The Great God Pan is Alive

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
so i see failspammy has more fans as evidenced by you being on his thread.

failspammy wants to say "thank you" for helping him bring in the big bucks, $100 spam checks earned over the course of an entire year.

that should pay the bills.

Wut? :dunce:

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
With whom? I'm nibbling on the compliment and using a very small spoon to stretch the experience. cn
I just spit out my water. I should know not to drink water while reading one of your posts.

apparently, failspammy gets richer everytime someone posts on one of his threads.

he owes us all a big 'thank you' for the justin bieber sexiness and ensuing discussion.
I did not know that. I don't spend too much time in Finshaggy's world. I tend to get lost. Cannabineer lured me in. It's HIS fault.


Well-Known Member
but why are you getting all mad and bitter at justin bieber?
Why do you think I'm mad? show me the quote :lol:

You live a sad existence, I feel bad for you. There is no anger here.
Just thanks for the bumps, and pity for the life wasted doing it all day.
Please stay forever.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think I'm mad? show me the quote :lol:

You live a sad existence, I feel bad for you. There is no anger here.
Just thanks for the bumps, and pity for the life wasted doing it all day.
Please stay forever.
yeah, you're pretty mad alright. even goes so far as to claim that there's no anger.

why don't you just pay someone to shut off my internet already?



Well-Known Member
yeah, you're pretty mad alright. even goes so far as to claim that there's no anger.

why don't you just pay someone to shut off my internet already?


Ok, you can think I'm mad. I still just feel bad for you, you don't do anything but give people (out of context) info, which essentially helps me. And bump my threads.
If thinking I'm mad helps you feel good about yourself. Cool. :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah he does.
Big time, won't even answer some questions. And wouldn't troll me right, until I told him he was allowed to. :lol:
you've got some massive delusions up in that dome of yours.

but of course, it's not you that's massively deluded, it's the rest of the world.

for example, when we all laugh about your whole fantasy of legalizing weed in texas all by yourself, that is a collective delusion the rest of us are under, not any kind of delusion you might be suffering.

how's that whole legalizing weed for all of texas coming along by the way? is it going as well as your plans to be in mexico and show us oregonians a thing or two about how to abuse twigs?


Well-Known Member
you've got some massive delusions up in that dome of yours.

but of course, it's not you that's massively deluded, it's the rest of the world.

for example, when we all laugh about your whole fantasy of legalizing weed in texas all by yourself, that is a collective delusion the rest of us are under, not any kind of delusion you might be suffering.

how's that whole legalizing weed for all of texas coming along by the way? is it going as well as your plans to be in mexico and show us oregonians a thing or two about how to abuse twigs?
Now, you can't expect me to read the long ones silly :dunce: :lol:

I appreciate the SEO, and bumping. But I don't care what you have to say. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Now, you can't expect me to read the long ones silly :dunce: :lol:

I appreciate the SEO, and bumping. But I don't care what you have to say. :lol:
that's called cognitive dissonance.

you don't want to face the fact that the rest of the world is not under a massive, shared delusion.

it's you, failspammy. you never follow through on jack nor shit of what say you'll do.

you're welcome for the bumpage, you seriously need it.