Rare Dankness: 501st OG HERMIES!!!

What pheno from what strain?

Im runnin GTH #2 and none of them were the same, I found one plant that I might run again depending on how it finishes.
I popped 20 Moonshine haze. The pack I bought at the cup was alot better than the one I ordered online. I kept three phenos. I think there were 12 different phenos. Most of my Moonshine haze were dwarfs and most of them wilted over and died for no reason (Online seed pack). I blame it on the finicky Neville's haze. I don't mind lots of phenos. I'm sure to find a keeper. The pheno I like the most is one GTH#8. It's 3 times bigger than 30 other seeds I popped at the same time. I popped 10 Bright Moments, 10 karma Bitch, 5 Sour diesel, 2 GTH#8 and 3 freebies. The one GTH#8 towers over all of them, it's a Hellsangel dominate pheno, I call it GTH#8 Gigantor. I hope it's a girl. I'm really looking forward to growing the Long's peak Blue, but I'm also worried because it's crossed with that Raredankness #1 that could be the culprit.
good suggestion but if that is the reason for it to hermie i wouldn't consider that alone to be a good one. if anything i've read and seen breeders do much worst to their crosses to see how stable it is, it's called a stress test.

Yes I'm familiar with stress testing, in a software engineering environment, but the concept generalizes. Some people are interested in bleeding edge development. Same as in software the early adopters are the ones who get to experience all the bugs. It's the tax you pay for early adoption of anything. The benefits are being the first expert in a new trend and that can pay itself back to you many times over.

So with a new company and completely new strain(s) you are definitely on the leading edge. Me as a newbie in growing I'd never try something this new because I'm not where I could handle the challenges yet. But others with experience are the ones to test and prove so the rest of us can have this information.

So I think this is a valuable thread.

It's a no win situation. If I pointed out the change in light cycle to 12/12 and back so quickly could have caused that, then I would have JJ or someone else flaming me for citing grower error as the cause. So that's why I didn't say that, so I didn't come here looking to blame the grower right off the bat. Catch 22.

Yes that's correct and I wasn't trying to do any finger pointing as I am far to inexperienced. At this point I mostly have book knowledge so I'm just trying to see how it translates to reality. Which was why I asked.

Anyone find it suspicious that we have a Rep on Rep battle GDP vs RD? I think there needs to be a battle grow, you know... two come into the garden, and only one leaves.

That is another issue. A representative of GDP posted from his professional status about a grow of a rival companies genetics. So this creates all kind of questions regarding motivation. Dual relationships are confusing and can create suspicion. However GDP rep isn't a rep 100% of the time either and has a personal life wherein he can choose to grow different genetics.

I think if GDP rep had created an account separate from his professional support account there would not been such suspicion aroused.

SOUNDS GOOD!!! When we doing this bro?
In all seriousness. To those who asked, I deleted some of my posts. I am here to be a REP for a company. To be a bright light for those interested in our seeds. If I come on here, foul-mouth m other companies or speak to quick, someone could easily make accusations against my character. I am a chill person, I laugh a lot. I don't want the back n forth bs that seems to occur in every thread, one way or another.

With that said. NOBODY BUT A REP FROM MICHIGAN HAS ANSWERED ANY QUESTIONS OR SAID SHIT, except that I'm bitter cause I wanted his job... in MICHIGAN???

Whatever, great customer service. I am waiting for something positive to come from this. Sure is frustrating.

Precisely you are here to be a rep for a company. Therefore your personal issues should be separate from your representative account duties. This is an instance wherein you honestly NEED a second account. Dual relationships can create a huge problem as illustrated by this thread.

An account wherein you do only your professional support and a personal account wherein you catalog your own grows and own questions requiring support from another vendor. I think that is where a lot of the problem stems from. This appears to be a representative from a competing company casting doubt upon a rival company. I think that's why there is such a strong reaction.

Now I don't necessarily believe you have any ill intent. But in this day and age of some amazingly underhanded dealings by companies there is a marked level of suspicion and that's not a bad thing.

I hope this all works out well for both RD and Ken's GDP and it can be resolved amicably. I think it would be fun to see RD swap a pack of seeds with Ken's GDP and we can see you both grow each others genetics. It could be a lot of fun and a very positive competition! It doesn't have to be negative there is room in the world for both companies and many more to do well.
I popped 20 Moonshine haze. The pack I bought at the cup was alot better than the one I ordered online. I kept three phenos. I think there were 12 different phenos. Most of my Moonshine haze were dwarfs and most of them wilted over and died for no reason (Online seed pack).

Holy shit dude 12 pheno's?? Whatever happened to uniformity in a strain?
I guess its good if the person plans on going on long pheno hunt.

(no diss to the breeders out there of course, I've never touched any of your strains so I don't know of their quality first hand)

Holy shit dude 12 pheno's?? Whatever happened to uniformity in a strain?
I guess its good if the person plans on going on long pheno hunt.

