Dear Marijuana, I am dying. Please Help me!

Thanks for the info guys. And I watched the first hour of the movie that tomcat linked. Awesome.
So Abe, it is possible to be legal in Michigan AND Oregon, if I owned property in both states? That sounds pretty cool. If I went to Oregon, I kinda doubt I would make it back. lol.
Sept 1st. I got a bathroom scale and figured I was high 280's. It read 301!!!! I didn't eat for like a month after that. My back pain become unbearable. In the past I would only go to the hospital when I needed to be sewn up from something at work building houses. (Some cuts simply cannot be fixed using papertowel and electrical tape.) That is the only medical attention I ever received exept basic exams at jail, prison, rehab, etc. I have spinal stenosis and cannot afford to see the neurologist to find out extent of damage. I am down to 235 since sept and I have leveled out the last month. That being said I loved the movie, I don't think my ass will do 60 days, but I am all over this shit. I absolutely love fruits and vegetables. I used to sit in the garden with a salt shaker as a kid and eat veggies. lol. (As I got older I realized half our garden was pot. lol)
Belle simply has not been able to stomach shit she doesn't like, which has a lot to do with what is going on, (IMHO and obviously yours too). I am very confident that she has finally hit that point of desperation to act. I know she is at a point where her options are pretty limited. Her doctor has mentioned yet another new crohn's medicine. I told her in rehab, what they are doing is the definition of insanity - trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Her doctors just sit down and say how in the fuck can I go through ALL these doctors, medications, surgeries, and issues over the last 10 years and begin to know what is causing what. She is tiny as fuck, I think a glass of orange juice would damn near flush her system. lol.
Thank You for this info. I promise you I am doing this, and I am thinking Belle will try it. We will see. lol.
Sept 1st. I got a bathroom scale and figured I was high 280's. It read 301!!!! I didn't eat for like a month after that. My back pain become unbearable. In the past I would only go to the hospital when I needed to be sewn up from something at work building houses. (Some cuts simply cannot be fixed using papertowel and electrical tape.) That is the only medical attention I ever received exept basic exams at jail, prison, rehab, etc. I have spinal stenosis and cannot afford to see the neurologist to find out extent of damage. I am down to 235 since sept and I have leveled out the last month. That being said I loved the movie, I don't think my ass will do 60 days, but I am all over this shit. I absolutely love fruits and vegetables. I used to sit in the garden with a salt shaker as a kid and eat veggies. lol. (As I got older I realized half our garden was pot. lol)
Belle simply has not been able to stomach shit she doesn't like, which has a lot to do with what is going on, (IMHO and obviously yours too). I am very confident that she has finally hit that point of desperation to act. I know she is at a point where her options are pretty limited. Her doctor has mentioned yet another new crohn's medicine. I told her in rehab, what they are doing is the definition of insanity - trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Her doctors just sit down and say how in the fuck can I go through ALL these doctors, medications, surgeries, and issues over the last 10 years and begin to know what is causing what. She is tiny as fuck, I think a glass of orange juice would damn near flush her system. lol.
Thank You for this info. I promise you I am doing this, and I am thinking Belle will try it. We will see. lol.

let me put it this way... the same docs in germany in the 1930s who started putting fluoride in the water are some of the same group behind the pharma company nowadays. bayer for instance. if you watch the second video i posted A beautiful truth - it has me scared as shit thinking that my arthritic problems could be due to my mercury fillings i've had all my life.
I will not be able to make it to Colorado until springtime, but I do plan on starting your Hillbilly Armor for a higher CBD oil, that does get us high as well as pain relief. Will this be a good strain for that purpose? It should be here any day. (I also have the Long's Peak Blue chasing it here). Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank You for the info and encouragement that you have shown me and others on this site.

Two things: RSO for your ole lady and when you do get to Colorado, stop at one of those big dispensaries and get me a couple cuttings of that Banana Kush. It is a clone only strain. I sure would love having a potent strain that tastes like bananas. The banana kush tested 24.19% THC from Highland Health. The precise genetics are unknown, but it is obvious that Kush is present.

Make sure you let me know when you get back with my banana kush cuttings!

