Seedling in Hempy buckets, Drooping

Well no improvment today.

Feeling pretty dishartaned now.
The mduim seems dry So I am going to water, just a little bet around the plant trying not to let the cube get to wet.

Will update again this evening.
Im far from a hempy grow person as I still dont understand what the hell it means to grow hempy look like a soilless mix ebb and flow to me but anyways.Are you phing your water since your using an inert soiless mix you want a lower ph as the plant will react funny to soil type phs.Id stay in the 5.5-5.8 ph range if this is a soiless hydro type grow.
damn sorry you are having a tough time, its not all of your seedlings tho right just one of them is having this problem??? Maybe its just a bad plant, I have had seedlings just not make it for no explainable reason..... hope it pulls thru for you but maybe its just genetics.... and I keep my ph just below 6.0 like filthy said
Hi, Thanks for the addvice.

It is 4 of my 5 ICE plants that are showing these symtoms. the 4 Papaya belonge to my Ex girlfreind, but she says I can take cuttings from her if things don't work out with mine. That said they are all looking a little small for 12 days, there still growing there second set of real leaves.
It's just, I was really looking forward to growing ICE. I have 5 more seeds so not all is lost.

I was Ph'ing at 6. to 6.5 but I will drop it lower from now on.
I'm not new to growing or hydro, but this my first time growing seeds in hempy.

I am now 85% sure it is the Root Cubes, I took the worst looking plant and dug out around the cube and gave it a gentle sqeeze, it was holding a lot of water. I was worried about damaging the plants roots, so I only did one, if it pics up affter this I will try it on the rest. (Root Riot cubes are made out of a very springy sponge type metrial, so sqeezing them realises the water and then when you let go they expand again sucking in fresh air, unlike rockwool which just compreses).

I was also wondering about digging out one of the cubes so that it is expsed to the air, this should help it dry out quicker.

I am being much more cafull about watering, evoding the cube compleatly.

I'm not certain this is what the problem is yet, but people should be warned that there may be a problem with Root Riot cubes and Hempy buckets.

Will keep everyone update.
According to Hempy, the pH should be around 6.1-6.2.

"look like a soilless mix ebb and flow to me" <- Yes, that is basically what it is.
I am sure it will work out that is probably the problem, I remember reading something like that I dont think it was on RIU maybe another forum, I have one that I started from seed, in rocwool for a day or 2 and then into a HB I water around the cube and no problems at all, but I am also 100% perlite so my meduim retains very little moisture
My medium is like like 80% perlight, it drains very quickly. i don't think that is what is courses this problem.

Next time I will not use the cubes and attemt to grow in just perlight.

Still, They might have picked up a little. I am still hopeing they will be okay. At least 1 is looking a bit more perky.
I am sure they will pull thru I think hempy buckets are like magic, when I started mine I had some seedlings that were in an AG they were bout dead put them in HB's even used the same light and this is them now

I was wondering.

beacuse I have over watering issues, I do not have my plants sitting in a Rez of water, so to speak. It's pretty much just a standed put with perlight in it.

I was just wonderin if I could put some water in the trays? or leave it for now?

I gess it's kind of hard to tell how wet perlight is, it feels damp, but only just damp, that is right?

The root cubes are wet, god damn things, wish I hadn't used them. Once there is a good root system established out side of the root cube, this won't be a problem?

Is there anything I can add to help my roots.

I have:
Liquid Silica
Canna Zym
Thanks Tan very informative..especially for them of us who is gonna try the hempy bucket deal one of these days. If they can be overwatered fairly easy makes me think a person might could even leave them unattended for a few days. That was the only drawback I have see..cuz some dope head said they have to watered everyday or they will dry up and blow away blah blah blah. I'm getting sorta pissed on this deal. Which bro to pay heed?

