and terrorists are well supported fiscally and philosophically by the iranian government, wahhabis, the house of saud, a huge percentage of sunni imams in western mosques, and pretty much every voice of religious or political authority in shia islam.

your specious claims about sufis as an example of islam fall flat because the sufis are persecuted in most of "real" islam, bith sunni and shia. as are jains seikhs and a few other "apostate" sects of islam.

I cant speak to the plight of jews in iran today, but the zoroastrians have been seriously persecuted under iran's stict interpretation of sharia. Zoroastrians cant even bury their dead in observance of their customs, because it "offends moslem sensibilities"

If islam functioned as advertised, the moslems sects would not be in constant conflict with EVERY group they come in contact with around the world, and this is not debatable. Throughout it's history islam (and christianity and jewry) have suppressed or murdered people who dont hold their religious views, but in the modern world, Islam is the single largest source of rhetorical and physical violence on those who hold differing beliefs. Jewry (and eventually christianity as well) rejected the folly of violent conflict to expand the dominion of religion, but islam's most vocal adherents are still dripping with hatred and venom for anyone who doesnt pray their way.

I can guarantee this, nobody has ever been forcibly converted, coerced into conversion, made to wear a yellow star to mark them as unbelievers (first developed by the caliphate), or forced to pay a jizya tax for daring to visit the wrong temple by my religion.
You're totally full of shit:


Got preach your Zionism elsewhere.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You're totally full of shit:


Got preach your Zionism elsewhere.
One wikipedia article about how jews are supposedly only second class citizens in iran, isntead of slaves or piles of ashes doesnt prove shit about iran, shia and wahhabiism or whether the US can target and blow up assclowns who are trying to sneak bombs on airplanes.

Im not a zionist, and declaring that i am is just plain stupid. I have repeatedly declared NOT ALL MOSLEMS ARE BAD only a few real shitstains are fucking up everybody else's party. Rabidly defending every dipshit who faces mecca before he prays, regardless of his violent rhetoric or actions is why most people think most moslems are either supportive of, or indifferent to the radical wahhabis, and the rape victim stoning mullahs in iran.

Whipping out your poison pen and dashing out a few piss stained lines accusing everyone who disagrees with you of being a nasty evil hater of the entire moslem faith because they dont agree with the wahhabis, the house of saud and sharia law is not only fallacious, but also quite lazy.

20,000 jews (down from about 150,000 before the glorious revolution) who cant leave iran unless their families stay behind (but not as hostages against their return, no, not at all...) and who publicly celebrate the glory of the mullahs, and ahmadinejad (but not under duress, or as propaganda, no, not at all...) are nearly as useless a source for information as North Korean State Television.

Like it or not, every religion, faith and belief system has some fucktarded assholes who want everybody to become just like them (even atheists) because they cant stand anybody disagreeing with their personal gri-gri. Defending those fuctarded assholes because they wear the same funny hat, or the same saffron robe, or the same silly wristband is almost as bad as being one of them yourself. I hold no hatred for islam as a religion, nor any other, but some of the movements in islam (and pretty much every other religion too) are INDEFENSIBLE

Insisting on being the only asshole in sight who defends the worst scum on earth just because they make lip service to the same magic book as you is really dumb. If the pope told all catholics to start burning jews at the stake again i would be just as opposed to that shit as i am the dickbags in islam who machine gun french preschoolers or strap bombs to 9 year old retards and send em off to a bus stop.

Stop blaming the rest of the world for your craziest religious leader's rhetoric and actions. if you want islam to be recognized as a peaceful religion, it's gotta start with YOU. Dont attend mosques who shout death to anybody, and dont defend imams and mullahs who send the faithful out to blow shit up. If my priests started shouting death to anybody i would be packing up my shit and lookin for a new temple, and i sure as shit wouldnt drop any coins in the fountain!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I say once you play the, "my god is better than your god," game, you get what you deserve. I only have sympathy for those who refuse to play.
yeah sorry, that was a lil douchey of me. but i aint gonna edit it out, redacting history aint how i roll. im gonna make myself look even dumber, cuz thats my style!


Well-Known Member
To get back on topic, the President is the Military Commander. Not many gov'ts (if any)are arranged this way. Real Politics says the US either leads, follows or gets out of the way. #1 is available so the US grabbed the spot, quite recently.

The Western Democracies are practicing way of life, protection Policy. This WOL, protects a survival trait called altuism. The good of the many. It's high math, game theory, but is about making a bigger pie. It puts individual life on par with "good of the many." Our Commander kills with robots. That's a good thing. We are way ahead in robot war. A good thing.

The Rule of Law protects the weak. Doesn't make sense. Survival of the fittest says you would not protect gene pools outside of your extended family lines.

Here's the plain fact. MOST societies are tribal based, family lines are aggregated under artificial power structures, since only WW2. I've traveled into some places where even the most modest social helpfulness is considered weak. These societies are stuck. Only family matters. Govts are harsh and corruption is the main business. They have caste structures and no social safety nets. The "West" is the only place where we practice "Love one another no matter who", etc. It is worth protecting.