(no diss to the breeders out there of course, I've never touched any of your strains so I don't know of their quality first hand)

Key word in there was THINK. He also said he only kept 3 and never flowered the other 7 out, so we will never know what variation was actually there. You can't tell a plant's genotype from a seedling. You have to grow it out to see what traits are expressed. Variation in appearance of young seedlings could easily be affected by environmental conditions. Gotta wait til the alternating nodes hit to see how they really grow.
Key word in there was THINK. He also said he only kept 3 and never flowered the other 7 out, so we will never know what variation was actually there. You can't tell a plant's genotype from a seedling. You have to grow it out to see what traits are expressed. Variation in appearance of young seedlings could easily be affected by environmental conditions. Gotta wait til the alternating nodes hit to see how they really grow.

How many pheno's(MH) has your team come across then?

I'm thinking of possibly giving a go to MH and the OG Ghost Train Haze.
I popped 20 Moonshine haze. The pack I bought at the cup was alot better than the one I ordered online. I kept three phenos. I think there were 12 different phenos. Most of my Moonshine haze were dwarfs and most of them wilted over and died for no reason (Online seed pack). I blame it on the finicky Neville's haze. I don't mind lots of phenos. I'm sure to find a keeper. The pheno I like the most is one GTH#8. It's 3 times bigger than 30 other seeds I popped at the same time. I popped 10 Bright Moments, 10 karma Bitch, 5 Sour diesel, 2 GTH#8 and 3 freebies. The one GTH#8 towers over all of them, it's a Hellsangel dominate pheno, I call it GTH#8 Gigantor. I hope it's a girl. I'm really looking forward to growing the Long's peak Blue, but I'm also worried because it's crossed with that Raredankness #1 that could be the culprit.

Cool, I have a pack of GTH #8:)
So far the moonshine haze have been relatively uniform. No one I gave those to have finished them yet, but by the middle of July there should be some done. The most variation I have heard of from my team is 3 so far from the MH.
so there is no information in hermie/male/female statistics with your current genetics line up?

Kindly point me to other companies that post this type of information please. Also, if you know of an efficient way to collect data on thousands of packs of seeds after they have been sold on the international market, that would be helpful too. Thank you.
im a tester for a few seed campanies . . ..so . . .. ..i know results can be recorded and quantified by more testing . .. . any real breeder worth there salt can tell you what hereditary traits should be passed on . . cause they work strians. . . and if they dont test well then garbage time for em

so you dont know at all if any of your stock strains will hermie or what there female/male/hermie rates are even?

and i can tell you right now DP is twice the knowledgeable rep you are . . . . .although not as nice somtimes. . .. . . he can tell you all about kens estate lines. . . like which ones are safe and which ones they trash yadda yadda yadda

and he makes good on his seeds. . . i had a hot seed run with 5/5 GDP pure and only 2 were female and he offered to give me another pack if i got low rates on the next five. . . . . . .. said "we make it good here"

and i know i made the mistakes as all my 100 seeds came on with a high male ratio . . .yousee i test so i record results and find trends.. . . . it is what testers do .. . . and it is what has kept me a tester

. .i hope your companies seeds dont have a similar hermie trend or lack of care put into your lines as no testing has been done at all it seems?

every question gets a . .. . . .," who am I jesus", answer like it is so much to ask you to know about your genetics and seeds, and no we dont expect the world of you Rare Dankness we just expect you guys know the producrt your selling is quaility vs hope it works out

RD, I really feel like a couple days is long enough for someone from your company to come on here and talk one on one.
If i'm a rep or not, for any company, that should play no role in what I grow. I said it from the beginning, I'm a KUSH head. Everyone at the other site I'm on knows this.
It is NO surprise that I grabbed your seeds. I have Ken's too. I wanted some DANK OG.

It's really irritating that RD MI is the only soul from the company who has anything to say. Apparently I need to post this on EVERY SINGLE FORUM on the net... MAYBE I'll get some attention then, huh?

RD MI, you have offered NO ADVICE, ZERO INFO TO HELP, NOTHING BUT NEGATIVITY, and overall, JUST ARGUE to TRY and make points. The more this goes on, the more I feel your company is going downhill. It would seem as though NOBODY gives a shit about how SERIOUS this is, and how detrimental it could potentially be to your company. Oh well, do your thing.

I made my choice to aviod there beans! There over price and over rated! With no journals to show testing lol
the rd rep say theres no need to show this testing cause barney farms, and other big label breeders dont lmfao!
thats cause those breeders suck and are pushing untested releases! Its all about the $ and nothing for the people!
people there are tons of dank out there to be had for half the cost lol
Well, unlike Subcool.... right? I mean have we ever gotten a real answer on the plush? that was supposedly tested with no hermies at all... testing unless your in the know (like some of us are) is very very bias. from sub there was no hermies from his testers from me I got a flock of them..... so, yea? ( just using this as an example of a IRL situation )

they are expensive. That is the first thing anyone should notice.... right? why would anyone buy these if they were unable to afford to? What is the big deal? the hermie issue is a problem no doubt but, GDP you really do sound a bit....(idk the word) malicious? in your posting... I mean it really sounds like you just want to run the company threw the mud.

