trayvan martin

desert dude

Well-Known Member
lol sir we all are not bitchmade but glad to see you are owning your bitchness. I was made to be a man and defend women not beat them. I don't pretend to be the police and kill innocent people. I don't shoot to kill just because I'm losing a fight.
You just pretend to be judge, jury and executioner on the internet. Did you sleep at a Holiday Inn last night too?


Well-Known Member
You just pretend to be judge, jury and executioner on the internet. Did you sleep at a Holiday Inn last night too?
what ever dude...
Fact- Zimmerman has put his hands on a female ( more then once ) I said I don't fuck with women beaters or fuckers who touch kids or elders, but I see that you do

desert dude

Well-Known Member
what ever dude...
Fact- Zimmerman has put his hands on a female ( more then once ) I said I don't fuck with women beaters or fuckers who touch kids or elders, but I see that you do
BS. The Zimmerman-girlfriend thing was a "he said, she said" incident. They both had restraining orders against each other. Anybody who is remotely familiar with the breakdown of a marriage/relationship knows these things are usually just mud-slinging exercises.

You just want Zimmerman to be guilty of a crime so you resort to character assassination because you have no facts to support his guilt in the shooting of young Mr. Martin.


Well-Known Member
well i see that the prosecutor angela corey just prosecuted a case and won....she convicted a woman who has never been arrested in her life....the woman convicted has 3 kids and a p.h.d.
...this woman fired a warning shot that struck scare her ex boyfriend from beating her...this piece of crap ex bf has a history of beating women...he also had a restraining order on him from this woman.....this woman got 20 years! ...she argued stand your ground and lost...i think this woman should have never been charged in the first place and the police should have arrested the piece of shit boyfriend...but this is the same prosecutor who is coming for this turd zimmerman. zimm is getting convicted.
all about setting precedent.


Well-Known Member
At least that is one true statement. If Zimmerman had not gone out that night, none of this would have happened. Of course, the same can be said of Trayvon. If Trayvon had not gone to visit his father in Sanford this never would have happened. If Zimmerman's father had not retired in Florida this never would have happened.

Destiny brought these two together on that cool rainy night in Florida. Neither of them was committing a crime until they got together. Zimmerman was a moron. Trayvon was an imbecile. Trayvon lost. It's that simple.
no, the cops called it ultimately avoidable by zimmerman for repeatedly following martin and not identifying himself.

desert douche.


Well-Known Member
What I want the rule to be is this: I can ask you a question in Florida, or any other state in the union. You can be annoyed at my question, and you can even tell me to fuck off. I can watch you and call the police because I think you are acting suspiciously. You don't get to assault me with impunity because I asked you a question. If you do assault me then I get to defend myself. That is pretty much what happened.
lol, desert douche is making up lies now.



Well-Known Member
You don't have to "become a vegetable", or die, before you are allowed to use lethal force. You just have to reasonably believe you are about to be murdered or severely injured. I think Zimmerman use of force was reasonable in this circumstance.
if i ever find out who you are, i'll follow you around, start a fight with you, throw it, then shoot you dead.

i expect your dead corpse to be perfectly ok with that.


Well-Known Member
I want to answer this one again, with an alternate scenario:

Suppose Trayvon had succeeded in killing Zimmerman by bashing his brains out on the sidewalk? Would Trayvon have been shielded by Florida's SYG law? I think the answer is yes, Trayvon would not have been charged. Trayvon could have claimed that he was pursued and assaulted by Zimmerman and he defended himself. He saw that Zimmerman was armed and Trayvon reasonably feared for his life and he had to use lethal force to defend himself. There are no witnesses to refute that claim. Given the evidence, I would buy that claim and agree that Trayvon was shielded by SYG.
how much you want to bet he would have been arrested and held instead of let to walk?

you are obviously not familiar with the stellar police work of the sanford pd.


Well-Known Member
BS. The Zimmerman-girlfriend thing was a "he said, she said" incident. They both had restraining orders against each other. Anybody who is remotely familiar with the breakdown of a marriage/relationship knows these things are usually just mud-slinging exercises.

You just want Zimmerman to be guilty of a crime so you resort to character assassination because you have no facts to support his guilt in the shooting of young Mr. Martin.
it's not character assassination, this is what happens in a court of law. past is prologue. how he handled himself in previous situations is relevant to how he conducted
himself that night.

what was his past like? stood outside his ex-fiancee's place until he could finally force his way in, picked her up, threw her on the bed, hit her in the mouth with an open hand and scowled "how does that feel?!?".

private security gig, drunken woman, he picks up the bitch and throws her, twisting her ankle.

seems like zimmerman likes to pick up women and throw them.

not to mention the whole incident where a cop tells him to stand down several times after identifying himself, and zimm says "i don't care who the fuck you are" and proceeds to assault the guy who's just doing his job.

chasing down motorists who he perceives as having spat at him? yep, he does that too.

what did papa zimm say about baby boy zimm? he "turns the other cheek"? LOL!

zimm turns the other cheek, and i am marie of romania.


