Plants keep dying!!!

I will post pictures later but I have a small grow box with a fan and 2 6500k cfl's. First 2 seeds from friends good bud that herm'd died. I was using straight peat moss I think soil was too hard and it stunted. Germ'd commercial seed in a cup of water and it died in peat. Germ'd another in cup and switched to burpee organic eco friendly seed starter soil has what looks like a good mix and she just sprouted today. I've been misting to keep the surface moist after it dries is that good? I'll post pictures and hope to hear your advice!!!!!edit: that's a reflective tarp mylar I believe from walmart $1.87 fan closes into box when door shuts. What do u think?


Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I'm sure you don't, but... don't put your plant back under direct light right after misting.

I'm a noob too, just got a dome, I like it already. You might want to look into one, they're only $10.00
Good point but with those cfl's and the fan there is virtually no heat to the plant other then the surrounding temperature so with that lighting would it burn still?


Active Member
Lookz like you cooking them bro. A little less light or lift the lights a little to cool. Till she Is a little taller.
If you mist and leave water on the leaf then put right under a lite it will burn.

Smoke hard-grow easy... Keep working it and you will get ya dankness...


Well-Known Member
looks fine to me, and as long as you arent overwatering them and allowing the top 1/2-1 inch of soil dry... but not letting it dry out completely...

it right now is trying to form itself a good stable root system and needs to not be soggy so the roots can breath and get their legs going...

your last pic of the "substrate" or mix... looks to be good... and should keep it about the same "moistness" as that for about a couple of weeks... perhaps even let it get slightly dryer...

when it is about 2 wks old... and much larger say 4 inches tall 4+ teethed fan leaves... then you can give it more water each time... but always remembering to let it dry a bit before watering again...

and as long as that "easy-bake" oven you got there doesnt focus heat directly onto the plant... (like a magnifying glass and an ant)... and the air in the box itself doesnt exceed 90 then you should be fine... ;)

misting it is okay... if youre humidity is under 30%... if the air is already moist and say 50% humidity then misting is unnecessary...

just look at it, and tell yourself... "how much water is actually in the plant itself already" and then think "does it really need 20 OZ of water, to then be drowned"... ;)


New Member
next time try a way smaller container like a party cup even less allow plant to take root before transplanting them into a monster sized pot lol
also would be a good idea to keep them in a dome to keep humidity high for the first few weeks till plant establishes it self


Active Member
You can purchase from a dollar store a relatively cheap dome. Pick up a clear plastic storage container and lid. flip it over and put four 1/4 inch holes in the bottom of container. Now you are set up. Buy some clear plastic kegger cups, the small ones. Get yourself an empty egg carton and some paper towels, plain no fancy paterns and ink. Use this to germ your seeds. Make a little nest with a swatch of towels, wet them and place a seed in each pocket, cover over with damp paper towel, shut lid put in warm dark spot. Check every day or two and throw away the rejects after a week of no result. Use your party cups fill them halfway to two thirds loose soil mix, plant one germ per cup head down,seed husk if possible intact, do this when initial root or "radicle" is three times the legnth of the seed itself . "remember head down". This makes the seedling turn all the way around and in doing so it shuks it own seed hull. The plants don't streatch as much initially, and they start much more vivatiosly. Now, that you have done this, you can deal with a little stretch by just adding some soil to the cup around the stem just like pulling up its britches! You are able to control it because you only filled those cups 2/3 full. Use the lid of your dome as the tray portion set your germ/clone warming pad in and then cover this with perolite, at least as deep as the lid. I nestle my cloneing cubes into the perolite set the storage container over it, now with the dome set up I slide it under my four foot strip lamp fixture, this shines through the dome. I've never used it for seedlings, It really isn't advisable. If it is a seedling it has roots and doesn't need to get it's moisture from condinsation formed on the leaves. This is how a clone gets it's moisture while roots form. If you do this to rooted plants, such as seedlings, you will in fact drown your babies. Necrosis will cause the leaf structure to start breaking down resuting in yellow tipped leaves.


Active Member
Remember babies don't need Any nutes from the get go. I wait at least two weeks before I even give them micro nutes. With clones as well as seedlings. I grow all organic. What I start with is well rinsed and set aside soil from a previous grow. Everything needed to get started is usually in the soil. I Never accidentally overdose baby plants, and I dont have to concern myself with all the advanced nute programs. Worm castings, sea kelp, blood meal and high quallity guano, does everything I need it to do. Key is figuring out what and when too use them. Purchase a fish tank air pump, a bucket, and non sulfur molasass, Now you are ready to make your own tea to feed to your plants. If you choose to work with a store purchased nutes, start out with 1/4 the strength, just mix like the directions say then dillute. most nutes, unless, specificlly designed for weed will burn weed if mixed full strength. All these products can be found at a good nursury.Peace
or use a empy cooler like 4 the beach any size will do just pop the lid off the top it can always go back on if u dont wanna break it , then just put celephane over top & u got a ghetto biodome or greenhouse if u will.
also look into these cheap bulbs home depot carries them there specially made for plants and there 6.99 for a 65 watt the top half of bulb is sort of tinted blue slyvania spotgrow there called
She seems to be Perkin up i raised the lights and have been letting her dry for awhile and misting lightly to turn the soil color. I'll post a pic tomorrow morning too see if she's done any better i hope i dont mess this one up!! Thanks for the posts!
So I woke up this morning and she is looking great! Question tho what should my watering schedule be? And if u look at the pic with my hand behind her the outside of her catylodon(idk what it's called or how its spelled the two primaryleaves that first open that hold initial nutes) you can see that it is purple. Been purple since it sprouted might be because the bud it came from had purple I have no idea but it doesn't seem to be affecting anything take a look and u tell me lol

edit: sorry about multiple posts noone responded when I had something else to say lol

