for all you birthers...


Well-Known Member
Dude, this fucking forum has a spell checker built into it! Are you purposely being ignorant. Jeez, now I feel bad for calling that kentuckboy guy a redneck.


Well-Known Member
Who da Fuck cares where his Mother happened to be on this Fuckin planet when his time came to be born??? WHO? Tell Me!?

Can we please get back to bickering about Real Shit? Last I heard the Owners were using a very impressive man of both Caucasian and African decent as it's latest Distraction for it's Sheeple Away from the Business As Usual, The Greedy Fucks using their Wealth Influence and Power to steal even more Away from the Poor to give to the Rich, otherwise known as Them Selves. aka NOT YOU!

Seriously? Who da fuck cares if Obama pisses sitting down confused in a corner of an Igloo compared to in '08 the Audacity of a Senior Citizen running with a dingbat not smart enough to be his nurse for President of The United States of America

and coming in 2nd Place!? Seriously?!


Well-Known Member
Or Mean Mitt, Dogs Against Mitt Ruff... dumb fucking rich pussy had the nerve to give a speech just recently at Liberty University which teaches Creationism! But no... elect a Mormon, they are so the wiser of the Heathen Atheists Feeding on Your Children

But One Puppet was born maybe in Kenya by his American Mother and Kenyan Baby Dad.... you boys would be on His Baby Daddy Slacker No Good Ass if he'd just disappeared into the night like you cowards do! Marie Antoinette couldn't even have her cake and eat it too and she was pretty.


Well-Known Member
How could Obama let this be published in 1991? Did he write it? Only two possibilities come to mind:

1. He let it go out, knowing that it was a lie, because it advanced his "street cred".
2. It is true.

"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White."

"The booklet, which was distributed to "business colleagues" in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel. "
zzzzzzzzzzzz thanks for curing my insomnia


Active Member
you sound like the klansman at the polling station in the south during the era of jim crow.

the president had his birth certificate checked out and approved by election officials already, just like the black guy that wants to vote has had all his unconstitutional jim crow documents verified by the court.

but if it doesn't meet the approval of the klansman at the polling station, no dice.

this whole birtherism crap is just jim crow v. 2.0, and the transparency of the loons bleating about it is pretty telling.
It was checked out by "officials"... oh so he's good to go.

I see how it works... the "officials" are never wrong, they don't lie, and they always present the facts for everyone to see. Quite the opposite.

Taking the government's word for anything is just as crazy as any idea.

On a side note, what does any of this have to do with Jim Crow laws and Klansmen (aka racism)? People who are quick to throw others into the "racist" category tend to be quite racist themselves. The irony in that always gets me.


Well-Known Member
Or Mean Mitt, Dogs Against Mitt Ruff... dumb fucking rich pussy had the nerve to give a speech just recently at Liberty University which teaches Creationism! But no... elect a Mormon, they are so the wiser of the Heathen Atheists Feeding on Your Children But One Puppet was born maybe in Kenya by his American Mother and Kenyan Baby Dad.... you boys would be on His Baby Daddy Slacker No Good Ass if he'd just disappeared into the night like you cowards do! Marie Antoinette couldn't even have her cake and eat it too and she was pretty.
Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

He was born in Hawaii, as Barack Hussein Obama, then adopted by Lolo Seotoro, legally renamed Barry Seotoro, officially granted Indonesian citizenship, at the cost of his American citizenship (or there was fraud on his parent's part) and was listed as a muslim on his enrollment forms for an Indonesian state run Madrasa. Upon his return to the USA he never reclaimed his US citizenship (if it was every really relinquished) and never changed his name back to Barack Hussein Obama. Either he is still Barry Seotoro, Indonesian citizen, and muslim, or his parents were really careless in their defrauding of the Indonesian government, and their falsification of Indonesian official documents. Either way, his mother may not technically be a US citizen either, as she is from Ohio, and Ohio didnt OFFICIALLY join the union until 1953 (see note below) and thus was not technically a US citizen when born, but rather a naturalized citizen... OH SNAP!!!!

"Congress recognized the state of Ohio on February 19, 1803 ("An act to provide for the due execution of the laws of the United States, within the state of Ohio", Seventh Congress, Session II, Chapter VII), but no formal date of statehood was set by the act of admission or a later resolution, as occurred with all other new states. On August 7, 1953, Congress passed a law retroactively setting the date of Ohio's statehood at March 1, 1803, the date when Ohio's first legislature convened"

It's all just a technicality, but being technically correct is the best kind of correct! HA HA HA HA HA MI GUSTA!!


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
awww fuck!! since i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY dont wanna vote for Romney, maybe i should write in Barry Seotoro! It's voting for Obama without giving Obama a vote, and bypasses Romney entirely. Im happy, Barry is happy, and maybe even Uncle Buck will be happy!