Big Wheel

Just a CAN over water a hempy bucket if you water too frequently (Especially depending on the media you are using). You cannot over water it in a single watering cycle because of the drain hole. I made the mistake of watering everyday...and you can actually over do it.
Well thanks a bunch for the lighting help. I been going nuts with lights. The only grow Flouros I have seen at Wally World are 2' skinny looking things that have to be mounted over heard in a holder. Says they are good for reptiles and asquariums. Now they do have some stick looking grow lights with the plug on/off switch etc. Are we speaking of either one of them things? Thanks. Now I did get lucky at Wally World today and found the heavy duty light timers on sale for 5 bucks each. They must not sell many of those cuz that sure had a lot left. Anyway I bought the figger 8 cord (Radio Shack) and two clamp on work light reflectors. Trying to run the AG lights..the one Curly CFL and the worklight and the fart fan off the timer. I was about half drunk? All I know now is the lights and exhaust fan are off. Left the little blowing fan unning. Setting that timer was purty complicated. Which I had a 10 year old kid to do it for me to make sure it works right. Hope they all come back on one of these days. Im going for 18/6 or 7 I think. Figgered I need that timer for flowering. Bought two in fact. At the rate they are growing I will be ready to flower in a few years.

Big Wheel

Yes I think it is over watering.

One try had dryed out and they looked happy and the other was still fill of water and they looked very droopy.

Big Wheel

I stognly recomened that you don't buy those CFLs.
Never miond the 100Watt equivlant, that number doesn't mean anything.
At the moment beacuse they are not i there final buckets they are sat in trays.
OpenDNS <--- You can probably find them cheaper and closer to you than this site but take a look.

The only difficult things is that they use a Fat 1" screw in socket, but I would recomend getting a reflector anyway, and these will hae the fitting attached.
If you want to grow with CFLs, get a "Grow CFL". My seeds are under a 125 Real Watt CFL. this is great for the veg stage. If I was going to flower I would get a 200Watt Red specrum one as well.

It is actually cheaper to buy one of these than multible small bulbs.
I have drained it off and will see how it goes.
Whats the benfit of using these hempy buckets aka flood bcukets over simple flood and drain tables and pots with rockwool and hydroton seems like alot more work with some issues?
Whats the benfit of using these hempy buckets aka flood bcukets over simple flood and drain tables and pots with rockwool and hydroton seems like alot more work with some issues?

its a bucket with a hole 2 inches up filled with perlite (or another soilless medium or mix of soilless mediums)... hand watered every otherday or so...

basically, its just a very simple passive hydro setup... very much like ebb and flow... but no pumps are necessary, or flood tables...
Whats the benfit of using these hempy buckets aka flood bcukets over simple flood and drain tables and pots with rockwool and hydroton seems like alot more work with some issues?
you can constantly ask this question in as many threads as you like...this system requires no working parts other then a proper hempy bucket you can't over water ,the medium will only retain so much be for dumping excess threw the we say to water everyday till root establishment cause at least in perlite based bukets will dry out super fast an if the roots aint at the bottem yet they cant suck up the water as readily as they need it....peace az
in a proper hempy bucket you can't over water ,the medium will only retain so much be for dumping excess threw the hole..

I love the the way you added that in, just to make sure everyone new that if i was having trouble it was beacuse i'm not using a "proper" system. Hehe. It's okay I know I mesed up.

Don't know why I did, I F-ing reserached it. Now when I think about it I'm not sure why I used the Root Cubes, I gess I got my wires crossed on the day.

Any way, Update.

The Papay, is looking stong, there cubes are pretty damp, but each plant has roots that have met the bottom of the pot.

The Ice, I think is looking better, it's still very droopy, but I'm wondering if those leaves will ever recover now, the plant's are still growing, but a little slowly.
The cubes where pretty dry this morning, proabably about right.

The perlight seemed pretty dry, So I watered around the edge of the pots with 50Ml, and then I filled the tray up to around 2mm, above the bottom of the pots.
I hope this was the right thing to do, I want the perlight to stay damp to incurrage the roots to grow out of the cube, but I don't want the cube to get to wet.

