Virus/malware on website!


Active Member

Warning: Something's Not Right Here! contains malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.
Google has found malicious software may be installed onto your computer if you proceed. If you've visited this site in the past or you trust this site, it's possible that it has just recently been compromised by a hacker. You should not proceed, and perhaps try again tomorrow or go somewhere else.
We have already notified that we found malware on the site. For more about the problems found on, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page.


yup seems the sites been hacked again and has had a reidrect added

go into firefox settings u can disbale web forgerie notifications
I actually own 3 dedicated servers and a couple of VPS (majority running windows server o8, I also run a *nix firewall), I'm pretty good in terms of security regarding servers and PHP so if any mod/admin who are in charge would like a little help simply send me a PM maybe I could be ofuse
I have Avast on my computer as well, and I keep getting a malware blocked pop up everytime I get onto this site. It's probably someything with Avast. Hell, I don't know but as long as it keeps on getting blocked, I am all good with it.
What it is saying is that using this site is opening your computer up to get jacked....and on that note, I am out of here...I mean how hard is it really to keep a vbulletin site safe...? Perhaps our site admins could talk to some other site admins and maybe figure out why we have all these issues when a lot of other sites don't.
Seems the site was hacked by someone attempting to make it so that every visitor gets infected with a fake .pdf file which will basically monitor their computer and steal info like website logins (email, paypal, banks), credit card info, ect.

The IP of the hacker server is which is running on nginx, domain is

Sad thing is quite a bit of people don't have adequate anti virus so they are more than likely already infected =/
I have Avast on my computer as well, and I keep getting a malware blocked pop up everytime I get onto this site. It's probably someything with Avast. Hell, I don't know but as long as it keeps on getting blocked, I am all good with it.

avast LOL

i use kis fully legal and paid for the best on the market matey and i stil get the warning so the sites been hacked and a redirect placed on i,,,yet another kick in the gut for riu who cant seem to get the security sorted out,,should take that dude up on his offer OR get sum1 who knows wat the fuk ther doing coz atm,,,,,,,they dont qwite obviously
go to accessories, system tools, system restore, go back a few weeks and it will go away.

or get a decent antivirus and run a full scan sys restore is WAAAAYYY overkill

get this

ther is NO AV better than kis so grab this and run a scan get rid of your shit virus

Firefox blocked it this morning and I had to alter settings to get into the site.

yeh me too...internet eplorer works tho
go to accessories, system tools, system restore, go back a few weeks and it will go away.

What will go away? It doesn't work like that. The actual server this forum is hosted on is "hacked". Fact is when a hacker gains access to a server he will always leave a backdoor for him to get back in after the admins or web dev's "clear" the problem. The only solution is to backup the SQL db and forum skin, images and delete all files on the server, completely format the machine, reinstall the forum, the skin and of course the SQL db so all posts, members, content ect is returned.

Admin's also have to close unmonitored ports or set restrictions, this being a website there is no need for any ports to be open besides port 80.

The problem isn't removing the virus from visitor computers, it's removing it from HERE!
What will go away? It doesn't work like that. The actual server this forum is hosted on is "hacked". Fact is when a hacker gains access to a server he will always leave a backdoor for him to get back in after the admins or web dev's "clear" the problem. The only solution is to backup the SQL db and forum skin, images and delete all files on the server, completely format the machine, reinstall the forum, the skin and of course the SQL db so all posts, members, content ect is returned.

Admin's also have to close unmonitored ports or set restrictions, this being a website there is no need for any ports to be open besides port 80.

The problem isn't removing the virus from visitor computers, it's removing it from HERE!

i think he thinks hes downloaded summet,
I've alerted and it is gonna be addressed as soon as possible.

lol i cant beilive none have u have phone aceess its not good a growing forum getting hacked with all the ip address floating about in database and the private messages too pff not good seems to be having a bad yr this place
We are the biggest grow site on the internetz. Like any forum we are attacked and spamed on a daily basis. It just goes with the popularity.
yeah, but obviously something isn't set up right...I mean it just seems like this is happening more often then it isn't...I mean we kind of need the site to be at least a little secure...not just a willy nilly open internet disease pool.
And most sites are unsuccessfully hacked on a daily issue is that we are successfully hacked what feels like once a it isn't as simple as oh, we are bigger or whatever...find a way to make the site smaller if there isn't anyone that knows how to deal with how large it is...

I mean this is ridiculous...if you are going to do it, do it right...if you can't, then stop trying...for real