Well-Known Member
no, the cops called it ultimately avoidable by zimmerman for repeatedly following martin and not identifying himself.

desert douche.
Absolutely true it could have been avoided by Zimmerman, good thing for him he was legally allowed to NOT avoid the situation and it has no bearing on the outcome. Just because you CAN avoid something, doesn't mean you HAVE to avoid something. It's meaningless to the case, he will possibly be convicted based on other facts, but not that one. That's why desert dude said "so what?" and he was exactly right.

How do you repeatedly follow someone when it's just one instance and you never stopped following? Did he do it on other occasions?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely true it could have been avoided by Zimmerman, good thing for him he was legally allowed to NOT avoid the situation and it has no bearing on the outcome. Just because you CAN avoid something, doesn't mean you HAVE to avoid something. It's meaningless to the case, he will possibly be convicted based on other facts, but not that one. That's why desert dude said "so what?" and he was exactly right.

How do you repeatedly follow someone when it's just one instance and you never stopped following? Did he do it on other occasions?
one instance? go read the reports.

zimm left his house in the southwest quadrant of the complex going north.

martin was coming from a cut through to the northwest of the zimm's path because the gates close at 7pm. contact #1.

zimm then takes his truck and parks it at the place he describes on the 911 call (past the mailboxes, make a left) directly in between martin and his path home. martin walks past the clubhouse, maybe stopping to take shelter for the rain while he talks to his girlfriend.

martin continues home and sees the guy who contacted him before now parked in between him and his path home, contact #2 is made, martin runs.

zimm had not just one, but TWO chances to identify himself to this "suspicious person", who is doing nothing more then walking home and talking on the phone using a headset.

after martin ran and lost zimm, he went back to talking on his phone, but his path home is still cut off by zimm. he tries to go home, but contact #3 is made with zimm now on the other side of his truck, following martin YET AGAIN.

"why are you following me?", martin asks.

"what are you doing here?" zimm angrily blurts back.

line drops. scuffle in grass ensues.

zimm never identified himself. ever. had 3 chances to do it.

ultimately avoidable by zimmerman means his actions caused the whole tragedy.

angela corey just set some pretty rigorous precedent, too. watch out.


Well-Known Member
wow you give me the sympathy link to Zimmerman.Funny as they tell his life story they forgot to mention how he was arrested for domestic violence and the case about him pushing a police officer. and it was my understanding was the black male he saw was the same one they had caught later ( who actually was a minor wo lived in the area ), so again does Zimmerman think all blacks steal ???

Look, you asked for a link, I'm assuming, to show that black males had been breaking in to area homes.........I provided it. How did we get from "black males breaking in to area homes" to "Zimmerman thinks all blacks steal"? To answer your question, I have no idea if he "thinks all blacks steal".:roll:


Well-Known Member
I want to answer this one again, with an alternate scenario:

Suppose Trayvon had succeeded in killing Zimmerman by bashing his brains out on the sidewalk? Would Trayvon have been shielded by Florida's SYG law? I think the answer is yes, Trayvon would not have been charged. Trayvon could have claimed that he was pursued and assaulted by Zimmerman and he defended himself. He saw that Zimmerman was armed and Trayvon reasonably feared for his life and he had to use lethal force to defend himself. There are no witnesses to refute that claim. Given the evidence, I would buy that claim and agree that Trayvon was shielded by SYG.
Treyvon would not have been charged!?

I think you meant, "Treyvon Martin shouldn't be charged in this situation." We all know he would have been in custody with charges within 24hrs.


Well-Known Member

Look, you asked for a link, I'm assuming, to show that black males had been breaking in to area homes.........I provided it. How did we get from "black males breaking in to area homes" to "Zimmerman thinks all blacks steal"? To answer your question, I have no idea if he "thinks all blacks steal".:roll:
Thanks for the link, but damn why did I have to read so much bullshit about the Zim.. I mean that link had me reading shit like how easy he was to potty train and what suit he wore to his middle school sweetheart dance kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
So now we have a witness changing her mind from not sure who was on top to, it was definitely Zimmerman on top.

Then we have the witness still confirming that Trayvon was on top, beating Zimmerman "MMA style", but now he's not sure who was yelling for help. Interesting, almost like they feel compelled to toe the public outrage, so as not to be pariahs. Bad news for Zimmerman.

But I want to make sure I have this straight, Trayvon is beating the shit out of Zimmerman "MMA style" and yet it's possibly him screaming for his life at the same time? That's still the story of the eye witness, that the screaming for help was happening at the same time the beating was occurring. I guess, but I think it would be the person at the receiving end of a beating that would typically be screaming for help.


Well-Known Member
So now we have a witness changing her mind from not sure who was on top to, it was definitely Zimmerman on top.

Then we have the witness still confirming that Trayvon was on top, beating Zimmerman "MMA style", but now he's not sure who was yelling for help. Interesting, almost like they feel compelled to toe the public outrage, so as not to be pariahs. Bad news for Zimmerman.

But I want to make sure I have this straight, Trayvon is beating the shit out of Zimmerman "MMA style" and yet it's possibly him screaming for his life at the same time? That's still the story of the eye witness, that the screaming for help was happening at the same time the beating was occurring. I guess, but I think it would be the person at the receiving end of a beating that would typically be screaming for help.
eyewitness testimony is mostly going to be garbage in this case.