Club 600

"5" is the Magic Number ;-)

Good after noon-ish to you guys!

*lyrics are on it's youtube page

Deez mofo Cloggies are obsessed with 5, 5 grams of weed max, 5 plants's been like that for years, what about plant inflation?
So long as they don't go completely mental and restrict the THC to 5% ;-)
That would blow.

We're limited to 6 flowering plants, but can have 18 seedlings/clippings less than 12" tall x 12" wide, and can have up to 26-oz of cured on hand.
So not bad, but 6 plants is is bit limiting.
Off to bed here.
Just got back from Portland airport to pick up the wife.
She went back up to Alaska to visit family during Mother's Day weekend and we just got back a bit ago, so am beat.
Will be back on later today, hope you all have a great day!
wow,i have been getting a blank screen for the last week or so,everytime i try to get in the 600.
so i better reply as i got a chance.

peace love & hair grease to all:-P
whipped up a batch of some canna-oil yesterday. Kinda made up the recipe from other shit I found and just my own opinions! I need a guinea pig to try it now :)
THE LIKE BUTTON IS BACK?!?!?! Hell yes. I'm so happy right now. I've been a lil MIA lately, but I'm back. And I like the new changes... altho sounds like RIU has still been glitching.

Hope you're all peachy. I'm off to work, but will be back later. . .

What up everyone. I smoked some hash on it's own yesterday, usually I just put some on top of weed. Anyways, took like 3 big hits and started doing something important. About 15seconds later I thought to myself, I'm not sure if it worked... maybe I should smoke a little more. Just then it hit me and I started getting increasingly stupid.

Power to the people. Hope it's a nice day where ever you are.
Good day fellow sixers!

Just got back from lowes with some pond liner,,,,, Will be whipping up a 600 gallon batch of compost tea later today if all goes well!

damn whodat, 600 gallons of compost tea, your farm must be doing well.

just stopped in to say HIGH!!!

all is well in my neck of the woods. OD is in the ground and doing well.
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So long as they don't go completely mental and restrict the THC to 5% ;-)
That would blow.

We're limited to 6 flowering plants, but can have 18 seedlings/clippings less than 12" tall x 12" wide, and can have up to 26-oz of cured on hand.
So not bad, but 6 plants is is bit limiting.
Off to bed here.
Just got back from Portland airport to pick up the wife.
She went back up to Alaska to visit family during Mother's Day weekend and we just got back a bit ago, so am beat.
Will be back on later today, hope you all have a great day!
daaaam!!! limited to 6 plants!!!! um, u have seen mine right?? 6 plants i'd be laughing till christmas time. i want to be a legal grower :( you guys got it made and you are used to that feeling! i'm scared to let my stink out the front door!
What up everyone. I smoked some hash on it's own yesterday, usually I just put some on top of weed. Anyways, took like 3 big hits and started doing something important. About 15seconds later I thought to myself, I'm not sure if it worked... maybe I should smoke a little more. Just then it hit me and I started getting increasingly stupid.

Power to the people. Hope it's a nice day where ever you are.
yes, hash /oil, you can't beat it. Fact. :) all you RIU guys are turnin me into a full blown hash smoker, pure hash and kief all day long, no wonder i can't make plans, i can barely keep up with my plant. actually she's kinda doing her own thing now!

good to see you again Jig, D.S.T those buds look deeeelish, and dark, awesome work man. you're a dog hehe

here's my girl at day 5 flowering :) cheers 600's and erb lovers

Yesterday I was working on my shed to lightproof it from the outside with panda, when I suddenly stepped off the rung and fell 6ft down and into a 3ft hole I dug and never used. I blacked out for a while and my lil puppy woke me up licking my face. I am bruised up and my back hurts like hell this morning, but I am alive and here to post!!
Ill put a few pics up of my flowering out and in girls later on.