Difference between Democrats and Republicans


Well-Known Member
A democrat family lives in a house that has problems. When the head of household wants to fix the house, he hits up everyone living there and all the neighbors to chip in [raises taxes]. They all bitch. Things get fixed slowly, but payment is made on delivery.

They sell the house to republicans. Republicans promise the residents everything will be hunky-dorey fast when they move in. It is. They borrowed $140,000 [deficit spend/borrow money] to make it all perfect. The neighbors' kids will have to pay it back when they grow up, but who cares, everything's great now.


Well-Known Member
lol, good one Dank!

i can't help but wonder though, if the house was all fixed up when the reps bought it why did they have to borrow so much $ to get it right? :)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
and the best part.... they use each other to keep themselves stuck in the same old house.... neither one can see beyond the walls of this OLD house..


Well-Known Member
The democrats live the the trailor with all the garbage laying around. They don't fix the place up. Spend all their (okay it's welfare) money on booze and gasoline. The kids run wild and steal from the neighborhood. Redneck yard of the week. Whoops sorry that is just my Democrat neighbors.


New Member
The family of Democrats buy the house using FHA financing where the government guarantees the loan in the event the family can't make the payments. The family lives in the home without making a single payment. It takes months and months to foreclose on the mortgage and months more for the lender to get the Sheriff to evict the democrat family. The government (taxpayers) are left holding the bag.

In the meantime, the Republican family is working their asses off on three different jobs in an effort to save enough money for a down payment. A friend suggests that they check out forclosed properties, which they do. And, lo and behold, they come across the democrat family's foreclosed home. At that point, the Republican family buys the home at a great price, fixes it up, lives in it for five years, continues to work their asses off, sells it at a teriffic profit and moves to a larger home in a much nicer neighborhood.

The Democrat family was last seen mumbling something about those "Greedy, Evil, Rich, Rebublican Bastards."



Well-Known Member
I have much to say about Canada but I dont wanna piss anyone off...lol!
Cheers folks!
maybe some day our countries'll get it right....Im sure I wont b here to c it though...(lo....l?)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
vi - i think you forgot the part where the republican goes to jail for money laundering, tax evation and slumm LORDING...

try not to over look those things in the future..


oh yeah, and I almost forgot.... voting for WAR and then sending the democrats kids instead of their own... and then when the war turns into a total fiasco.... "damn bush, who voted for that guy anyway?"


Well-Known Member
vi - i think you forgot the part where the republican goes to jail for money laundering, tax evation and slumm LORDING...

try not to over look those things in the future..


oh yeah, and I almost forgot.... voting for WAR and then sending the democrats kids instead of their own... and then when the war turns into a total fiasco.... "damn bush, who voted for that guy anyway?"
Exactly but it takes people like you and me to point that out.
Other than that they would go around with blinders on oblivious to the fact that republicans are no longer popular and fucked themselves out of jobs in government for the future.
I just wish that the Democrats would get a set of balls and start cleaning house.


Well-Known Member
All Clinton did was get a lil' head on the side....Im not one for encouraging this...but shes still with him, how do we know their not actually 'swingers' and Bill just took the heat cause he knew he was gettin the boot?...
what do u folks think???


Well-Known Member
Yeah, talk about selling out National sovereignty just to make a buck . :rolleyes:

Yesterday while in Mexico, President Bush pledged to the Mexican
people that he will "work as hard as I possibly can" to pass an
amnesty bill. Here's what he said:

"My pledge to you and your government, but more
importantly to the people of Mexico, is I will work
as hard as I possibly can to pass comprehensive
immigration reform."

How dare the President make such a pledge to a foreign government!
But it gets worse. The President used the same speech to chide
you and me -- and rebuke us for not supporting his amnesty plan!

"In the debate on migration I remind my fellow citizens that
family values do not stop at the Rio Grande river."

(Full quote at the end of this message.)

+ + "Migration" debate?

That is not a misprint. The President has apparently so far
downgraded the current illegal alien invasion that he now calls
it a "debate on migration"! Migration? This was no slip of the
tongue. Both President Bush and Mexican President Calderon
used "migration" repeatedly and it certainly fits how the
President views the border crisis.

So our President goes to Mexico and pledges to do everything
he can to encourage the free "migration" of Mexicans to our
country! Even worse -- he wants to totally remove any stigma
of illegality and give tens of millions south of the border
free "migration" rights! And just for fun, he rebukes you
and me along the way!

+ + Can we stop the invasion?

While the President was doing this, Ron De Jong and I were on
Capitol Hill for important strategy meetings to stop the Bush-
Kennedy-Pelosi amnesty train. We also took part in the launch
of Grassfire’s mobile "Stop The Invasion" billboard right on
Capitol Hill.

Please go here for a full report and to see the new mobile
billboard as it circled the Capitol:

GrassFire.org - Real Impact Online.

Everyone on Capitol Hill is bracing for the Kennedy amnesty bill
which we expect will be worse than last year’s. The good news is,
we came away from our meetings with a two-pronged approach to
defeating this bill -- one on the House side and the other on
the Senate side. We will be sharing details with you in a few

But one thing was clear -- grassroots pressure is OUR ONLY HOPE!
That was the message we heard again and again. Sen. Coburn of
Oklahoma told us directly that the grassroots made all the
difference last year. A key House staffer said that grassroots
citizens are our only line of defense.

I want to keep this mobile billboard circling the Capitol and
the White House until we defeat amnesty. Quite frankly, it
could take months and I need your help.

Please go here to help us Stop the Invasion:

GrassFire.org - Real Impact Online.

And please alert your friends to the President’s latest outrageous
statements. President Bush is selling out our country's
sovereignty and he’s rebuking us in the process!

Thanks for taking a stand to stop the invasion!

Steve Elliott
Grassfire.org Alliance

P.S. Here is the full quote from the President as well as a
link to the entire speech:

"The United States respects rule of law. But in the debate on
migration, I remind my fellow citizens that family values do
not stop at the Rio Grande River, that there are decent,
hardworking honorable citizens of Mexico who want to make
a living for their families. And so, Mr. President, my
pledge to you and your government -- but, more importantly,
the people of Mexico -- is I will work as hard as I possibly
can to pass comprehensive immigration reform."

President Bush and President Calderón Participate in Arrival Ceremony

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
i cant bielve I am gonna say this..

it made me sick last night to hear hillary say that ..... paraphrase..

we need to find a way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil without altering our lifestyle

That is the same bullshit that BUSH said. who gives a fuck if we need to alter our life style a bit.... I would love to limit our daily showeirng time if it means cleaner air.. I would have no problem changing the lights to cfls in my house if it means cleaner air....

let us BE responsible creatures... it is so sad that people shit where they eat...

i was in texas a few times over the past year and those fookers don't recycle.. at least in the areas where I resided.. I would love to make those people live in their waste for a few months.. i think they would be shocked at how much trash they produce.. and it might encourage them to recycle..

rant rant rant



Well-Known Member
You know why they don't recycle in Texas?
Because it doesn't pay anything.... Cans 38 cents a pound....
When I was living in LA Calif, they were paying $1.05 a pound. It was worth it there.
Glass got a good price.
Unless they raise the price they pay in recycling centers in Texas you'll see a whole lot less of it....
Human nature is such, unless it pays well, people won't go dumpster diving.