Germination Question

david nicholas

Active Member
I will be growing outdoors (first grow) The place I will be growing is about a mile walk from my house. If I germinate the seeds at home , will the walk to the site damage them ? Should I germinate them at the site?

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
No, they'll be fine. But wait, maybe I need more info...

How are you germinating them? Cup of water, paper towels etc...?
After they crack, will you be putting them in something like rockwool or jiffy pots etc...?


david nicholas

Active Member
well I was just planning on germinating in paper towels and carrying them carefully to the site while still inside the paper towels. Is that too dangerous for them?



Well-Known Member
Depends on if you have your nike air gel insoles in your shoes. Just kidding.

It probably depends how carefully you can walk with them. Are you able to put the paper towels maybe inside a small cardboard box while you carry them, or are you talking about holding them in your hands stealthily?

Also, do you have adequate access to water at your plant site, or will you have to carry a jug with you to water them?

david nicholas

Active Member
Hey thanks for the quick replies.

First , I can carry the seeds in anything, like a little box or maybe a cd case I'm not worried about po po, my real question is will the germinated seeds be too delicate to travel about a mile without being in a starter pot or rockwool?

Second I will be growing right next to a river, so no water is not an issue.

So basically, will I be able to carefully just carry the seeds a mile?


White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I would suggest that you put them in jiffy pots or those little sacks with regular soil in them (can't think of a name for them), they are very cheap at Home Depot or Walmart.

Or just put them in a small box like Dabu said - you want to make sure nothing hurts the little tap root...

But yes, you can carry them the few minutes it will take you to drive a mile to your grow site.



Well-Known Member
i would try to grow them now to get them as big as possable they wiil do much better it ther are grown up some but that is up to you

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
i would try to grow them now to get them as big as possable they wiil do much better it ther are grown up some but that is up to you

Weedyoo is right!

I was kinda concentrating on the question of transporting the germinated seeds. But you might consider allowing your, so to be plants, to veg a bit indoors. Just a month would really make a difference on whether they will survive or not.

Also, while planting now will insure huge plants...
They will still not go into flowering mode until mid-late summer.

Peat pods... that's the name of those things I couldn't think of earlier... lol

Anyway, check out a few threads on the best time to plant outside... here's a couple to start you off...
