How would you explain what being high is like?


Active Member
If someone that never smoked weed before, how would you discribe it to them?

I would say sumtimes its like when u first wake up and ur mind is all foggy..
Or its like writing with those cheap bic pens ur whole life, then when u smoke its like u got one of those cool gel pens to write with for the first time. How it just glides so effortlessly.
Or Up in my head i stop talking at myself and start talking to myself.. If that makes sense.

How would u guys discribe it??


Well-Known Member
It's like when you're 4 or 5 years old. I have awesome beautiful well thought out paragraphs in my head and as soon as they hit my lips it comes out like jello.


Active Member
hahaha wow The good ol' days! Smoking for the first time is epic and should not be done around shitty people! I wouldnt try to describe it, way too hard and anything you say is gonna make you sound like a retarded ape... ha


Well-Known Member
It feels like your mind is clouded, which allows you to focus on what you want to focus on, while everything else can be left behind the cloud. Also a perceptual change which makes certain things feel awesome. When one combines the two things, he will know what winning feels like :eyesmoke:

But for beginners I guess you would say random thoughts pop into your head and you laugh a lot while feeling a bit heavy and `buzzy` :)


Well-Known Member
dam you guys are making it sound like mj is fucken crazy.. Being high is like being sober but in a good mood where you laugh a lot and eat your fridge clean. sometimes what people call cloudy i see it as just enjoying yourself without worrying about the details.


Well-Known Member
there are lots of different highs...which one you want me to explain? by answering my question you probably answer your own lol


Well-Known Member
If someone that never smoked weed before, how would you discribe it to them?

I would say sumtimes its like when u first wake up and ur mind is all foggy..
Or its like writing with those cheap bic pens ur whole life, then when u smoke its like u got one of those cool gel pens to write with for the first time. How it just glides so effortlessly.
Or Up in my head i stop talking at myself and start talking to myself.. If that makes sense.

How would u guys discribe it??
its like being that gimp marine in avatar for your whole life and one day you get wake up to something...and that something is the same for some and way diffeent for others. but it is mind altering and mostly positive.


Well-Known Member
Getting hi is like you suddenly don't have all the drama and crap bothering you
not that it's gone it's just not that important anymore.