Rare Dankness: 501st OG HERMIES!!!

Well that was kinda confusing GDP-rep. I am willing to bet a pack of beans that your chances of becoming a RD rep have become smaller since the creation of this thread. lol I doubt the RD crew is gonna hang out with you and check out your hermie plants. If you don't give a fuck and plan on buying more hermie seeds, then what the fuck are we doing here? If GDP seeds hermie would you care? This massive back peddling has me saying WTF? I don't think you were rude, I think many fans of RD jumped your ass and tried turning this on you, BUT if this happened as it is stated then why in the fuck would be a bigger fan than ever? Not being a dick, just trying to wrap my head around this shit.
If you got those seeds at the cup, I think she said they came from a different supplier. All the seeds now are from a global supplier or something like that. I'm pretty sure the seeds from the cup are not what people are buying now. I mean the genetics are the same but the people supplying the seeds are not. She also talked about sister companies, it's all very confusing to me and I dont understand all the details.

I'm really shocked to see a non feminized strain hermie. Honestly time is going to tell us what's going on. If everyone that popped 501st gets hermies, then they simply were not tested or not tested enough. If there are no hermies then people are going to look at user error. Hermies are the reason I don't pop Cali Connection seeds. This thread has been going on long enough and I'm waiting to see Mrs. Dankness response. Anyone else running 501st without hermies?
Hermies are the reason I don't pop Cali Connection seeds. This thread has been going on long enough and I'm waiting to see Mrs. Dankness response. Anyone else running 501st without hermies?

See for me, Swerve being a total cock-sucker to anyone that got upset about his fucked up hermies is why I do not buy any Cali Conn gear. If he apologized and said he fucked up, then fixed it, I wouldn't have any problems. But listening to that fucking moron makes me even avoid his good shit.
I respect the way Mrs. RD usually runs around here putting out fires and representing her company, she may be getting tired of it. lol.
If you got those seeds at the cup, I think she said they came from a different supplier. All the seeds now are from a global supplier or something like that. I'm pretty sure the seeds from the cup are not what people are buying now. I mean the genetics are the same but the people supplying the seeds are not. She also talked about sister companies, it's all very confusing to me and I dont understand all the details.

I'm really shocked to see a non feminized strain hermie. Honestly time is going to tell us what's going on. If everyone that popped 501st gets hermies, then they simply were not tested or not tested enough. If there are no hermies then people are going to look at user error. Hermies are the reason I don't pop Cali Connection seeds. This thread has been going on long enough and I'm waiting to see Mrs. Dankness response. Anyone else running 501st without hermies?

Reg genetics herm too, you shouldn't be "shocked". I've seen TGA gear herm and I've read reports of others getting them too.
Speaking of capt., swerve said he was full of shit and Capt. sticky had a whole page of picks! Then Swerve said the capt bought fake seeds cus of his packaging. A whole bunch of people jumped his ass for not knowing his own packaging. Then he just chose to ignore the rest of Capt. troubles and waited for him to leave. lol. Not the best of cust. service. roflmao.
And when I first approached swerve on his own site, I was very polite and then I was ignored. Then I post here and then here comes Swirl, spouting all kinds of ignorant shit. Half of it didn't make any sense.
northwest.GDP.rep said:
i didnt understand your post... *
Totally not surprised. *
was that directed at me or rd...??? *
You obviously *
whats super cunty? *
Your actions, words and behavior.

gdp embaressed?
Yes, embarrassed that you're acting so bitterly spiteful (which is why you're now back pedaling like a bitch). *I mean, let's get real... *Your methodology is all wrong. *Try reading the art of war.

You blasted your auxins, what other mistakes do you think are no big deal??

I (aswell as most people with common sense) don't post bullseyes on the Internet but I can assure you of the 100 or so seeds I've seen or plan to see being popped, planted, cloned (clones sexed), culled, flowered (to a max of 4 weeks now) no herms.

