
Well-Known Member

Theyre were only few who remained in 2032....
It is not known for sure what 2032 really is ...
No one knows exactly how we got here...yet we know something went horribly wrong somewhere along the line..

I myself dont even know if its a time , place ,setting, or just a figment of my imagination...
Maybe i died long ago ... but i know there is still life here .... and many survied...

I am not sure how exactly all of it ended ...
After all the satelites and phones were cut off....tvs and interrnet.... everyone started to panic...riets insued ....
As if everthing turned off...

Some have said that It was an evil plot by the rich to exterminate the lower class...
At the decline of the decade ... many people were layed off ...and the gap between the rich and poor swelled at an all time rate... Machines did most the work.. technology ultimatley did us in , which led to the demise of the honest blue collar workman and the workforce that existed

There were many stories i heard from the survivors.. from nuclear war ... too machies taking over...
But i didnt believe any of these things ... I ultimately knew that someone was in control of the operation and the machines... it could of been anyone ..any empire for all i know..

What i do know now.. is that 2032 exist ... and some are still here...
It wont be easy ....in this world .... Its as if we entured a new era... a new beggining...

In 2032 5 strainds still exist ...most were lost ... unsalvagable... but the best ones survivied...

Stay tuned to see whos left ...in 2032.....

Theyre were only few who remained in 2032....
It is not known for sure what 2032 really is ...
No one knows exactly how we got here...yet we know something went horribly wrong somewhere along the line..

I myself dont even know if its a time , place ,setting, or just a figment of my imagination...
Maybe i died long ago ... but i know there is still life here .... and many survied...

I am not sure how exactly all of it ended ...
After all the satelites and phones were cut off....tvs and interrnet.... everyone started to panic...riets insued ....
As if everthing turned off...

Some have said that It was an evil plot by the rich to exterminate the lower class...
At the decline of the decade ... many people were layed off ...and the gap between the rich and poor swelled at an all time rate... Machines did most the work.. technology ultimatley did us in , which led to the demise of the honest blue collar workman and the workforce that existed

There were many stories i heard from the survivors.. from nuclear war ... too machies taking over...
But i didnt believe any of these things ... I ultimately knew that someone was in control of the operation and the machines... it could of been anyone ..any empire for all i know..

What i do know now.. is that 2032 exist ... and some are still here...
It wont be easy ....in this world .... Its as if we entured a new era... a new beggining...

In 2032 5 strainds still exist ...most were lost ... unsalvagable... but the best ones survivied...

Stay tuned to see whos left ...in 2032.....

Dude.. How much pot are you smoking?
Dude.. How much pot are you smoking?

Hello there...
Ive been waiting for you.. You may have many questions ... and altho the process has altered your conscouis..
You remain irrevocably just a viewer....Ergo some of my answers you may not understand..
Concordantly ,while your first question may be the most pertanent.. you may not also realize it is irrelevant...

Despite my most sincerest efforts..i can not say for sure what 2032 is....
I have been unable to elimate it from my thoughts..
Otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision..While it becomes a burden to avoid it.. it is not unexpected ..
and thus not beyond a measure of control ..which has led you here..

Denail is the most predictable of all human responces..

Which brings us to the ultimate question ... Am i high...???
wherin the fundamental flaw is expressed..
I smoke more than i should.. enuff to get whole villages of people high...

I am not sure exactly ....there are many ...
However... i am here and 3 moms and there are 4 ladies ...
As far as the woman ... i think they are real .... inevitably .. i will find out...
But one cant tell for sure who is real in 2032... some might not be human ...
I will tell you exacly who is in short time....


It wouldnt be long before i had found someone else in 2032...
I had met her in one of the few remanining bussiness establishments...
We had worked in the same department .helping regenerate and salvage what remained in 2032..
Wasnt long before me and yvete really became good friends...

At first i wasnt taken by her beauty ..
She was very nerdy lookin... glasses...pale white skin ...
Her hair was a natural dark red color, short , down to ner neck , very thin straight...
There was something very special about her... She was very outspoken ... confident and didnt hold any shame ..very quick to make new friends..
Almost goofy to a point ... a freewilling young passionate lady at the least..

There was an instant chemistry between us ... i recall us being competitive in nature ..
We compeated, tryed to outperform each other,, out wit one another..
I had never met a young woman that i found to be much smarter than myself...
She was very young 19 years old ... i was about 4 years older at the time..
Altho, her style was not to revealing..young, ,,,, i noticed a deep beauty in her...
She had a very unique style ..preppy nerdy type of way to her....
Even more breathtaking was her nationality ...
She was born in Michigan , just like me, and moved to la, we shared a similar upbringing....
Her parents both lived in ecuador and of ecuadorian descnt..

