what do brits think?


Well-Known Member
what do brits think of americans who come over to study or tourists for that matter. how are americans perceived by the main class(or middle class) of british peoples.
Wankers and Cocks would sum it up but the good news is they Hate Germans more than Yanks so just make sure there is a German in the room with you and you won't be the most hated person in the room ROTFLOL
man i'm an american who had the displeasure of living in england for 2 years. lemme tell you what.

IGNORANT, arrogant. fucking. asshats. the lot of them. i met like 3 decent english people while i was there. walking around at night, you REALLY had to watch your back or your ass would be robbed quicker than in compton or camden. my parents car got the window busted twice and they didnt even jack nothin. fuck england, bunch of snobby ass thieves.
Loud and arrogant :) I find americanos tend to talk in sub-text (all the fucking time) for example one went big game fishing with a group of perfectly nice americans and every conversatio was blatantly about something else "wow you hooked a fish" = "you in fact suck" ... "oh yaa you need to tire that big fish out" = "later on we're going to butt fuck you" ... so blatant.

I like the confidence of americans, they're often always cheerful and tend to be generous. the fact they're called yanks cheers me up enormously as it reminds me of the word tug. americans are yanks.
Loud and arrogant :) I find americanos tend to talk in sub-text (all the fucking time) for example one went big game fishing with a group of perfectly nice americans and every conversatio was blatantly about something else "wow you hooked a fish" = "you in fact suck" ... "oh yaa you need to tire that big fish out" = "later on we're going to butt fuck you" ... so blatant.

I like the confidence of americans, they're often always cheerful and tend to be generous. the fact they're called yanks cheers me up enormously as it reminds me of the word tug. americans are yanks.

man maybe im drunk but this post maked no sense
I think they had us pegged in the 60's.
Who cares what they think....we kicked them the fuck out of our country with their Red Coats and silly accents LOL.

J/K Brits, don't forget we're each others strongest ally in this fucked up world. Like it or not, we are one.
The brits seem like a dickish stuck up bunch.. I mean I never cared for them, but the way they insult makes me have different view on them.
The brits seem like a dickish stuck up bunch.. I mean I never cared for them, but the way they insult makes me have different view on them.

Dude if you fuck with one of the Brits on this site, they will gang up on you and cuss you out and troll you so bad you'll leave and never come back. I've seen that shit. Its amazing actually.....impressive even.
They probably think that a majority of us are obese pigs. Probably because it's true. More than 50% of people are overweight in this country, that's sad.