You're also a punk for running around to other sites and starting "RD Genetics hermaphrodites" threads. *In which, by the way, you claim to be unsure if they're actually full blown herms. *

Well that was kinda confusing GDP-rep. I am willing to bet a pack of beans that your chances of becoming a RD rep have become smaller since the creation of this thread. lol I doubt the RD crew is gonna hang out with you and check out your hermie plants. If you don't give a fuck and plan on buying more hermie seeds, then what the fuck are we doing here? If GDP seeds hermie would you care? This massive back peddling has me saying WTF? I don't think you were rude, I think many fans of RD jumped your ass and tried turning this on you, BUT if this happened as it is stated then why in the fuck would be a bigger fan than ever? Not being a dick, just trying to wrap my head around this shit.
I don't need another job "reppin" anyone. I'm not trying to confuse anyone. I'm being real. I care I got bad seeds, BUT until I can rule out ALL possibilities, I'm not turning my back on these guys. I just wish there was more of a presence from some of them.

northwest.GDP.rep said:
i didnt understand your post... *
Totally not surprised. *
was that directed at me or rd...??? *
You obviously *
whats super cunty? *
Your actions, words and behavior.

gdp embaressed?
Yes, embarrassed that you're acting so bitterly spiteful (which is why you're now back pedaling like a bitch). *I mean, let's get real... *Your methodology is all wrong. *Try reading the art of war.

You blasted your auxins, what other mistakes do you think are no big deal??

I (aswell as most people with common sense) don't post bullseyes on the Internet but I can assure you of the 100 or so seeds I've seen or plan to see being popped, planted, cloned (clones sexed), culled, flowered (to a max of 4 weeks now) no herms.

You're also a punk for running around to other sites and starting "RD Genetics hermaphrodites" threads. *In which, by the way, you claim to be unsure if they're actually full blown herms. *

Hey man, thanks for finally getting back to me... You know, they say guys who call other men punks/bitches are usually the bitch themselves. Back pedaling?? I was totally chill at first, then got into it with RDMI. I openly stated THAT I deleted posts because of the words I used. Call it back pedaling, or just trying to remove any negativity from this thread.
Too bad i didn't start the thread you mention. I do however have this thread on my local MMJ site up here in Washington. That okay with you cupcake?

Vertigo, you are no better than any other person who has come her, provided absolutely NOTHING positive, and just another wasted post...

Did you PM or email Mrs. RD or anyone from the RD crew prior to making this thread?

Yes I did.

From the time I first heard of "Rare Dankness" (while repping for NW-GDP) I contacted their website inquiring about seeds. I asked what it would take to get them in the Washington state medical clubs since there was zero presence I knew of.

I met the crew in LA at the cup, said hi, told them EXACTLY who I was, who I work with, all that. THEN, found thadocta on my MMJ site for NW patients. PM'd him saying hello, telling him EXACTLY who I am, plus my s.n is the same there. Asked for some Doc's OG... MULTIPLE TIMES I MIGHT ADD.

ALSO, pm'd Mrs. RD, asking the same questions. Never got a response though. Might have even asked her to get her stuff in the clubs as well, and told her I have a lot of relationships with club owners and could get it in the clubs... My intentions were to have a local access point for some killer OG's. Plus GDP hasn't released quite the variety as of yet. We would love to though.

With all that said, I hope you can understand if I had ill intent, I probably would have gone into this as more of a "secret shopper" wouldn't you say?
This has grown into a CSI investigation. It's all good. Got some herms. Not the 1st time, or last. (not implying from RD)
Call the waaammbulance, GDP cut his vagina.

Thats because I typically refrain from doing anything other than observing. That is, until I see someone like you cunting off at the mouth.

You're transparent, drink some paint.

Yes I did.

From the time I first heard of "Rare Dankness" (while repping for NW-GDP) I contacted their website inquiring about seeds. I asked what it would take to get them in the Washington state medical clubs since there was zero presence I knew of.

I met the crew in LA at the cup, said hi, told them EXACTLY who I was, who I work with, all that. THEN, found thadocta on my MMJ site for NW patients. PM'd him saying hello, telling him EXACTLY who I am, plus my s.n is the same there. Asked for some Doc's OG... MULTIPLE TIMES I MIGHT ADD.