At first glance i thought maybe she was just a white girl ... or mixed ..
Despite her beauty ...it was really her persona that drew me in ... She may have been the most beautiful woman ive ever seen ...

But she was so much more than just a pretty face...
I dont really remember what exactly we talked about .... in fact i dont think i said anything really interesting .. or being charming what so ever..
Quicky after a couple days knowing her ..we became inseparable... work didnt matter .. we just goofed around and slacked off...
shortly after a week inited her out for some food ..and for a ride around what was left of 2032..
We tried to get to know one another and have a good time out ...but we were more interested in each other...
This was pure lust and attraction.. it may have been instinctually just our animal nature...
We started as good friends and instantly in sveral days become passionate lovers...
This only lasted for a very short time .. it may have been the greatest few weeks of my life..
It had nothing to do with companionship ...or finding another,,, it was spontaneous..

Looking back i quickly realized that this was just a short stop 2032...
We were both very independant and ambitious... very free natured....
It was not my intention to court yvette... nor hers to find a relationship,,
Just two very happy ,freespirited, similar individuals that enjoyed life..

Near the end of our relationship ... no more than 3 weeks.. i noticed i had grown a strong attachment to yvette..
Her body was so volumptious and sexually pleasing... Very kinky and vocal in the bedroom..
Small perky breast , meduim sized tummy, with a large backside and hips...
She had this very unique pear shaped body that sometimes she was embarresed of..for what i dont know..
Most of her body weight was centered in her lower body ... yet she still had a very small stomach and skinny face..

I had never met a girl of this caliber,,, there was never a dull moment with her...
She was an overacheaver and knew exactly what she wanted outtta life .... Very confident...
At time she seemed to take charge of the conversation.. so itd be like we were trying to out talk one another,...
It was apparent too both of us very soon that this was just a thing... lust , a sexual desire .. a release from 2032

We had spent 2 weeks in a row together..
She would stay over all night ...Then take Id her home early in the mourning ..It grew old fast ...
As fun as it was ....it was pointless.. we wanted to move on with our lives.. and needed not to be attached to any commitments..
she would be the first to try to break it off.. she accused me of seeeing another girl..
I was .. but i had not been with her since i knew yvette...she was just lurking...an old lover looking to get back to me...

Ultimately ...this was just a step ...a way to end things...
She admittted to me that there was nothing between us ... she just really wanted to have her way with me...
I agreed that it was what it was and went on my way ...never to see yvette again... :(
It didnt faze me much at the time ......
I remember her saying that she had "no idea i would react like that "...
Perhaps i just didnt want to see her go ... but i felt no remorse a couple days later...
And would soon enuff find someone else in 2032... but still to this day no one has ever matched yvette..in sheer intellegence, personality ,
or sexually ... I knew that i could never make her love me.. i didnt want to be that person... i was my own person and she hers...

Still till this day i sometimes wonder what happened to yvette..
I know she is well... i have learned much more from her in a short span that anyone i have ever met...
And hope she still has her youthful vibrant ways that would illuminate any room....
It is a cold dark world in 2032 ... lets hope it hasnt taken her,,,,yet.
There wasnt much left in 2032...
I had saved a few cuts and seeds from before.. this was all that was left...
So i had to make good on what i had ...only the best survived ..





These are all pics from one point... each one is a mother...
They look very different now.. all have beeen stripped down in order to make 99 clone...

to be continued....
Interesting read... Is this an on going entertaining story your working on or is this a dream you constantly have that takes place in 2032? Or is it something else?

It was the reccession of 2009' ..
The economy stopped dead...
I stopped going out.... Some thought i was a reformed character...
Actually i was wrtitting..
A story called "2032" All about men and women looking for love....
Risking everything to get to a place called 2032..
I tried to make it bizzare and erotic without croosing the line....
I hoped the readers would like it...
Some wouldnt take to the science fiction angle...
But all 2032 meant to me was the number of my room....
I made the whole thing up ...but somehow my own experiences found their
way into the story...

Maybe a premonition...
A vision ... of what the world will become one day ...
or already is...
Everyone in 2032 is basically an archetype... of different characters...
A representation....

to be continued.....
The idea behind 2032
2032 is not just a place in time .. a metaphor of a futuristc sci fi erotic hotel...with android woman..
In reality its the world we live in everyday ..
..u could also find your way to it..
The attendants in 2032 can satisfy your every need...they will serve you devotedly..like an intimate friend..
But you must never fall in love in 2032 ...
The trick is to not get stuck there ...
No one can say for sure how long it takes to get
out of 2032..
Some go easily....while others find it takes longer ...one things for sure it takes great strengths and
can hurt terribly...

