Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

also im experimenting with agar and gelatine as well. Before i got my agar i found classroom recipes for gelatine & started a few plates & have them upside down in the fridge. Well see how it goes!!
Cloning MJ tissue samples, well we all saw the rat with the human ear growing on his back, that would be really awesome if next u see a rat running around with a MJ plan growing off its back!!! Lol ok well it sounded funny when I said it to myself.
should these TC be burped for fresh air?

Nope, but the lids should be the type that breathe a bit, or I use micron filter patches over a hole drilled in a babayfood jar lid. the only time you open the jar is to transfer your material, I even syringe inject through the micro proe filter down into the agar beneath the calli, to avoid a couple transfers.



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Cloning MJ tissue samples, well we all saw the rat with the human ear growing on his back, that would be really awesome if next u see a rat running around with a MJ plan growing off its back!!! Lol ok well it sounded funny when I said it to myself.

still funny man !!

I've seen human replacement tissue growing on plants in the lab, and even plants producing artificial poisons. morgellons disease should be of interest to anyone playing with growth hormones.

I no longer use hormones in my process. Its much slower, but works for me. Cutting specific areas of a plant, at different maturity stages, or culturing anthers is much safer, and challenging. I no longer own hormones, except my trusty Replicator cloning gel.

hey pharm been a while just wanted to let you know my progress. i have pretty much given up on a DIY setting for my tissue culture setup and decided to save the cash to do a real set up in the future have a lot of materials collected(hepa filter/fan, jars pressure cooker alchhol burner, forceps, stainless steel table small t5 light set up tyvek filters, and more) but still have a way to go(still have to order my hormones and such). do you know any places to get glass petri dishs cheap? or do you use canning jars only?

long time no see too.
Read the whole thing its pretty informative, nutrients, recipes, etc, these guys rock.

Dude, thanks for the so kind words. I took a new direction after years of this. funny I started in the seventies as a kid with nothing but gelatin, crushed vitamins, sugar and did have some success. when the internet came I was awesome with to the cave man, no artificial anything here !!! no more hormones either
hey pharm been a while just wanted to let you know my progress. i have pretty much given up on a DIY setting for my tissue culture setup and decided to save the cash to do a real set up in the future have a lot of materials collected(hepa filter/fan, jars pressure cooker alchhol burner, forceps, stainless steel table small t5 light set up tyvek filters, and more) but still have a way to go(still have to order my hormones and such). do you know any places to get glass petri dishs cheap? or do you use canning jars only?

long time no see too.

good to see you !!

I use babay food jars(bbj) and their lids. screw on loose and tape with a breathable tape, or drill the lid and stick a micropore patch on it. I get mine from coffee bags and prolly have 1000 in a can now ! soak in alcohol for a second and use them with hot glue. I dont use hormones anymore, but it sounds like you have everything you need to play.

Intresting thread, I have been following it from the beginning all morning. Are there any more picture updates to those that have been posting? I will be purchasing my materials to build a lab this wknd, & hopefully be proceeding to tc next week or so thanks to al the info ive found here! Never has it been made as plain for me. Anywho I plan to tc some big buddha blue cheese & some th seeds s.a.g.e. I also have some stalks from some local strawberry cough that a friend saved for me. Im most excited about these bc the stems are a year or so old & no longer green, so i cant wait to experiment on bringing them back to life :) Great thread, great info i will have plenty of ?s & lots of pics coming up! Thanks!!

I've been fascinated with this concept before Jurassic Park. I so wanted to bring life to the dead !. I can do it, sort of, but not from several year old material, although that is certainly able to be done, but I need a half million dollars more to do it.