Am I right in thinking, that the perlight will wick up the moster from the tray?
If this happend will the cube continue to wick water untilll it is saturated or will it stay at the same dampness as the perlight?
Whats the benfit of using these hempy buckets aka flood bcukets over simple flood and drain tables and pots with rockwool and hydroton seems like alot more work with some issues?

sorry you are way off,less work , no moving parts, no ph to monitor constantly, no ppm to monitor, no valves to clog, no pumps to clog, water every other day, and 0 problems, MR Green is having a problem it seems based on the cubes he is using,imho, not the HB's there are several guys myself include that tore down a dwc to convert to HB doesnt get an easier than this filthy, I really think this system is so simple that some people have a hard time understanding it, its all over the net Google hempy buckets, 99% of the post are positive, about the method.....
sorry i had to put that in yes the perlite will wick up an encourage the plant to serch for water an send out more roots....peace az
Az I know you love these setups Im just looking to figure it out and its benefits the other thread didnt have much info as to why how or setup just a picture of plants in a bucket with perlite.Sorry your offended Im trying to learn about them.BigD guess you havent grown in a flood table before as the things you mentioned dont happen.You fill a res add nutes and setyour timer then you walk away never an issue.Im assuming your not growing in a hempy bucket either because its still hydro so you still have to ph your water, check your ppm when feeding so Im not sure what your saying. I guess its a basic system I was looking for what it actually was not ripping it..How did you clog a pump and drain in a flood table anyways? Your pump is submerged in afilter bag or with a inline filter in the res so nothing in there can clog a pump and the drains well they have slots on the posts so nothing can get in water just out and there is nothing but pots in the table so nothing in the water as it drains? Confused on how you could even possibly clog a drain or pump unless you intentionally stuck something in the drain or pump??I fill my res and add nutes and such on sunday then for the next 7 days I stop by say hi and dip a pen in the nutes and see my ph.usually its cool might have to add few tsps of ph adjustment then walk away tiol next sunday.Its all timed and self running so thats what i was trying to see if these buckets were easier but it seems like this is a good soil in bucket replacement but you have to come back and water every day or 2 so it takes more work but in a small area has the benefit of no table but seems like it would be tought o grow more then a couple plants at a time unless you set a drip system on it..Question where does the excess water go from run off? It doesnt just sit in the bucket under the grow bucket stale does it?Again not ripping these just learning and asking about them to see where they work best
Az I know you love these setups Im just looking to figure it out and its benefits the other thread didnt have much info as to why how or setup just a picture of plants in a bucket with perlite.Sorry your offended Im trying to learn about them.BigD guess you havent grown in a flood table before as the things you mentioned dont happen.You fill a res add nutes and setyour timer then you walk away never an issue.Im assuming your not growing in a hempy bucket either because its still hydro so you still have to ph your water, check your ppm when feeding so Im not sure what your saying. I guess its a basic system I was looking for what it actually was not ripping it..How did you clog a pump and drain in a flood table anyways? Your pump is submerged in afilter bag or with a inline filter in the res so nothing in there can clog a pump and the drains well they have slots on the posts so nothing can get in water just out and there is nothing but pots in the table so nothing in the water as it drains? Confused on how you could even possibly clog a drain or pump unless you intentionally stuck something in the drain or pump??I fill my res and add nutes and such on sunday then for the next 7 days I stop by say hi and dip a pen in the nutes and see my ph.usually its cool might have to add few tsps of ph adjustment then walk away tiol next sunday.Its all timed and self running so thats what i was trying to see if these buckets were easier but it seems like this is a good soil in bucket replacement but you have to come back and water every day or 2 so it takes more work but in a small area has the benefit of no table but seems like it would be tought o grow more then a couple plants at a time unless you set a drip system on it..Question where does the excess water go from run off? It doesnt just sit in the bucket under the grow bucket stale does it?Again not ripping these just learning and asking about them to see where they work best

wrong again filthy I am growing hempy if you read my post you will note I tore down a dwc(hydro) and went hempy and never looked back, I have never done a flood and drain table, nor wil I, and although yes it is hydro, I dont check my ph anymore (r/o water always 6.0) and I only go max strngth on nutes unless I see a burn,then I bag off, thus no need for ppm checks, no res to drain and fill, and you have a timer to flood the tables, and vents and valves,and I hope an air pump and airstone for your res, I have a bucket with a hole, doesnt get any easier than that. and I know for a fact that a standing res, will have ph fluctuations the hydro section is full of guys battling ph using every form of hydro except the HB, but enough of this Hempy for life good luck with your tables filthy, how are the seedlings Mr Green???