Thanks, what a pal!
I should be going somewhere for cuttings by the end of summer I would imagine and I will let you and others know. If I see cuttings from plants that test that high I will get them even if they taste bad. lol. Then we will all smoke it and bitch about the taste. lol.
I ended up eating a salad last night. I was delirious more than usual yesterday. I have been in bed all morning from back pain also. OMG! I will pick fast back up in the morning though. I have a fridge and my counters full of fruits and veggies, the juicer works great. Everything is ready to go. (cept my back). Belle, of course, hasn't heard from her doctor about when the surgery is for her, so I believe she is heading home later today.
I didn't make it past three days. lol. But I have been juicing regularly. Still feel like shit though. lol.

Good luck on your fast, keep us posted cuz this is something I would like to do a few times a year.
I didn't make it past three days. lol. But I have been juicing regularly. Still feel like shit though. lol.

Good luck on your fast, keep us posted cuz this is something I would like to do a few times a year.

The first few days are tough. I broke down several times the first time I tried it. Once you get beyond a week the hunger pangs will be gone, and you actually get a shit-ton of energy! You also have to find juice recipes that taste good. It sucks being hungry and having to chug back nasty tasting concoctions.

I had an orange/carrot/ginger juice for breakfast, and a kale/tomato/onion/celery one for lunch, and both were very good.
Me and the old lady are starting a 2 week juice fast today. These videos motivated me to do so.

Thanks for posting these Tom!

No problem, just keep passing it on.

I saw a TV ad last night with the "Joe the Aussie" (as i'll call him, lol from Fat Sick & Nearly Dead) wanted to come back to the thread and show you guys.

holy shit. he looks good lol

now we just need him to start using cannabis too...

I'm so happy that you guys are doing this!! and props to stow for the fast, it's rough!

Glad- i was reading a book i picked up called "Great Taste, No Pain" -seems to be the author's wife had IBS and other problems and they were introduced to "food combining" has Belle heard of this or oriented anything like that to her diet? ..basically at the simplest just combining high water foods vs starch and protein. haven't delved much into that site yet beyond watch the video but seems about the same basics.

just backtrack from any diet site that want your money.. of course.
No problem, just keep passing it on.

I saw a TV ad last night with the "Joe the Aussie" (as i'll call him, lol from Fat Sick & Nearly Dead) wanted to come back to the thread and show you guys.

holy shit. he looks good lol

now we just need him to start using cannabis too...

I'm so happy that you guys are doing this!! and props to stow for the fast, it's rough!

Glad- i was reading a book i picked up called "Great Taste, No Pain" -seems to be the author's wife had IBS and other problems and they were introduced to "food combining" has Belle heard of this or oriented anything like that to her diet? ..basically at the simplest just combining high water foods vs starch and protein. haven't delved much into that site yet beyond watch the video but seems about the same basics.

just backtrack from any diet site that want your money.. of course.

Re:Great taste, no pain ....

My mother has diverticulitis (sp?) and she had this book recommended to her. My folks have been using the guidance in this book for about 6 months now, and they claim it's life changing. They talk a lot about the order in which you eat your food. The importance being that our bodies metabolize different foods at different rates, so if you eat a big bowl of pasta (which takes a while to break down) followed by a piece of fruit (which our bodies metabolize quickly), the fruit will sit in your GI tract, partially digested waiting for the carbs/pasta to broken down ahead of them, which causes all sorts of stomach irritation which can inflame diseases such as diverticulitis, crohns, etc.

This might be worth while looking in to glad!

Good looking out tom!
Who would have thunk it?

So if us humans had it right to start with then dessert is the hardest to metabolize and soup and salad are the easiest?

Miss Manners you know.
Salad forks.
Movie Stars.
Chocolate Mousse.
I mean moose.
Dude it makes a ton of sense; I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more press.

I wonder if you ate only one thing at a meal if it would make it even easier to digest?
Maybe have lots of one course 'snacks' instead of full meals.