ALSO, pm'd Mrs. RD, asking the same questions. Never got a response though. Might have even asked her to get her stuff in the clubs as well, and told her I have a lot of relationships with club owners and could get it in the clubs... My intentions were to have a local access point for some killer OG's. Plus GDP hasn't released quite the variety as of yet. We would love to though.

With all that said, I hope you can understand if I had ill intent, I probably would have gone into this as more of a "secret shopper" wouldn't you say?
This has grown into a CSI investigation. It's all good. Got some herms. Not the 1st time, or last. (not implying from RD)

I should rephrase that, sorry.

Did you PM or E-mail Mrs. RD or anyone from the RD crew about your problems with the 501st OG prior to making this thread?
Call the waaammbulance, GDP cut his vagina.

Thats because I typically refrain from doing anything other than observing. That is, until I see someone like you cunting off at the mouth.

You're transparent, drink some paint.
Cunting off at the mouth? What does that even man. Your the only GUY?? i've ever heard use that phrase. Like I said, I deleted my shit, why are you even bringing it up? Is this thread about my vocab or me badmouthing RD? No it's about herm genes that nobody has come and said shit about. Except little guys like yourself who sit behind screens talking shit, cause in reality, your pathetic, have no friends, and are proably a fat ass who watches porn all day in between talking shit on here.

I should rephrase that, sorry.

Did you PM or E-mail Mrs. RD or anyone from the RD crew about your problems with the 501st OG prior to making this thread?

No I did not. I probably should have.

He knew exactly what you meant, he's dancing around it like Michael flattley.
Not familiar with Michael Flattley grey balls, but appreciate the reference. I'm not dancing around anything. I've stated my situation, got ZERO help from ANY RD staff, and have RD leg riders trying to tell me what's up. This is too funny now.
Call the waaammbulance, GDP cut his vagina.

Thats because I typically refrain from doing anything other than observing. That is, until I see someone like you cunting off at the mouth.

You're transparent, drink some paint.

you are too funny. i wouldn't be surprise if you turn out to be someone from out of rd's camp. you observed until you couldn't refrain yourself any longer but fail to take notice of the lack of response from the company that's in question? how convenient.
since you are clearly pro-rd, can you answer something that's plaque my mind this entire thread, why all this talk about GDP rep wanted to be a RD rep comes after the fact? the part i really can't figure out is, if one is trying to ruining my rep and is showing evidence of his claim, why wouldn't i put all out on the table and show why his claim in bogus? RD says GDP rep sent emails, pm's, texts etc begging to be a rd rep but has brought nothing or shown anything to prove what they say. could it be that GDP rep is telling the truth and all he was trying to do was get some rd genetics in his area and not trying to be an rd rep? makes you wonder don't it.
you have the Mrs til this day on riu answering a whole heap of questions that's really about nothing, put it out there that a rep is mad because he was turned down, but she can't find her way to this thread and prove what she said to be true. if you went that far as to letting people know that GDP is salty because he got turn down for repping rd, why not put it all out there and show us the evidence? just like the phantom test grows, it only exist between them, friends, and family.
See, there's the problem. I was never begging to work with them, never sent multiple emails, or pm's asking to be "a rep", and I don't have any of their phone #'s.

I was never responded to about working with them, which I really don't remember other than asking for seeds in my area. ThaDocta's and my PM's were strictly strain based, not "can I work with you dude?"

Mrs RD never even sent me a PM back and I remember being really friendly, bs'ing bout the cup, again, not begging, or asking for a job.

So there is no way I could be bitter. For all I know, they were checking me out and would have let me work with them, if i HAD SO WANTED. Why would I assume they said NO, when they never did? Never heard anything. So... I guess I preemptively started hating and bashig just in case ANY of them wanted to go out of their way and get me the PACK OF SEEDS I HAVE BEEN BEGGING FOR... THATS IT, THE SEEDS I KEPT ASKING FOR... DOCS OG.
See, there's the problem. I was never begging to work with them, never sent multiple emails, or pm's asking to be "a rep", and I don't have any of their phone #'s.