Paragraph 101 in the passenger guide..
Warns that on the ride back from 2032 it is especially cold...
The train heating wont be strong enuff ....
Passangers are advised to hug each other to keep warm...
Since im the only passanger ....i will hug my android cabin attendant...
Theyre seems to be some warmness to her artificial beauty ...


booooring. u sir have some serious mental problems.....maybe stop smokin crack???

and what......those mothers you stripped down, to what!!!?? spindly stems with no leaves?? cause health looks to be a serious issue there.. not that i care. just thought i'd down your day, like you do others. see how it feels dumbass?
thanx don... i was gonna flower the mothers...
But i wasnt satisfied with the mothers really ...
It doesnt matter tho cause ... cause im really focused on growing out the chops...
All the winners and the ogs are as lanky as u can get ... ahhah....

That guys a trip...
booooring. u sir have some serious mental problems.....maybe stop smokin crack???

and what......those mothers you stripped down, to what!!!?? spindly stems with no leaves?? cause health looks to be a serious issue there.. not that i care. just thought i'd down your day, like you do others. see how it feels dumbass?

Thanks for the observation.... they were healthy before... what can i say i gave away the most healthy ones...
Kept as many as i could under the t5 ...wasnt enuff room tho,... had in in little pots.... you will see there cutlings re vig ..
For sure.... The plants mothers were plenty biggger when i took strips...

Either way hope you enjoyed your trip to 2032...lol
Thanks for the observation.... they were healthy before... what can i say i gave away the most healthy ones...
Kept as many as i could under the t5 ...wasnt enuff room tho,... had in in little pots.... you will see there cutlings re vig ..
For sure.... The plants mothers were plenty biggger when i took strips...

Either way hope you enjoyed your trip to 2032...lol
yeah, ok sorry i was an ass, just don't like it when people keep goin in someones thread man ;) fairs fair ey, i know it can be fun ey, But Jin's havin fun, and i love his creativity. if it's bogus, who cares, he's a laugh.
ok why don't you try a big plant setup man? you might have some fun, i know i do! kinda more risky but that's the game where i am. If you get decent genetics, might as well make it worth while, i finally got myself something i've been searching for for years, a true skunk strain, and i feel like superman. You know what i mean.
I usually play a fair game here, and don't step into arguments, i was having a personal issue (some drunk dick ran into my car yesterday and hit and run)

the 2047 pic is kinda cool i like little hot asians and their tight ummmm peaches, they know how to fuck
To tell u the truth i do have another grow going...
I kinda personally like to keep em smaller... just since im only dealing with so many watts...
Hate wen people outgrow their setup... ive done it many times and it kinda leads to inferior bud..
The key to me is getting it just right .... even if i have undergrown my spot..

I also tend to like growing the low yielding strains also ... just cause i think they taste better and are more potent...
My first grows i had some beasters ...and my blue larry was too vigorus... 4x4 plant.... almost changed the flavor of the prevoius grow..

Your right flo .. i may be wrong .. and shud know better...
I guess i was just trying to reach out to lj...get him away from his computer for a while...
So he could hang out with the whole crew of local growers...
We have lots of harvest smokeouts... everyone give there opinion on each others meds...
Its really important getting out and meeting locals.. thats how you get sponcered and what not...

If u want to see a big grow... im sure this one will be pretty grand ..eventually..
Im cutting no corners... and trying to make as many clones as i can ... Maybe 50 ...
Then do another grow right in the other room ... under a different light....
Im pulling more lights hopefully this season..

So u noticed the 2047 pic..

You found me out ... basically i used his formula...
He explains in his movies exactly how he comes up with each idea.. theres many meaning and ideas behind the stories...
My story being more a doomsday plot ..yet my own experiences fall into place.. and new ideas are interpreted...
Its all in fun.. a practise round... another hobby...

I get bored with growing fast ,,, it gets old too me... im just trying to do something new...
I think everyone shud try making there own twist,, right there own fantasies...and stories....

Thanx for stopping in ...
Every mourning when i wake up ....
I get high , money on my mind, no time to get caked up...
10 clones its just not enuff...



who survived 2032? :)

Interesting read... Is this an on going entertaining story your working on or is this a dream you constantly have that takes place in 2032? Or is it something else?

cheeze, your chick is smokin btw!

Thanx all for your posts ...
Ill admit i started the journal really early... it will eventually just be a grow..
And my rough draft story journal will mesh with it...
Lots of things are coming... lots of seeds and clones...