How is Belle doing?
I could do several pages on this. That is why I haven't mentioned it. lol.
My little sis got herself into some trouble and she has a two year old. Belle snapped into action and went and got my nephew out of his 'situation'. It wasn't easy, let me leave it at that.
On top of watching him, she has taken him down every week to see him mom. I have been just blown away. She loves kids. (Really young people and very old people, the rest of us - maybe not so much. lol) Well last week she had an attack real bad, I took her to emergency and they kept her about 4 hours and she was good. I was like WTF? Then a few days later they went to see momma on sunday and had doctors on monday. This is a figure 8 tour of Michigan for a few days. She has done great. It's like time just went back 7-8 years (minus the visit to ER). Well yesterday she was pretty bad. It looked like everything is catching up with her. I am really wondering what today is going to bring.
My father has been staying with us the last 2 years. He is Vietnam vet, in wheelchair. Lt Dan from forest gump is exactly what should come to mind. lmao. So anyway, children do not ever come over. We had a few days to get all grow equip, meds, blah blah blah, off the main level of house. I had two grow tents in my office that I was getting ready to fire up and was venting them though his - now room. His room is when my somali taxi ride was. I had to take all that downstairs to where I had just begun remodeling. You want to talk about a mess that got out of control. Pretty damn crazy. Yesterday I spent the entire day just sorting through shit and straightening out my grow. It is so sweet now. So Belle has been doing very very good. Not sure how long she will be doing this but they have the surgery on hold probably for a few more weeks. It was pretty crazy but my nephew is safe. That is the important thing.
As far as our grow. We are setting everything up right, I was very tempted to cut corners and didn't. We worked through it, and we should be able to do 2 or 3 times more than we were, and use less than half the space.
Dude it makes a ton of sense; I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more press.

I wonder if you ate only one thing at a meal if it would make it even easier to digest?
Maybe have lots of one course 'snacks' instead of full meals.

The concepts on food combining that you are discussing is a large part of healthy digestion in general and is referenced in a handful of sources, (several low fat raw vegan references, look up Doug Graham or 80/10/10) though it hasn't quite taken off as you said. This is because almost all people like to eat so much that we've made a fancy addiction out of it to avoid some degree of emotional acknowledgement. This keeps the press on it down, through a subconscious self-imposition along the lines of denial acting upon the hive mind.

However, as more and more of the world identifies themselves as bearers of the weight of the body being negatively affected by the choice to sacrifice health for pleasure, there is more of a heartfelt preference towards doing what will allow healing rather than what stimulates the ego's desire for pleasure.

The "Many small things" approach will complicate the matter further, more than likely. It maybe could be done very carefully, but the stomach even produces different acids for different things, and therefore you can get a sour stomach from eating things in the wrong order. The first idea of solo meals will yield better results, and should be followed by a cessation period of a couple hours so that it can move out of the stomach and into the lower digestive tract. It's not only the order due to speed of digestion but also because of the different ways different foods are treated in the stomach as well.

The trade off is that you will end up with less food variety in the diet and therefore a decrease in the 'pleasure factor' of eating. But, the less you indulge in the pleasure seeking aspects of food (even down to the basic ones that move it above a 'need' into preferences for specific consumables) the more you will benefit in terms of health or form. The upsides to solo meals of just one thing at a time are smoother digestion, less gas. In some cases the core stabilizes in ways it could not before due to chronic gas and bloating.
this thread is progressive and positive... + a jay and coffee, all complimenting a nearly perfect weather day this afternoon in midmichigan.. peace and best of health.. (samplin gfd )
steely dan, "... We'll turn it round and round/back jack do it again..." real-time, literally playin on county radio station
Dear Marijuana,
Pleasehelp me! I am dying.
Crohn’s disease is killing me and has taken my livelihoodand is trying to take my life!
I am 48years old and I have been battling Crohn’s disease for 20 years now. I have had three surgeries and numerous , tomany to count visits to the Emergency Room. I have went from about 145 pounds to 97 pounds as of this last weeksvisit to the Emergency Room. I am on Fentynol patches, Xanax, Prozac,Omeperzole, Compazine and a couple of other things for nausea that don’twork. I am in pain everyday and severenausea which in turn has brought out severe depression. I used to be able to do anything I set mymind to and now I can barely do anything. When I reached under 100 pounds I realized this can’t continue like thisif the doctors cannot figure out what is wrong with me then I guess I have totry everything I can that is why I am resorting to Medical Marijuana. I have no veins to get an IV even anymore sowhen I go to the Emergency Room it takes forever and three to seven pokes toget a vein. I have had them in my feet,in my groin, and have even had to have a port at one of my hospital stays to beable to treat me by IV.
I am ata point in my life where I don’t even know how much is my Crohn’s diseaseanymore. I cannot get a handle on mydepression which I feel is due to being so ill and all the medicines I am onand have tried over the 20 years of having this horrific disease. I am not ready to die and no matter what Itake or what I do I have these attacks and no one can tell me why. I have had so many doctors and norelief. All cut up and on so manymedicines still I sometimes feel like I am losing my mind and all I want ishelp!!!!

Are you looking to begin growing? Or looking for a supply of medication or just strain ideas that could help?