thanks for those

my seed has got its taproot out, a 1/4 inch, so ive planted it, very shallow in the ground, and misted the soil. I have 2 20w cfls over the plant thats already sprouted, and keeping them on 24/7, and when it is a sunny day, il put them outdoors to acclimatise. I think when I put them outdoors, at first, Il just do for half a day, then move to a full day, then put in direct sulight for about an hour, then move it to extra hours, then finally keep them outdoors. Im using John innes no 1 compost, do you know what point I should transplant it to John innes no 2 potting on compost? who knew a little plant would take so much effort lol. Worth it though (well im hoping it will be in the end, assuming it does well, this will be my actual first home grown canna plant, after about 12 failed attempts lol, sick of buying crap on the street, that u never know if its sprayed with glass, or whatever, and getting ripped off too!