World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah i was gunna say from wen u chopped offers till now u really see a massive increase. even from last pic u did u see a big difference.
haha u think any this pyscho plant make it tp the cure jar or smoked before?
the dreaded curse off growing
wen was last time u had a new bulb for light? they need changing every 6 month to year? or there bouts?


Well-Known Member
A doubt very much any will make it mate unless some of the others hurry the fuck up lol.. A normally change ma bulb when a can afford to was readin somewhere that u can tell if the bulb needs replaced by its goes kinda like frosted glass instead of clear. A think u can tell as well cos u temps drop a good bit as well.

Think this PW may b a keeper,really nice structure so goin to try get a couple of cuts when fling into flower in a couple if weeks. The trainwreck really slow not much growth pishy ghs or late bloomer lol... Think a found the wonder pheno last time lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah keep the ptw going in clones n keep them in water farm wen u can.
shame on tw but it may have a late spurt in growth.
i will need get a lil cloner set soon , as in the plugs or jiffys.
the bsb babys doing alright also?


Well-Known Member
A jst use coco with weak nutes in party cups now for clones,root riots for seeds keep it simple lol...

BSB's r good m8 3 females 2 males from 5. Purple startin to come through on all. 2 look like twins n then their little sister lol.

Goin to call it a night. Al send u a txt in the mornin ;-)

Peace out brother from another mother

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
whos got the lillys out today then haha. gotta love this weather. setting up a nice nap spot outside in garden for rest week haha
sun n cheese wot could b better


Well-Known Member
Haha ya lucky sod. Wiz hopin the mrs would fuck off out wae her gran n leave me with the cheese,but.did she fuck n now its gone :-( on the other hand a jst got a bit of pollen. Well clean clean solid lol,cany taste fck all anyway so all good lol


Well-Known Member
my misses did fuck off. she just left the baby here with me all day tho so ive been chasing him around the gardenand now im ready for bed lol


Well-Known Member
Aye there hard work mate, that was me yesterday. Today me and the wee man have been ill, so cuddled up on couch with duvet n pixar films lol..... Hopefully we feel better tomorrow, think its to be warmer again here. Not doin any favours with ma plants, temps are gettin quite high n feck all a can do about it, unless a go 24 hour dark 2nite and switch to flowering at night. Dont fancy that though cos the wiring aint the best in this house so a like to be awake when everythings on

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
god yeah kids can tire u easy man. they none stop energy cos everything new to them.
haha my temps sitting at 25 26 so im happy for now.
haha the mrs think tasted alright then?


Well-Known Member
Yeah mate, tasted same as the exo wee jst dne according to her lol... Am that bad again that a cant even smell ma psychosis n its stinkin really bad. Hopefully will ease off a bit 2nite, goin to cover ma sinus' in vick lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
good am glad she liked. trust u to b ill man haha. oh well i bet u hammered it if without before for couple days. i wood b taking axe to it to get in the wraps asap haha.
pollen u say u got? good price for it there/?
well hoping u all better soon matey


Well-Known Member
Got it as a freebie think ma m8's sellin it at £35 a Q, bout double the price of normal solid. Fuck a was about ready tae chop the psycho n put a skin round it lmao.

Well am offski, bath n bed.. Laterz

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
na alway s never worth early chop as mount weight they throw on last few weeks u b loosing a load weight.
no probs fella have a good un


Well-Known Member
A had a good look at it 2nite and was actually surprised at the amount of cloudy trichs, even got the mrs to have a look make sure a wasnt trippin lol. A know you shouldnt but a had a little squeeze at a couple of nuggs and solid as a rock. Calyxes swellin out from under the leaves, its not got too long to go anyway


Well-Known Member
get well soon mate. i had the sofa and dvd day on the weekend, not good lol. my temps are about 28 and thats the lowest they've ever been in veg even over xmas. it got even worse when the misses came home with the other 2 kids. i had my 4 year old daughter running after the chickens and when she caught 1 i had to help her pick it up. it wasnt fuck all like rocky where he couldnt catch the fucker she had 1 ever 2 mins


Well-Known Member
Haha nothin a bath n some vicks couldnt sort ;-)

Oh yeah a was talkin about buds big sticky buds lol.

How u feelin today D? U managed to shift ur cold yet? A always seem to get it when the weathers really good :-(


Well-Known Member
Heids still a bunch eh cotton wool lad. And yeh, what is it with getting colds in hot weather, I am totally the same. Had a better crash last night though so I think the snot clouds in my head could be clearing up. Got some Livers at 10 weeks to chop today, and then shopping for Mrs D's birthday presents. So nae time for this cold shit today.
Haha nothin a bath n some vicks couldnt sort ;-)

Oh yeah a was talkin about buds big sticky buds lol.

How u feelin today D? U managed to shift ur cold yet? A always seem to get it when the weathers really good :-(
EDIT: Never ever seen viks in Holland. Will need to check it out.