My first grow!


my babies are dying D: i think i drowned them. i transplanted hem and cut my watering down to every 4th day. hopefully these laddies come back to me. check them oout if its not over watering let me know what you think it may be. im giving no nutes. using tap water and the soil is from the outside of my house.THEY ARE ABOUT 3 WEEKS. I THINK I KEPT THEM IN THE CUP TOO LONG -.-


Well-Known Member
You need to give them nutes, nitrogen mainly. See how the leaves are yellowing from the outside in? Their growth is going to be severely stunted and they will eventually die if you don't feed them...why are you not giving ferts!!???


You need to give them nutes, nitrogen mainly. See how the leaves are yellowing from the outside in? Their growth is going to be severely stunted and they will eventually die if you doing feed them...why are you not giving ferts!!???
well the answer to why i dont got nutes is i aint got no money -.- lol probly will buy some soon. maybe for my next grow if these laddies die. and my next grow ill be more prepared.


Well-Known Member
well the answer to why i dont got nutes is i aint got no money -.- lol probly will buy some soon. maybe for my next grow if these laddies die. and my next grow ill be more prepared.
Sorry to tell you this, but if you don't give them nutes, they're going to die! I hope you buy some soon, they can't live without them, just like any living thing!


Well-Known Member
I have 2 growing outdoors right now that were originally "runts". They were the shittiest plants you've ever seen until they were about 4 weeks old. I put them outside in the ground and now they are exploding with growth. You would be surprised how they can turn around.


Well-Known Member
Milli I just saw you bought a you could have bought some ferts! They are less than $10 at walmart or Lowes...


Well-Known Member
some weak black coffee...........watered-down urine...............watered -down menstrual blood (yack)
all good ferts.


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, my bad! Short term memory again haha. Do you have a garden center around? Nutes are real cheap in most places, seriously! If you can for your next grow, make you own soil using organic materials, and that way you won't have to worry about nutes at all, your plants will slowly be fed from the soil.


Well-Known Member
some weak black coffee...........watered-down urine...............watered -down menstrual blood (yack)
all good ferts.
I don't know why I didn't think to tell you urine Millie, that's what I fed my plants with until recently and they were nice and green. I saved a yellowing plant with 1 part urine to 15 parts water. I've also read that you can feed them with urine the entire grow through flowering.

Scrog what does menstrual blood have in it??? yack is right lol. I could see how it could be a fertilizer though...but couldn't see myself doing it lol.


Active Member
need to ask... are those cut off bottles for plant pots?? do they have drain holes in them? what type soil ya using?


some weak black coffee...........watered-down urine...............watered -down menstrual blood (yack)
all good ferts.
the coffee and pee i will try. but i dont think my mom sister or girlfriend would want to donate there menstrual blood for my cannabis plant. lol
thanks scrog!


went to my friends house and it was way better then going to some garden store. all his shit was free.99
got me some dirt. it said on the bag professional gardening mix. i think the brand was sunshine or some what of that sort. it has perlite in it already or thats what i thin that white shit is.
got me this. its plant food. idk if its any good though but if any of you guys know about it or used it. let me know how it worked for you.
and last i got some rooting hormone and some blooming nute. i think the box said kolbloom? i forgot.
well thats all i got and it was all free so yeah woohoo!