I've done it with a week old mj with success, and a little magic. Remember that when you cut a sample to culture, you soak it in alcohol, and bleach, and it lives on.......everyday after the plant is cut, the chances of my successful culture is diminished
Im as femme as my clones-----:) (girl) Newho so i soaked in a bleach solution then peroxide cuz i had no alcohol & im just all for the experiment, & i took cuttings & put them in a homemade bubbler. Some of the stems changed by color & feeling, a few seemed hollow inside & didnt do anything. Ive taken 6 cultures from 3 stems that are under a 75 watt?? Im not sure the wattage but its a long tube fluor with some kinda grow bulb (from home depot). I see the calus & a little mound of "stuff" forming under the cutting, I see growth in size, no new leaves, & it looks like a gas may be in the jars?...Is this normal? Also I have them in these little 4oz ball canning jars, but it looks like theyll grow out of them in a few weeks, do i transplant them to new jars or how do i know when theyre ready to be hardened & put into a medium? Hope I didnt lose u lol
Im as femme as my clones-----:) (girl) Newho so i soaked in a bleach solution then peroxide cuz i had no alcohol & im just all for the experiment, & i took cuttings & put them in a homemade bubbler. Some of the stems changed by color & feeling, a few seemed hollow inside & didnt do anything. Ive taken 6 cultures from 3 stems that are under a 75 watt?? Im not sure the wattage but its a long tube fluor with some kinda grow bulb (from home depot). I see the calus & a little mound of "stuff" forming under the cutting, I see growth in size, no new leaves, & it looks like a gas may be in the jars?...Is this normal? Also I have them in these little 4oz ball canning jars, but it looks like theyll grow out of them in a few weeks, do i transplant them to new jars or how do i know when theyre ready to be hardened & put into a medium? Hope I didnt lose u lol

If you're just storing/growing clones no need to harden. Not sure bout the gas, guessing its the beginning of a new life form though. My explants are smaller than a pencil eraser and widdled down to a thread. These will grow into undifferentiated callus very quickly, then I cut pieces off of this and root/chute them, then to the veg room, keeping the original culture(s) as mother plants to cut from.
Your flouro will work great. I transplant when changes stop rapidly occuring inside the vessel. i store rooting callus for months in ajar, and even cut samples from these to immediately sprout. rooted mini bonzai sprouts are in a jar for a week, then planted in wet ph'd rockwool in a humidity dome for 2 days, then to the veg room.

I love newho's, welcome, and lots of pics are expected form you...;)
the culture sprouted, without roots on callus. I cut this off, continue the ulture of the callus, and place the chute into rockwoo with store bought gel. In a week its bonzai structure is evident, this one took a bit longer because it had no roots to start in rockwool yet, so after two weeks shes ready for the veg room and a real live mj bonzai is born.


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just a blazed question but would it be possible to clone a bud and grow it in a tissue culture?

thats exactly what we're doing. any part of the plant, leafs, stalk, bud, anthers, stamen, pistil, root can be cloned, because the plant is totipotent, it has all the genetic make up necessary to produce. Of course you you could have a stick with a bud on it, but why? may as well grow out an auto flowering strain...which also can be cloned in vitro and kept like a mother plant.
thats exactly what we're doing. any part of the plant, leafs, stalk, bud, anthers, stamen, pistil, root can be cloned, because the plant is totipotent, it has all the genetic make up necessary to produce. Of course you you could have a stick with a bud on it, but why? may as well grow out an auto flowering strain...which also can be cloned in vitro and kept like a mother plant.

so you can clone autos in vitro? how does that work? + rep btw
umm where did you get your baby food jars?

and your saying i should just forgat about hormones and learn the old fashioned way still because MJ is totipotent?
umm where did you get your baby food jars?

and your saying i should just forgat about hormones and learn the old fashioned way still because MJ is totipotent?

I get my (gerber only,lids) from the grocery store.

without hormones a normal culture experience is common, but with hormones/chems, anything is possible. I despise its all natural for me now.
so you can clone autos in vitro? how does that work? + rep btw

yep, besides making a plants bioluminesce successfully, cloning/storing autoflowers has been my funnest experience. In vitro they'll slow vegetation down, to a near stop, divide, sprout, root normally, and I constantly use my santa maria auto mom in a test tube !
autoflower culture is no different than any other culture here, except when removed form the jar, these bits take hold fast, and produce twice as much weight as the seeded ones. I breed autoflowers invitro for fun, because the results can be seen so quickly, F1's and IBL can be produced in months rather than years. The punnets square is necessary for proper trait isolation and successful breeding.