• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Media Blackout As Obama Appoints First Ever Assassination Czar


Well-Known Member
Yes londonfog. i have traveled to canada and mexico but no, i have never been nor have i any desire to go to africa. and yes, i know rubbers arent 100%, but their percentage is way better than prophylactic dick washing after screwing a person with aids or the herps or the clap or syphalis etc... as a matter of course i wear a jim-hat whenever i release the worm. this helps prevent the spread of disease. this has been common knowledge here in the US since the 40's. just because somebody in a far off land cant learn the lessons i got in secondary school, i dont feel the need to weep for them.
since the 40's...Don't think you been around that long. Have you ever been across the Atlantic ?? oops sorry your case would be the Pacific. You learn a lot when you travel to foreign nations. You learn just how great you have it and just how terrible some live. Yeah you most certainly sound like a non-traveled American. Hell with no kids what do you do with your life. I suggest you go travel to some poor country and see if you feel the same way coming back.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
since the 40's...Don't think you been around that long. Have you ever been across the Atlantic ?? oops sorry your case would be the Pacific. You learn a lot when you travel to foreign nations. You learn just how great you have it and just how terrible some live. Yeah you most certainly sound like a non-traveled American. Hell with no kids what do you do with your life. I suggest you go travel to some poor country and see if you feel the same way coming back.
I know exactly how good i got it here. visiting my pal's grandparents in chihuahua was disturbing. but hey bud, you ever been to apalachia? dirt floors, illiterate kids with bare feet in ragged clothes selling fruit and tobacco on the roadside. outhouses are a luxury item, and tar paper is the chic home decor solution of the downwardly mobile. meanwhile elite leftist do-gooders who do quite well for themselves thank you, are sending our stimulus and reinvestment money off to foreign lands were it will go to feed some tin pot warlord's personal guard, or conscript more 9 year olds as soldiers. when we got no more problems at home then we can help out the rest of the world with uncle buck's disposable cash.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly how good i got it here. visiting my pal's grandparents in chihuahua was disturbing. but hey bud, you ever been to apalachia? dirt floors, illiterate kids with bare feet in ragged clothes selling fruit and tobacco on the roadside. outhouses are a luxury item, and tar paper is the chic home decor solution of the downwardly mobile. meanwhile elite leftist do-gooders who do quite well for themselves thank you, are sending our stimulus and reinvestment money off to foreign lands were it will go to feed some tin pot warlord's personal guard, or conscript more 9 year olds as soldiers. when we got no more problems at home then we can help out the rest of the world with uncle buck's disposable cash.
Would you be upset if some aid and help was given to the Appalachia like Kennedy and Clinton tried to do..Or would you get mad that someone is taking out your pocket.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I assume you mean teddy kennedy. clinton and tk made noises about helping the apalachians, as well as the inner cities, but they had 2 years of democrat majority in the house and senate, and did nothing for them. they spent that 2 years banning guns that were not being used in crimes, and running damage control on the fallout from waco and ruby ridge. they had an opportunity, and wasted it. obama had the same opportunity in his first 2 years, and blew it all on his insurance scheme.

Helping apalachjia is not a republican priority, but it is a sore spot for all agricultural and rural people regardless of politics. city folks dont care about them though, they are just inbred hillbillies to the east and west coast liberals. plus they are largely white, so screw them anyway. they should use their white powers to get ahead, or they are probably racists anyhow (irony anyone?) shit the coastal liberals dont even give a shit about the inner cities, they make a few noises and host members of the black clergy for photo ops, but when it gets down to cases, who are the blacks gonna vote for? republicans? nope. independants? why throw your vote away! welcome to your new plantation. Just the money wasted on a few boondoggles like the "high speed rail" would turn watts and compton into a paradise, or make oakland a thriving community again. NOPE gotta have high speed rail to zip past all those poor people in the central valley and east bay. gotta get to malibu before the wine and cheese pairings start circulating at george clooney's place!!


Well-Known Member
I assume you mean teddy kennedy. clinton and tk made noises about helping the apalachians, as well as the inner cities, but they had 2 years of democrat majority in the house and senate, and did nothing for them. they spent that 2 years banning guns that were not being used in crimes, and running damage control on the fallout from waco and ruby ridge. they had an opportunity, and wasted it. obama had the same opportunity in his first 2 years, and blew it all on his insurance scheme.

