How am I supposed to know

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Ive been researching for a while about yoism, and im not quite sure if im fallowing. Would you be so kind as to explain this in a way that is easy to understand please?


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me.


Well-Known Member
we choose our beliefs based on our own experiences, on our likes and dislikes. if there is a truth you must find it for yourself and asking others is a sure fire way to be led astray. if there is no truth then it really doesn't matter which path you choose and you might as well just do what makes you feel best.
I disagree. I think most (not all) religious people are indoctrinated from a very young age. Once the religious colored glasses are firmly affixed, people *see* their experiences through this lens, and give credence to their beliefs. Some people no more "choose" their beliefs than they did their eye color.


Well-Known Member
I completely disagree, the notion of absurdity can be accepted, and a full life filled with individual meaning and purpose may be lived.

Honesty with myself is what i base the meaning and purpose of my existence on, this alone gives me so much joy, and even more freedom. It gives me the strength to continue to live until old age, or until my life seems as if it holds no more which i will choose to stop playing the game.

Do you think your feelings will evolve as you get older? In other words, do you think you will embrace life with the same joy and freedom as you do now when you get to an age where death is fast approaching?

I anticipate my atheism becoming more of a burden on me as I get older. I hope I'm wrong...


Well-Known Member
A Jew, A Catholic, and an atheist are rowing in Lake Erie when their boat springs a huge leak. The Jew looks skyward, and says “Oh, Adonai, if you save me, I promise I’ll sail to Israel and spend the rest of my days trying to reclaim the land you gave us.” The Catholic looks skyward, and says, “Oh, Jesus, if you save me, I promise I’ll fly to the Vatican and spend the rest of my days singing your praises.” The atheist says, “Oh, guys, if you pass me that one life preserver, I promise I’ll swim to Cleveland.” “And how will you spend the rest of your days?” the Jew and the Catholic ask. “Well,” says the atheist, “I’m not sure, but I can tell you one thing: I’ll never go rowing with other atheists.”


Well-Known Member
Who's right?

There are so many religions. They can't all be right.

Why should I believe one over another?

Truth dose not exist but the lies do.No way to tell who is right or wrong indefinitely,just understand that your probably going to be wrong when assuming something to be the truth.If it is actualy your own desire to be a religious person, question those desires and why exactly you would have them.Remember to believe in yourself , before you believe what anyone else tells you.Keeping an honest discourse with the self is important.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Do you think your feelings will evolve as you get older? In other words, do you think you will embrace life with the same joy and freedom as you do now when you get to an age where death is fast approaching?

I anticipate my atheism becoming more of a burden on me as I get older. I hope I'm wrong...

I do not fear death, as much as i fear old age. The older i get, the slower my body heals, the less physical activities i can do, the less my mind will do what i want it to, less loved ones will be alive, the less meaning my existence will have. It is my mental and physical condition, and the people i love that give me so much pleasure in living... eventually in old age these things will start to dissapear, as well as my will to live. Once this happens, i plan to end this game that i would have been playing for so long. If i feel this way, and there are still others alive who love me, i will talk to them about this, and if the pain of my departer would be too much for them, i will be forced (because of my empathy) to continue to live until they die, or i die of natural causes.

This is why i emphasize so much for people to never waste a moment of their youth, because they will never get it back, and someday you will look into the past and ask yourself why you didnt do all the things you wanted to do while you could... because now i am old, i am weak, i am in pain, and the only thing i want is it all back.

I say, you have a dream? Fucking do it, im going on my first long distance bike trip tuesday... 340 miles round trip ohio to michigan. This is in preperation for a two year bike trip i plan to take to see everything in the country ive wanted to see, ending in california to complete my dream of learning how to surf.

Whatever you do, don't wait... and especially, don't waste your time, its all you really have.


Well-Known Member
Here's a short one from Theramin Trees that offers a cool perspective:
