The UK Growers Thread!


what is it your after as i do grow in the loft and do have 8x600hps.......ask away
thank you lol can i ask wot u do to stop ur room glowing on thermal??, my loft is always around 27c without any lights heaters or ventilation, if i put in 6-10 600w and fit loads of fans an extractors to keep it at 27c will my room still glow??


1) Erm I think you'll find your wrong,do some reasearch.

2) 8 x 600 hps in the loft? You're fucking lying again Unlucky!
lmao mate can i ask u a question, shud i grow in the loft or in a bedroom??,
it would be alot better for me to do it in the loft as it means i dont need to use one of my rooms and i dont use the loft for anything anyway + its not easy to get up there so no chance of someone stumbling on it, but that said id rather not make it ontop asfar as thermal imaging is concerned

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
wot an awesome day. had aguy round wanting measure windows, need them doing so nearly let him in till i thought bout the fan noises and tent in corner room hshaha. think sun fried my brains.
goT the old lillys out today tanning up.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Huzah. Finally got around to ordering a replacement phone. Decided sod it i'm out of pocket due to the landlords unprofessional actions so i used rent money to buy it and told her to sod off it's her issue not mine :)

Only a month to go til my life get's tipped upside down :) Then hopefully a month after that i'll be in a position to get growing agin. Getting excited :)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
thank you lol can i ask wot u do to stop ur room glowing on thermal??, my loft is always around 27c without any lights heaters or ventilation, if i put in 6-10 600w and fit loads of fans an extractors to keep it at 27c will my room still glow??
No it won't but I CHALLENGE you to try and keep it at the same temp as without kit and you'll find it near on impossible unless you go sealed room with CO'2 enrichment and water cooled hoods with water cooled exhaust.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
To keep an attic at 27 after adding 6000w odd of lights, you are going to require one HELL of a lot of equiptment to do that, be it as said, watercooled lights, or one fuck ton of air conditioners, and those are gonna be thousands and thousands of extra watts on your electricity bill. A single small AC unit is going to be 2kw as it is, let alone many of em or ones big enough to cool an attic in the fashion that is required.


No it won't but I CHALLENGE you to try and keep it at the same temp as without kit and you'll find it near on impossible unless you go sealed room with CO'2 enrichment and water cooled hoods with water cooled exhaust.
what if i put a tent within the attic, do you think that would b easier??


To keep an attic at 27 after adding 6000w odd of lights, you are going to require one HELL of a lot of equiptment to do that, be it as said, watercooled lights, or one fuck ton of air conditioners, and those are gonna be thousands and thousands of extra watts on your electricity bill. A single small AC unit is going to be 2kw as it is, let alone many of em or ones big enough to cool an attic in the fashion that is required.
ok thanks erm looks like that ideas bin`d then!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
lmao mate can i ask u a question, shud i grow in the loft or in a bedroom??,
it would be alot better for me to do it in the loft as it means i dont need to use one of my rooms and i dont use the loft for anything anyway + its not easy to get up there so no chance of someone stumbling on it, but that said id rather not make it ontop asfar as thermal imaging is concerned
It makes no difference WHERE you grow,only the heat is a problem.

Don't try to board out your room with insulation because over time the thermal radiation WILL permeate to the external surfaces showing up under a FLIR image (unless you go water cooled at massive expense) .

Get a tent and create a room within a room venting your exhaust somewhere else (the rest of the house as long as you can keep humidity in check to prevent mould growth) and you'll never show up on FLIR.


Don't try to board out your room with insulation because over time the thermal radiation WILL permeate to the external surfaces showing up under a FLIR image
shit thats exactly wot i was guna do!! ok so aslong as i vent it properly il be ok. do you think four of these would do the job??
i currently have two 315mm for 4 x 600w and 2 x 400 and dont seem to have any temp probs, but my room temps are lower then in the attic.


Well-Known Member
Huzah. Finally got around to ordering a replacement phone. Decided sod it i'm out of pocket due to the landlords unprofessional actions so i used rent money to buy it and told her to sod off it's her issue not mine :)

Only a month to go til my life get's tipped upside down :) Then hopefully a month after that i'll be in a position to get growing agin. Getting excited :)
happy for ya man i stopped for 6 moon it was a killer


Well-Known Member
Gaz if u want a few pics of my m8s doctors pm ur email and I'll get them to u shortly, I'll pop down an take a few pics cos headin down there soon anyway