Helping apalachjia is not a republican priority, but it is a sore spot for all agricultural and rural people regardless of politics. city folks dont care about them though, they are just inbred hillbillies to the east and west coast liberals. plus they are largely white, so screw them anyway. they should use their white powers to get ahead, or they are probably racists anyhow (irony anyone?) shit the coastal liberals dont even give a shit about the inner cities, they make a few noises and host members of the black clergy for photo ops, but when it gets down to cases, who are the blacks gonna vote for? republicans? nope. independants? why throw your vote away! welcome to your new plantation. Just the money wasted on a few boondoggles like the "high speed rail" would turn watts and compton into a paradise, or make oakland a thriving community again. NOPE gotta have high speed rail to zip past all those poor people in the central valley and east bay. gotta get to malibu before the wine and cheese pairings start circulating at george clooney's place!!
No I meant JFK read up on your history before you began those long-winded lectures and the pointing of the fingers.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
JFK didnt do squat for apalachia. Im not even sure he knew where it was. Thats why i assumed you meant ted kennedy. also if you think thats long winded.... just you wait till i get going. theres lotsa small rural communities which missed out completely on the proserity of the 50's 60's 80's and 90's Quick example, firebaugh california. No jobs no opportunities, no hope. but apalachia makes firebaugh look like san francisco in the spring. nobody gives a rats ass about america's rural slums. fuck, in the 90's an asshole in somis california was keeping 30 illegal aliens as slaves in chains on his rose farm. nobody helped them either. Urban americans and europeans think america is a paradise, where even the poor have colour tvs, but in many places america is third world all the way. until we fix that, fuck the rest of the world. they dont need a penny from me.


Well-Known Member
dimwits who join amway and wonder why they arent making sportscar and yacht money are funny as hell.
meanwhile elite leftist do-gooders who do quite well for themselves thank you...
so what are lefties now? are we the cheese eating sons of bitches you swear us to be, or are we elitist lefty do gooders?


you can't have it both ways, dickface.

this is why i have described you quite consistently: if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.

you are so full of bullshit it is coming out of your eyes.


Well-Known Member
JFK didnt do squat for apalachia. Im not even sure he knew where it was. Thats why i assumed you meant ted kennedy. also if you think thats long winded.... just you wait till i get going. theres lotsa small rural communities which missed out completely on the proserity of the 50's 60's 80's and 90's Quick example, firebaugh california. No jobs no opportunities, no hope. but apalachia makes firebaugh look like san francisco in the spring. nobody gives a rats ass about america's rural slums. fuck, in the 90's an asshole in somis california was keeping 30 illegal aliens as slaves in chains on his rose farm. nobody helped them either. Urban americans and europeans think america is a paradise, where even the poor have colour tvs, but in many places america is third world all the way. until we fix that, fuck the rest of the world. they dont need a penny from me.
You truly are so ill-informed..Its starting to look rather sad now.Do yourself a favor google "Kennedy and Appalachia". I don't have a clue what will come up, but I'm sure you will learn something

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
so what are lefties now? are we the cheese eating sons of bitches you swear us to be, or are we elitist lefty do gooders?


you can't have it both ways, dickface.

this is why i have described you quite consistently: if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.

you are so full of bullshit it is coming out of your eyes.
theres both types ding dong. you got the hippie dippie doo-gooder types who want to change the world like George Clooney and you got the scabrous bottom feeders like Dianne Feinstein who would sell you for organ parts if it would make her a few extra bucks. in sacramento where High Speed Rail is the new 6.5 MILLION DOLLAR A DAY plan for broke ass california, you got effete elitist dems and repubs both jostling at the trough trying to get a little slop on their snouts before the trough realizes it's empty.

save your nonsense for clowns who will believe you have a brain buck. youve show yourself to be little more than a half assed troll unable to grasp simple english. My state is broke as fuck and both sides party hacks (like yourself) are drooling over the opportunity to waster $6.5 MILLION a day on a rail project that will never be finished. When it inevitably fails they will blame each other, and california will once again be divided between the idiots who waste money on bullshit, and the bullshit artists who waste money like idiots. which one will you be on that day buck? I'm bettin the bullshit artist.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You truly are so ill-informed..Its starting to look rather sad now.Do yourself a favor google "Kennedy and Appalachia". I don't have a clue what will come up, but I'm sure you will learn something
he formed a commission? in 1965? well that region should be just about fixed now shouldnt it? just because west virginia gets enough highway funding to pave over the entire state every ten years doesnt mean shit is fixed. apalachia has cities in it too, the cities arent doin so great, but the rural areas are still totally fucked. lots of rural california and texas and alaska and arizona and new mexico are fucked too. did i mention the bayou regions of florida and missisipi? setting up a commission doesnt fix anything, usualy its just a way for politicians and city slickers to get richer while the country folk get poorer. reality bro. population gives votes, and cities have population. rural communities are the last in line for funding and small farmers and farm workers are first in line for insults and acrimony.


