Club 600


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I was working on my shed to lightproof it from the outside with panda, when I suddenly stepped off the rung and fell 6ft down and into a 3ft hole I dug and never used. I blacked out for a while and my lil puppy woke me up licking my face. I am bruised up and my back hurts like hell this morning, but I am alive and here to post!!
Ill put a few pics up of my flowering out and in girls later on.
Hope you feel better bro, sounds like some serious hash smoking for you!!!! Get some rest and maybe soak in a Epsom Salt bath.



Well-Known Member
Hash is better for pain?
My batrh tub is messed up showers only unfortunately. We have a hot-tub at the club-house though....
Ill be fine, no headache today, so I think that means no concussion...?

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Oh yeh, that's what's up..........

DOG reg.

no, it's a tiny bit of coco, not a bean, lol.

Cheese x URK Breeze, Dr Dre creation via our good old Fairy. You reckon the one at the back could be a male, big lanky cunt, lol.

Have a barking day!

Looking good Dst, im not sure whats happened there do you have the label of that pack you popped.. Dogs is looking good ,how far off are them reg seeds now..


Well-Known Member
Not long on harvesting the DOG BX1's now.

So these strains are perhaps not UKxURKbreeze? lol....I'll have a look lad and report back.

Bassman, not sure what to say, the 600 wouldn't be the same without ya!!! I hope you are cool mate. I fell off a ladder painting the eves at my Mums house, wasn't fun.


Well-Known Member
Some outdoor pics including the holes that I have partially filled in.
aerial pics and the holes
white rhino, Gods Gift, Querkle, Plat Og (smells like Grape Ape though??)

Grape ape and Larry og not pictured

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Breeze name didn't get used again ,thats the Cheese x unk .. I think those arrived at the fairy first, anything crossed to the "breeze" Chesse x unk would be the the Lemon skunk.. so saying that i think i'd need to see the packet DS..


Well-Known Member
Some outdoor pics including the holes that I have partially filled in.
View attachment 2172029View attachment 2172031View attachment 2172038
aerial pics and the holes
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white rhino, Gods Gift, Querkle, Plat Og (smells like Grape Ape though??)

Grape ape and Larry og not pictured
I love this setup. I wish I could do something like that at my place but there's no way it would go unnoticed by neighbors


Well-Known Member
I love this setup. I wish I could do something like that at my place but there's no way it would go unnoticed by neighbors
My neighbors me!!

I should take a pic right now...I just put them to bed for the night and will wake them up at 8 am....


New Member

Check this out. This is in my backyard, basically. The only dispensaries still open around me are in Santa Ana ans these guys are already putting them there. I think they might have missed the boat by a bit personally.they needed to get these out when the clubs were all open ;)
LOL Pot heads and their ideas... that will last 30 minutes until someone takes the whole thing on the five finger discount.

Bass: Those buds look kind of small with leaves to be yellowing like that?! No you don't look like a grower with that garage, you look like every other redneck who cant afford a new roof on their detached garage.. lol so you're safe.


Well-Known Member
Screen is ready. I am putting the plant on the right under the screen by herself. I have to up can her into a 7 gallon smart pot and then its time to SCRoG!!!!


Peace Sixerz



Well-Known Member
daaaam!!! limited to 6 plants!!!! um, u have seen mine right?? 6 plants i'd be laughing till christmas time. i want to be a legal grower :( you guys got it made and you are used to that feeling! i'm scared to let my stink out the front door!
I grow what I grow to stay within a budget, and must also work my grows to fit within the confining limits of living in a tiny apartment.
Because of the lack of room, the plants must be smaller, and because of limited mobility I also have to stay within the limits of my health problems.
Due to said health problems, I have no income to contribute, so my amazing wife is the one paying the bills.
As such, I do everything I can to not be a financial drag any more than I already am.

As for "legal", it only legal at the local and state levels.
At the Federal level, they can come in at any time, and I'd be fucked as anyone.
Add to that the fact that to be "legal" means my name and address are on a list held by The State of Oregon, which is subject to Federal scrutiny (as well as local and State law enforcement has the same access to the info and can carry out compliance checks at any time of the night or day. I live in Oregon's state capital city, so it's very conservative, and we have city police, county police, state police, and federal law enforcement in high ratios here).
And, if the wrong politicians get elected and the Feds decide to go after us growers, they have a long list of known growers to drop the hammer on right out of the starting gate.
Add to the fact that I'm only growing to ease pain & suffering from afflictions I wouldn't wish on my enemies.
It was much easier when I was not listed on a State medical marijuana registry, and going about my life growing weed under the radar, invisible as I could manage, feeling cool and renegade again because I was putting one over on The Man by growing, smoking and sharing my herbs & seeds.
Who doesn't love that feeling?
So, I'd rather be "happy-go-lucky" like yourself, not be on a government list, and just grow what I wanted, for the pleasure of growing & smoking, and NOT have a terminal illness (and all the "joys" of treatments meant to keep me alive) and other health issues to worry about.
So, I do not "have it made".


Well-Known Member
LOL Pot heads and their ideas... that will last 30 minutes until someone takes the whole thing on the five finger discount.

Bass: Those buds look kind of small with leaves to be yellowing like that?! No you don't look like a grower with that garage, you look like every other redneck who cant afford a new roof on their detached garage.. lol so you're safe.
The plant was sick before it flowered, it looks way better now actually. I hadnt watered it in a week or so and it had bugs lol. I had a lot going on and neglected all the plants that I put outside.
My neighbors know I grow, and know I am legal.