The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
look sexy as fuk them bruv!! see the bsb straight away that lovely purpley red colour NICE!


thats qwite possibly the cleanest grinder ive EVER seen lmao
its a 3 part dutch passion grinder that was a free gift on an Attitude promotion last year, the bottom kief collection part doesnt work as the mesh they have put in there is totally the wrong size an does`nt let anything fall thru so everything collects in the middle part which is dirty as fuck n caked with kief in stark contrast however to that top part you are on about which has had well over 70ozput thru it an has never been cleaned and nothing ever seems to stick to it, jus falls straight through, even kief does`nt stick to it jus always looks brand new in that toiop part no matter what ya chuck through it

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sounds a bit like my pollen blitz grinder. Screen is useless, i jut ended up removing that part of the grinder, made it smaller in the pocket, and it's easier to scrape kief off the bottom section than off a screen :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've moved house about 200 miles from where I used to be and I'm completely cut off... :sad:
Then get onto the street and make some friends. Do you HONESTLY think that you're going to find yourself a dealer on this forum as a complete and utter stranger? You don't seem to be very smart to be acting like this ;)
I just know if someone bluntly asks they can't be police or anything because it'd be entrapment...
There is a head shop near me but I think I'd get a bad reaction from him...


Well-Known Member
Yes. A drug dealer...

You have made two posts on this forum, both asking where to buy weed. Either smarten the fuck up or GTFO!
fuk me TTT haha man uve such a way with words lmao

I just know if someone bluntly asks they can't be police or anything because it'd be entrapment...
There is a head shop near me but I think I'd get a bad reaction from him...
noe seelig cannabis is illigal buddy we dont do or condone it and besdies FUK paying for it
and yeh hed prolly ban u from the shop

and fukk me that ballsak mod is a misreble cunt lol try and have a lil laugh with the dude DAMMNNN haha

how is everyone

and can anyone find
frnot screen bezel for zoostorm kangaroo vme50
fucked if i can

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I just know if someone bluntly asks they can't be police or anything because it'd be entrapment...
There is a head shop near me but I think I'd get a bad reaction from him...
How did you meet your last dealers. My suggestion would be to repeat the process. You will NOT get someone on this forum to sell you cannabis, either accept this or fuck off. After all, you seem to be here for no other reason.

And fyi, i dove to a dodgy part of town, i parked up my car and had weed from a complete stranger within 5 minutes. Man up or ship out. I have an incredibly hard time believing you are anyting but some prepubescent little schoolboy based on what you have stated thus far. And based on the fact that you are thinking about asking a headshop where to core weed, well you're the last person i'd want to be moking weed, stop giving all of us such a fucking shitty name! We're not all retarded, very few in fact, but i guess there's always the exception...


Well-Known Member
cops down here have asked someone if they knew anyone selling pills the bloke gave him s number and that boy got done for supplying so that entrapment thing is bull shit
The problem I have is I work for a bank and walk around in a 3 piece suit. I look too professional and grown up to be offered. I don't wanna go down the medical use excuse but I do have need for it... I met my old dealer when I was at school a good 10 years ago and now it's only when I go back I can stock up...
Sorry for any bad feelings I've caused or left you with....


Well-Known Member
fuk me TTT haha man uve such a way with words lmao

noe seelig cannabis is illigal buddy we dont do or condone it and besdies FUK paying for it
and yeh hed prolly ban u from the shop

and fukk me that ballsak mod is a misreble cunt lol try and have a lil laugh with the dude DAMMNNN haha

how is everyone

and can anyone find
frnot screen bezel for zoostorm kangaroo vme50
fucked if i can
is this it?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The problem I have is I work for a bank and walk around in a 3 piece suit. I look too professional and grown up to be offered. I don't wanna go down the medical use excuse but I do have need for it... I met my old dealer when I was at school a good 10 years ago and now it's only when I go back I can stock up...
Sorry for any bad feelings I've caused or left you with....
You are here for no reason but to try and find a dealer. You are on the wrong forum. Bugger off.. If you are really this desperate then use silk road.

And news flash, it's not against the law to remove your 3 piece suit and don some causal clothes when going out to buy find some weed. Ask a friend if he knows anyone or knows a friend who knows ayone etc, this is not rocket science. People have been finding dealers for quite a few years without ahving to resort to the internet.

Who cares though, as i say, bugger off, you are on the wrong forum.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
good thanks ttt and how is your good self.
pic updates tomoz
just has scampi chips sausage and mushy peas. feel fat
Sounds fucking good to me :) Been years since i'e had good scampi. Even the crap at the supermarket is like £5 for a pissy small bag of the stuff. I do have me a jar of salted anchovies though :) i watched the futurama episode and it gave me a bit of a craving.


Well-Known Member
no mate its the BEZEL im after the shiney plastic wat goes round the fromnt of the lcd screen


Sounds fucking good to me :) Been years since i'e had good scampi. Even the crap at the supermarket is like £5 for a pissy small bag of the stuff. I do have me a jar of salted anchovies though :) i watched the futurama episode and it gave me a bit of a craving.
fuk me dude u eat sum nasty stuf lol

and u dude wanting to score thers a moron called catarct that thing will sell u sum shit for sure! hes fucking stupid enough

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
dude my mrs mum goes to a top butchers local to us and gets us seafood tart. it gorgeous gentle pastry wit the freshest tastiest seas food n cheese in it. posh fresh ones man i swear i take me time eating them even being a pig. they like 25 quid for 2 lil tarts but so rich n filling it unreal.
they also do the best beef welingtons there fresh made, steaks melt its unreal. so expensive but worth a flutter once a month man

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Butchers? fish comes form a fish mongers! :p

I hate to say it but i'm not a fan of beef. Sure it can be done real nice, but not at the asking price. If i'm spending that much money on meat it is lamb every time :)