Active Member, no. A malware infection will not create your mac., no. A malware infection will not create your mac.
will this effect my mac?
Affect...... LOL someday your gonna learn how to use those words. Effect is used as a noun.
"effect" can be used as a verb (transitive) as well, as in "to effect a change". cn
Now THAT is old skool, respect bro!Opera FTW!
Both words can be used as verbs or nouns.
Now THAT is old skool, respect bro!
This POS is stuck on SafariIt's the best cell phone (mobile) browser.
i've always thought of affect as emotion - his affect was dour.
and i've always thought of effect as basically everything else. cause and effect. he effected a change. the lack of whores effected his libido.
the only time i would use affect as a verb was to describe emotion. the car crash killed his parents, affecting the young boy greatly.
turns out there's way more dimensions to it. i say fuck it. i'm using effect exclusively now.
i've always thought of affect as emotion - his affect was dour.
and i've always thought of effect as basically everything else. cause and effect. he effected a change. the lack of whores effected his libido.
the only time i would use affect as a verb was to describe emotion. the car crash killed his parents, affecting the young boy greatly.
turns out there's way more dimensions to it. i say fuck it. i'm using effect exclusively now.
Dude you're on the Internet; most people won't understand the majority of "dem b1g wordz".I would much rather use "affect" (to have an effect upon) than the bastard neologism "impact" everyone seems to use in its place. The rainforest, the economy, his grades all were affected. Impact is a noun that shares a meaning with the verb "impinge" which is intransitive and describes an impact event. The Dinosaur Killer didn't "impact" Yucatán but impinged upon it. I care about grammar; can you tell? cn
The positive effect of weed gives me a happy affect to effect life changing behavior that affects all those around me.
The positive effect of weed gives me a happy affect to effect life changing behavior that affects all those around me.
Why is that so hard?
"affect" (to have an effect upon)
the last part. i always thought that it effects all those around me. i'm stuck in my ways but still a relative youngster.
I just had a malware warning upon logging on.
..edit..just logged on again and had a threat blocked by my anti-virus