Well-Known Member
just log on through google cache.
That's your choice and probably a wise one if you don't feel it's safe. Sometimes you have to forgo a little safety for the greater good. That's what this place is all about.........keeping the MJ community educated and informed on the latest techniques, helping people with problems in the garden, etc. Without sites like these we would likey still be in the dark ages as far as growing is concerned. I would personally like to thank everyone who has taken the leap to put themselves out there, risking their security in order to help others who share a love and dedication to this amazing plant. Without peaceful, caring folks like yourselves, this would be much more difficult and probably more dangerous. Again, thank you!I for one will not be posting anything..pictures/posts or sending instant messages. Matter of fact...good bye RIU..been nice knowin ya
i think that is their.Use the word "YOUR" however you wwant. You spoke up for the website as a mod so I spoke to you as if you were admin. So allow me to correct my statement.
It's the ADMINS fucking job to secure THERE website.
Feel better about yourself?
i think that is their.![]()
no its YOUR job as website moderators and administrators to MAKE SURE our personall info is SAFE and secure,shit uve got ALL our personall info and u think ts upto US? what planet are you on man,uve just rolled a fatty or what lol ur site ur responisbilty to keep us safe
Far as personal info, if you posted a picture of yourself on Facebook doing something stupid, and a potential employer denies you because of that.....you wouldn't blame Facebook, it'd be your own fault for posting it. Same here. Whether or not we really are hacked doesn't matter as far as personal info. Whatever you post here or anywhere on the internet, it's out there available for all to see. You don't want it known, don't put it on the Internet.
Its YOUR responsibility to practice safe Internet use. If you don't have a virus program and get a virus, that's on you
Some pics of the bug doing the rounds it freezes your computer and try's to get you to pay money(i had to restore my computer using back up disc
There is no way with the current fee structure (ie.for free) that this site could be expected to keep us secure from all hacking. Sony couldn't do it, and they are a bit better heeled than this organization.
However, there is an expectation that the owners of the site will take reasonable efforts to prevent hacking, particularly since there are potential legal ramifications for some members. I don't know anything about web server security, but reading the previous posts it sounds like there may be some simple steps that could be taken to provide better security (might just be bs from a couple of complainers though).
So-- I have a constructive proposal or two:
#1 - Put up a statement about the efforts RIU is taking to keep the site secure (closed ports, latest virus protection and such). I am sure a lot of work is being done, and we don't know about it enough.
#2 - Make a contest for members of the site that are hackers (I'm sure there are a few) offering a reward for those who expose and remedy a security vulnerability. Lots of corporations do this.
It's in the interest of the owners to make some effort to address security concerns of the community. Simply saying "RIU's the biggest" and "caveat emptor" could drive too many people away from this community.
The internet isn't secure. Security is YOUR responsibility. If you don't feel that a site is safe, don't log into it.........simple!!!!!![]()
And now we have 3 moderators telling us that it's up to US to secure our computers from hacks located on their server. Awesome.
And in another thread we have one other mod telling us the admins are aware of this problem that doesnt exist and they're working on it.
God forbid anyone can bring a problem to light on this website without self righteous moderators trying to flame them because they're too ignorant to address a problem.
just shows mate they dont know wat the hell ther talking about,and just usng guess work and wingingit lol
forget it mate ther rite wer wrong thats ther menatallity
And now we have 3 moderators telling us that it's up to US to secure our computers from hacks located on their server. Awesome.
And in another thread we have one other mod telling us the admins are aware of this problem that doesnt exist and they're working on it.
God forbid anyone can bring a problem to light on this website without self righteous moderators trying to flame them because they're too ignorant to address a problem.
who says that a problem doesn't exist?? i have never said that, and i'm the one who says that admin is aware of the problem and are working on it..
there's obviously a problem and admin is working on it as far as i know from what i read on here yesterday from mr roll it up himself.. don't know what else to say about it m8..
you speak of personal info like you have uploaded you CC #'s, SSN, Address, Full name, DOB, Bank accounts, previous addresses, the names of your mother, father, and children. Chill the fuck out and smoke another joint dude. Your obviously not paranoid.
Scan your computer, remove the virus and MOVE ON. Problem solved? If you dont like the security here then move on to the next forum. No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to stay here..
So-- I have a constructive proposal or two:
#1 - Put up a statement about the efforts RIU is taking to keep the site secure (closed ports, latest virus protection and such). I am sure a lot of work is being done, and we don't know about it enough.
It's also completely fucking ridiculous that we users are expected to have an anti-virus, but the webserver this website is hosted on doesn't even have one, what a joke. Since no admin or mod has considered messaging me for help on this issue, I will post it publically.
I also recommend nginx or IIS if security is a concern, like here).