And RDMI is probably one of the kindest people I have met In LIFE! period dude knows his way around the grow room and is a Guru with extractions. If anything he is trying to get a proper answer for you guys.. I don't get the hate thing tho... it's unneeded IMHO

Rd, i really feel like a couple days is long enough for someone from your company to come on here and talk one on one.
If i'm a rep or not, for any company, that should play no role in what i grow. I said it from the beginning, i'm a kush head. Everyone at the other site i'm on knows this.
It is no surprise that i grabbed your seeds. I have ken's too. I wanted some dank og.

That is the point you seem to be missing you are NOT a private party in a one on one conversation. You are here as an representative of Ken GDP company. This would be you as a company speaking to another company. This is not personal communication as in posting from your role as a rep you have raised this to a level where your employer may have to answer for the things you say here. Look up respondet superior (vicarious liability).

it's really irritating that rd mi is the only soul from the company who has anything to say. Apparently i need to post this on every single forum on the net... Maybe i'll get some attention then, huh?

Please make sure this is what your employer wishes you to do as an official representative of their company. If there is a libel lawsuit or tortious interference with prospective business advantage at least they will have knowingly assumed the risk.

Anyway I am sorry your plants hermed for whatever reason and I sincerely hope you drop your persona as a rep for another company and actually attempt to work this out as customer to vendor. I would be interested to see how that works out for you in your role as a private party.

Anyway I do wish you the best of luck in finding the right kush strain. I understand how important the right strain can be. It was life changing for me. I was able to reduce my daily morphine intake by more than 2/3 based on one puff of Pre 98 Bubba Kush every 4 days. So please keep up your search for the right genetics for you but don't mix your professional duties with your private pursuits. I really hope this helps as I am not here to irritate you nor am I defending RD genetics. I'm trying to help but it doesn't seem like I am getting through so I'll stop nattering on after this one last attempt at clearing up why dual relationships are problematic if not carefully separated.
the hermie issue is a problem no doubt but, GDP you really do sound a bit....(idk the word) malicious? in your posting... I mean it really sounds like you just want to run the company threw the mud.

And RDMI is probably one of the kindest people I have met In LIFE! period dude knows his way around the grow room and is a Guru with extractions. If anything he is trying to get a proper answer for you guys.. I don't get the hate thing tho... it's unneeded IMHO
I was very nice in MY FIRST POST. I made it very clear that although I am a rep for another company, we aren't in any sort of competition. We have completely different strains. I LIKE(D) RD, SO I INVESTED. Should Ken fire me for trying out other beans? I mean, what business do i have smoking/growing anything other than GDP gear? Believe me, there is no hate, no hard feelings, nothing.
I have been BASHED as a rep for doing half of what RDMI has. His respect level is very minimal it seems, and although he is facing a lot of people w/ pitchforks, he's made himself, as well as RD look pretty bad...

That is the point you seem to be missing you are NOT a private party in a one on one conversation. You are here as an representative of Ken GDP company. This would be you as a company speaking to another company. This is not personal communication as in posting from your role as a rep you have raised this to a level where your employer may have to answer for the things you say here. Look up respondet superior (vicarious liability).

WHO CARES? What difference does it make? So if, let's say, Franco from GH, or Brett Bogue came on here saying they have herms, it's automatically a hate thread?

Please make sure this is what your employer wishes you to do as an official representative of their company. If there is a libel lawsuit or tortious interference with prospective business advantage at least they will have knowingly assumed the risk.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW??? I openly went on the internet AS A REP, and tested our seeds for all to see. I also pointed out the fact that we had herms in our Skywalker line. Do you think Ken gives two shits that I am coming on here as his rep and speaking on personal issues?

Anyway I am sorry your plants hermed for whatever reason and I sincerely hope you drop your persona as a rep for another company and actually attempt to work this out as customer to vendor. I would be interested to see how that works out for you in your role as a private party.

I'm curious what difference it makes? I can make a new s/n tomorrow and come back here. I'll be the same guy, same rep, just a different scree name. WHO CARES?

Anyway I do wish you the best of luck in finding the right kush strain. I understand how important the right strain can be. It was life changing for me. I was able to reduce my daily morphine intake by more than 2/3 based on one puff of Pre 98 Bubba Kush every 4 days. So please keep up your search for the right genetics for you but don't mix your professional duties with your private pursuits. I really hope this helps as I am not here to irritate you nor am I defending RD genetics. You sure about that???
I'm trying to help but it doesn't seem like I am getting through so I'll stop nattering on after this one last attempt at clearing up why dual relationships are problematic if not carefully separated.

Look I see your point, and thanks for making it. I DO see how it could come across like I'm bashing them, but I'm not. I've simply stated my experience, posted pics to back it up, got clarification from RDMI, and here we are. I deleted anything negative I said to him, and feel this thread is in no way bashing RD as a company in any way. If they want to push hermie seeds, that's fine. They will fail. GDP genetics has 2, that's right, 2 strains available at the moment, We are new to the scene as well, but there is nothing wrong with coming here as a GDP rep and telling you what's up. What if i was planning to use your genetics in my work? Is that allowed? Would i then be okay mentioning the herm issue?