First Grow! Rubbermaid Bin (5 Bulb)


Active Member
Anyone know if I should remove the curled down leaves (most likely due to over watering)? They are basically curled "up" (like closed) but are hanging down towards the soil, they are still green but have been like that for about 3 days now.

Maybe I should just leave them alone till the soil dries a bit more?


Well-Known Member
I would leave them alone...don't remove leaves unless you're sure they're least that's what I'd do.


Active Member
They look a *little* better I guess, my newest seedling is growing very fast and healthy but the overwatered one seems to still be suffering, hopefully it clears up in the next 2-3 days. There is new growth but the old leaves are crispy, still green but crispy


Well-Known Member
Yea don't stress it and keep patient! Mine still show signs from over watering too even though I watered them 4+ days ago. They'll slowly work themselves through it with time and TLC :)


Well-Known Member
I know it's hard...that's why I spend a lot of time on RIU, to keep myself out of the box and stressing over every little thing!


Active Member
Plants seem to be slowly recovering now :) The youngest one is growing flawlessly, I'll post pics later today

I'll update the first post with my light/venting info and stuff aswell