I was never responded to about working with them, which I really don't remember other than asking for seeds in my area. ThaDocta's and my PM's were strictly strain based, not "can I work with you dude?"

Mrs RD never even sent me a PM back and I remember being really friendly, bs'ing bout the cup, again, not begging, or asking for a job.

So there is no way I could be bitter. For all I know, they were checking me out and would have let me work with them, if i HAD SO WANTED. Why would I assume they said NO, when they never did? Never heard anything. So... I guess I preemptively started hating and bashig just in case ANY of them wanted to go out of their way and get me the PACK OF SEEDS I HAVE BEEN BEGGING FOR... THATS IT, THE SEEDS I KEPT ASKING FOR... DOCS OG.

See that's what i can't understand. why would you put out there that he's only sour because we declined his offer to work with us but don't show no effort in proving your statement. she goes all out to upload and post a few random pics for people to see but don't respond to a very pressing issue. msm post random pics up on the reg on icmag, but when you ask about grow/test reports and results from the logs you get called a hater/troll.

im really trying to make sense out of all of it, can someone help me?
Ok, I honestly think that is part of the problem. I'm not one that has appreciation for telling people how they, should have, done things because I feel it's counterproductive to moving on and resolving issues. However in this case, I believe the way you went about could the reason for your lack of response from RD.

Just looking at the title of this, it looks like a flame thread. If I put GDP: KENS KUSH HERMIES!!!!! I have a feeling that you would have asked me to PM you about this issue before taking it on a public forum. As of now, if someone googles Rare Dankness: 501st OG there is a very strong possibility they will find this thread which will most likely turn them off from purchasing. So just by creating a thread title like this, you have hurt RD's credibility as a source for quality genetics. Their quality is certainly most open for debate, as there is limited information about them but this thread does not debate anything.

If you were questioning whether or not these are herms, you could have made a thread in the infirmary forum or general growing forum without stating what strain the seeds are. This way you could have input on if they are hermies, if force sexing them under 12-12 then putting them back to a full light schedule could cause hermies, and any other discussion about why this could have happened without seeming as if you are calling out RD. Once you confirmed they were herms, that is the point when I would have PM'ed Mrs. RD. I have talked to her before, and she is quick to respond. If you didn't find her response satisfactory, then I think it would be reasonable to start a thread detailing your experience. Hyopthetically if you contacted Mrs. RD personally, she might have gotten you replacements, you could have grown them out and things could have gone either way. From those replacements you could have gotten ten healthy plants to report back on and provide a positive review of your experience. Or you could have gotten ten more janky herms and report on that as well. We will not know now.

I don't believe that making a different account here would have changed anything. First it's against the TOU regardless of reason. Second at the end of they day you are still a rep for GDP, and people would hold that against you for calling out another company. I've read your posts on here and ICMag, most of everything you said seems reasonable and of an intelligible origin. But when average consumers such as myself see a thread titled this way, after no private communication was attempted, and the mention of trying to form some sort of business relationship to them, it does cast an imagine of ill intent. If RDMI posted a thread about problems with GDP seeds before contacting you, Ken, or someone I would be saying the same thing to him.

This thread has brought out the RD haters, and the RD fans. Everyone has points that can held as true. I'm undecided. I've seen the work that Scott has done and that is what convinced me to buy the seeds I have. It's disheartening to see threads such as these, because it'd be a lie to admit it didn't make me question if my purchase was worth it. But this thread alone will not dictate my opinion on RD, I haven't formed one yet. I will let my own experience with the seeds decide that when the time comes to pop some. Just as my opinion will be formed of GDP when I pop my GDP beans.
One thing I see for certain when it comes to "proof" RD has none.
More strains than you can keep up with and nothing on any of them.

Any person with a male can replicate exactly what RD is doing, just let it go wild, seed up abunch of your females and then slap a name on the seeds and call yourself a breeder. Even better a "breeder's breeder" since you get to go through the 100s of phenos to find the one you really like..