New Member
and why are we talking about ball washing and god knows what else? Obama appointed a man to be judge, jury, and executioner...why is this justified in anyone's mind?

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
show me where it says that. until then, you sound like a petulant little child.

i'm not watching your videos, use your words, brainiac.
Of course you won't spend 8 minutes watching a video that someone told you could change your life. You're already aware of the fact that you're wrong and your heart is in the wrong place. You know you're wrong, which is why you'd rather sit around on your computer and spin long-winded desparate ever-changing arguments that you constantly lose.

It doesn't fall on blind eyes to most people reading that you resort to name calling "petulant child" when you are backed into a corner, then you project the way you obviously feel about yourself onto us by calling us "brain-washed robots that lack empathy"...lmao.

But you couldn't take 8 minutes to watch a video that is basically an instruction manual on how to be a human....Then you go on to say that trying to protect the people in your homeland from oppressors that take your money from you without giving you a choice in the matter and distribute it around the country wherever THEY see fit. You're so desperate to prove yourself right, but you already know you can't.

You would just prefer to argue than to change. Even though you know you need to....that's just sad my friend. But I'm just an emotionless petulant brain-washed child robot lmfao.

because as empathetic, humanitarian leaders of the world, we don't turn our backs on the AIDS epidemic and pretend it doesn't exist, like good old alzheimer's ronnie.

and we can greatly reduce our aid money by preventing the problem rather than responding to it.

it's kind of a simple win win that political hacks use to divide people. absolutely deplorable.
Alzheimer's probably wouldn't even exist without the interference from our Federal Government hahah. In fact, it wouldn't it probably wouldn't exist all over the world if it wasn't for the INTERFERENCE of OBAMA. I think letting the good people of the world live cancer and Alzheimer's-free would be a much better AID to foreign countries than giving the 800k to wash their balls.

Latin America tells our government they're tired of prohibition and want to legalize drugs to make it safer for the people in their countries, this is how we AID them

But of course you're not going to read any of my "silly" links any more than you'll watch my video right? Lol. Wouldn't want your mind to accidentally change.

And political hacks use OBAMA to divide people lol.

common trait in the ronbots. they all reek of a teenage boy who just done reading ayn rand.

i'm sorry you lack empathy, truly i am. it is one of the best parts of the human condition.
Once again, what do you have against teenage boys lol.

And once again, you're projecting your self-hate onto us. We don't lack empathy, we just posses a better understanding of it than you.

another ronbot trait.

you have no right to use force against me, but i reserve the right to use force against you!
You're giving our government permission to use force against US! Your own people!! Are you nuts lol.

Liberty is based on self-ownership. You own your own life. To deny that is to imply that another person has a higher claim on your life than you do. No one else owns your life, nor do you own the lives of others.

A product of your life and liberty is your PROPERTY. Property can be the property of others that was given to you voluntarily and by mutual consent. Using force or fraud to take property from others without voluntary consent is wrong.

To take life is murder. To take liberty is slavery. To take property is theft. Our government invades other countries...killing, enslaving, and stealing...on our behalf. Do they do this on their own accord? No, we ask them to. We ask them to because they brain-wash us (meaning you) into believe that the actions they take are just and needed. Kinda like the little phrases you keep repeating over and over and over like "a stitch in time saves nine" Ever watch the show "Heroes"? Haha. Doesn't exactly work like that.

Our government has been taking our liberty for a long long time. It usually starts on the day we're born with a SSN. Then they continue to infringe upon our liberty for the rest of our lives. They tell us what we can eat, drink, smoke, and do with our free time. And if we don't comply to their rules, they throw us in prison....the nations largest FOR PROFIT corporation in America...and how much do they pay these "prisoners" for their work? Not minimum wage haha.

So get off your own dick and wake up man. You don't have sympathy, and you lack an honest understanding of the basic principles our country was founded on.

Btw, you asked for proof that the stimulus money was supposed to be for Americans, and you got it. Dr Kynes literally gave you proof. But all you can do is quote "long-term spending projects".

It said long-term, not long distance lol. It LITERALLY and SPECIFICALLY says that it was intended for US.

Getcha self an educatiooooonnnnnnnnn.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
and why are we talking about ball washing and god knows what else? Obama appointed a man to be judge, jury, and executioner...why is this justified in anyone's mind?
My theory is that Obama has been up to so much incredibly illegal, highly suspicious, outright deplorable things....that his supporters are honestly so shocked they don't know what to fucking think anymore...so they just follow, blind and scared and full of excuses. I voted for him. I paid attention to what he did as president...and now I have to live with the choice I made. Most people have a hard time admitting that their wrong though.

