whats so attractive about women?


Well-Known Member
Lol so today after class I was talking to my sister about if she ever thought about being with another girl. not as in desiring to do so, but rather if it came down to it, and the oppurtuntiy was there, would she do it? We both said no, because a woman is so different from a man. Like, when we get kissed, we like the firmness of dudes, the strength in their arms, etc. also the way a dude smells, the way his voice sounds, etc are all very very desirable things. Also the demeanor of a man, the way he carries himself, the just general feel of him... haha making myself blush but yeah.
So we were wondering, what do men like about women? I mean, there's nothing that can compare to the feel of a man, and all the great things enumerated above.
So like what physiological and psychological stuff do you like about women?
Because as a woman, I cant see the attraction. Women are too soft to touch, and the way women are is just bleh. I mean, i have women friends, but I'd never be in a relationship with one because it's just too similar to myself.


Well-Known Member
It all really depends on the guy your asking. Every guy likes a different type of girl. Just like every girl likes a certain type of guy. I like smart, mature girls though.


Active Member
Very attractive females have high pitch voices, nice shape, but what is a big turn on is the laugh.. Certain girls have really sexy laughs and then those soft lips, overall I just love those feminine features. There so many things its hard for me to think straight lol Im getting horny


Well-Known Member
so many answers to this question!!!!
The smell that renders you helpless as she walks by you fresh out of the shower.... the smile that stops your heart, if only for a moment... the giggle that sends chills throughout your body no matter how many times you have heard it before... the gleam in her eye just before she kisses you.... the feel of her skin against yours... I could go on and ON!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
well... if were going on what we think is attractive...

then id have to say that logic and reason combined with intelligence is a MUST for me...

small talk and TMZ rhetoric can only go so far with me... so if she can discuss science with me then yeah... ummm... very much of a turn on for me... ;)

and there are plenty of women out there who have decent enough "aesthetics" in order to be "bangable"...

but combine intelligence with a decent body... and BAM you've just got my vote for attractiveness... ;)


Well-Known Member
and before all you feminists trip on me, I'm not refering to all women as bitches.. It's just some women are really just bitches, and usually these certain girls are just dumb.