I get shocked sometimes in St. Petersberg, RU. Everyone is nice on one hand, but, the causal dis-regard for fellow man is so apparent. Don't get me started about India or Japan, of course, pan-Arabia.
BTW, almost all of Africa is "West" to me.

Finally the history of weapons is stand off at increasing distance with increasing layers of protection, and higher level of command and control.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Finally the history of weapons is stand off at increasing distance with increasing layers of protection, and higher level of command and control.
When one dickhead in a tent can orchestrate the hijacking and murder of thousands of strangers half a world away, sometimes you gotta reach out and send some flaming arrows over his wall. this isn't a good thing, but it's better than the alternatives.

Sadly there's so many of the dingbats out there, scattered so widely, its hard to make a dent in their numbers. Every one of the drone strikes, HALO insertions, Renditions, detentions, and "assassinations" should be publicly announced as soon as feasible form a security and intelligence standpoint, so the president can accept the responsibility for his policies, not just the acclaim for the popular successes. And when shit goes sideways he should step up and explain why he fucked up, and how badly he screwed the pooch (like Carter did in 79). BHO has been trumpeting his victories and hiding his failures too long. Even bush didn't hush up his fuck ups as fully or effectively as Barry Seotoro, but Barry has made a few good moves. If he has to take credit for his blunders (finally) he just might make his last year into a success, and possibly even change some minds about voting for him this election.

In fact i nearly voted for him in the last presidential race, except he looked like an empty suit. If he had run his campaign like he has his presidency he might have never gotten the job. Thats one of the few good things i can say about Dubya. He was an open book. you knew what you were getting, and he delivered what he promised for good or ill.


Well-Known Member
When one dickhead in a tent can orchestrate the hijacking and murder of thousands of strangers half a world away, sometimes you gotta reach out and send some flaming arrows over his wall. this isn't a good thing, but it's better than the alternatives.
And to think all you needed to defeat all the military, the early warnings, the ATC system , hundreds of passengers and the pilots was a fucking box cutter. People in tents are dangerous.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
And to think all you needed to defeat all the military, the early warnings, the ATC system , hundreds of passengers and the pilots was a fucking box cutter. People in tents are dangerous.
people who think killing others for religious or political lunacy is a good thing are dangerous.
people who are so deluded by their religious or political lunacy that they are willing to die just so they can murder strangers are dangerous.
people who think systematically disarming their fellow citizens for "safety" are dangerous.
people who think making their fellow citizens rely on armed government agents for their safety is a good thing are dangerous
people who behave like panicked sheep are dangerous.
people who defend the actions and rhetoric of lunatics and murderers are dangerous.
people who blame fallible systems for failing, and demand perfect systems for their protection are dangerous.
people who refuse to think for themselves are dangerous.


Well-Known Member
people who think killing others for religious lunacy is a good thing are dangerous.
people who are so deluded by their religious lunacy that they are willing to die just so they can murder strangers are dangerous.
people who think systematically disarming their fellow citizens for "safety" are dangerous.
people who think making their fellow citizens rely on armed government agents for their safety is a good thing are dangerous
people who behave like panicked sheep are dangerous.
people who defend the actions and rhetoric of lunatics and murderers are dangerous.
people who blame fallible systems for failing, and demand perfect systems for their protection are dangerous.
people who refuse to think for themselves are dangerous.
All military systems have fail safes, backups and redundant systems, One system might be fallible, but hundreds are not. The odds of them all being defeated by mere chance and whimsy is IMPOSSIBLE!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
the military systems didnt fail.

the hijackings were detected early, but they were waiting for demands, as was the usual MO for hijackings. nobody expected the planes to crash into the WTC, and nobody was gonna just smoke a planeload of passengers when it was most likely gonna be a hostage situation.

your hindsight is flawless but your logic is flawed

would you preferr computer controlled automatic missile launches for every plane that deviates from it's course? or poison gas canisters that flood the cockpit every time a collision warning goes off?

normal fallible people made judgement calls on that day which look stupid from the perspective of history but thats not proof of a conspiracy, or incompetence. If fucking up is all thats needed to become part of a sinister plot to destroy america then Obama is the most fiendish mastermind since Migelito Loveless.


Well-Known Member
It's sad that UB took a really serious topic and just threw it off to the side because he's a dumb shit who supports a murderer.

Who you gonna vote for ? Jeffrey Dahlmer, John Wayne Gacy or Von Mises? UB would choose Gacy, he was a Democrat after all and Von Mises doesn't support extortion morally, so that's not cool either. Dahlmer is just a little too extreme, Gacy is far superior and clearly the lesser evil of all of them. After all, that evil dude Ludwig wouldn't forcibly take from others or coerce them into doing things they don't want to do. And that's just awful.