Obama just gave a terrible person a license to kill freely. "James Bond had a license to kill and that was entertaining, what could be the worst that could happen"....

People sign into their facebooks and see posts about how GMOs are bad for them, but then they see the president they voted for supporting Monsanto. Then they see posts like yours about Obama's new assasination czar....but people that post about stuff like that are usually considered conspiracy theorists by people that live in fear of the truth...Who do they believe...the "conspiracy theorists"...or their president? It's a simple decision for most people. Most people have CHOSEN to live in a "herd community".

But I'd rather live like an animal than a virus..


Well-Known Member
To the point of the video and the post, look, the guy does not deceide who lives and dyes as the media person said. There is a list, those drones are ready. Inteligence on the ground points out whoever is on the list and when they show their heads they dye. Not like he wakes up and says Oh Im gonna kill (insert name here) it happens fast they are on several targets and there is a green light on each one. He just runs the program that will hunt them all down.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
To the point of the video and the post, look, the guy does not deceide who lives and dyes as the media person said. There is a list, those drones are ready. Inteligence on the ground points out whoever is on the list and when they show their heads they dye. Not like he wakes up and says Oh Im gonna kill (insert name here) it happens fast they are on several targets and there is a green light on each one. He just runs the program that will hunt them all down.
Well Obama isn't supposed to invade other countries without getting approval first, but he does anyways. You really think he's gonna have a tight leash on his killer? Personally, I think Obama has a more "personal" agenda.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Well Obama isn't supposed to invade other countries without getting approval first, but he does anyways. You really think he's gonna have a tight leash on his killer? Personally, I think Obama has a more "personal" agenda.
You are aware that Obama didn't invade Iraq or Afghanistan right?
You're also aware that the drone program wasn't started by Obama right?

You act as if these things are some new or haven't been going in for years BEFORE Obama, if you're bitching now and weren't YEARS ago it implies either ignorance or that you're a partisan hack.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
To the point of the video and the post, look, the guy does not deceide who lives and dyes as the media person said. There is a list, those drones are ready. Inteligence on the ground points out whoever is on the list and when they show their heads they dye. Not like he wakes up and says Oh Im gonna kill (insert name here) it happens fast they are on several targets and there is a green light on each one. He just runs the program that will hunt them all down.
If you're on that list because you post on this site. You just happened to be picked at random as an example. Like the woman who had AIDS and the feds busted her grow op in 1996 the very year mmj happened to show it's still tough on drugs.

You're on a list, so it's ok! It's nothing personal. Not like they said, "hey I'm killing Chris today."


Well-Known Member
i'm not LOLing, teaching simple hygiene will save lives and money.

we send less aid money, but more importantly, less people die from easily preventable diseases.

people who mock others' misery like you guys are doing are the scum of the earth. double scumbag points for doing it for cheap, divisive political hackery points.
Assassination Czars are a good thing right?

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
You are aware that Obama didn't invade Iraq or Afghanistan right?
You're also aware that the drone program wasn't started by Obama right?

You act as if these things are some new or haven't been going in for years BEFORE Obama, if you're bitching now and weren't YEARS ago it implies either ignorance or that you're a partisan hack.
You assume a lot about me huh? Lol. Is someone babysitting Obama? I'm not sure why you feel like he's not responsible for the drones because he didn't start the program...and are you saying that because Obama didn't invade Iraq and Afghanistan that he's excused for the fact they he continued the war?

Start from the top of the page friend, I voted for Obama--and he fucking lied through his teeth and broke every promise he's made so far, except the ones that "influential" people didn't want him to break.

And I promise you I was just as pissed off about every mistake Bush made, and I was angry beyond belief that we gave him another 4 years.

Maybe you should read people's comments before attacking them. Instead of joining the debate, you just made yourself seem petty.

Assassination Czars are a good thing right?
Good point, how did that guy get things so off-topic without even giving his two cents about Obama appointing an Assassination Czar. Does ending people's lives from the guns in the sky without warning qualify for foreign aid?


Well-Known Member
To the point of the video and the post, look, the guy does not deceide who lives and dyes as the media person said. There is a list, those drones are ready. Inteligence on the ground points out whoever is on the list and when they show their heads they dye. Not like he wakes up and says Oh Im gonna kill (insert name here) it happens fast they are on several targets and there is a green light on each one. He just runs the program that will hunt them all down.
I assume the "List" only contains names of people who have had a Jury try those people and have been PROVEN guilty beyond all reasonable doubt? I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.

The fact that a "list" exists of people SUSPECTED of crimes and that "List" is an authorization for murder is abhorrent