good suggestion but if that is the reason for it to hermie i wouldn't consider that alone to be a good one. if anything i've read and seen breeders do much worst to their crosses to see how stable it is, it's called a stress test.
Yes I'm familiar with stress testing, in a software engineering environment, but the concept generalizes. Some people are interested in bleeding edge development. Same as in software the early adopters are the ones who get to experience all the bugs. It's the tax you pay for early adoption of anything. The benefits are being the first expert in a new trend and that can pay itself back to you many times over.
So with a new company and completely new strain(s) you are definitely on the leading edge. Me as a newbie in growing I'd never try something this new because I'm not where I could handle the challenges yet. But others with experience are the ones to test and prove so the rest of us can have this information.
So I think this is a valuable thread.
It's a no win situation. If I pointed out the change in light cycle to 12/12 and back so quickly could have caused that, then I would have JJ or someone else flaming me for citing grower error as the cause. So that's why I didn't say that, so I didn't come here looking to blame the grower right off the bat. Catch 22.
Yes that's correct and I wasn't trying to do any finger pointing as I am far to inexperienced. At this point I mostly have book knowledge so I'm just trying to see how it translates to reality. Which was why I asked.
Anyone find it suspicious that we have a Rep on Rep battle GDP vs RD? I think there needs to be a battle grow, you know... two come into the garden, and only one leaves.
That is another issue. A representative of GDP posted from his professional status about a grow of a rival companies genetics. So this creates all kind of questions regarding motivation. Dual relationships are confusing and can create suspicion. However GDP rep isn't a rep 100% of the time either and has a personal life wherein he can choose to grow different genetics.
I think if GDP rep had created an account separate from his professional support account there would not been such suspicion aroused.
SOUNDS GOOD!!! When we doing this bro?
In all seriousness. To those who asked, I deleted some of my posts. I am here to be a REP for a company. To be a bright light for those interested in our seeds. If I come on here, foul-mouth m other companies or speak to quick, someone could easily make accusations against my character. I am a chill person, I laugh a lot. I don't want the back n forth bs that seems to occur in every thread, one way or another.
With that said. NOBODY BUT A REP FROM MICHIGAN HAS ANSWERED ANY QUESTIONS OR SAID SHIT, except that I'm bitter cause I wanted his job... in MICHIGAN???
Whatever, great customer service. I am waiting for something positive to come from this. Sure is frustrating.
Precisely you are here to be a rep for a company. Therefore your personal issues should be separate from your representative account duties. This is an instance wherein you honestly NEED a second account. Dual relationships can create a huge problem as illustrated by this thread.
An account wherein you do only your professional support and a personal account wherein you catalog your own grows and own questions requiring support from another vendor. I think that is where a lot of the problem stems from. This appears to be a representative from a competing company casting doubt upon a rival company. I think that's why there is such a strong reaction.
Now I don't necessarily believe you have any ill intent. But in this day and age of some amazingly underhanded dealings by companies there is a marked level of suspicion and that's not a bad thing.
I hope this all works out well for both RD and Ken's GDP and it can be resolved amicably. I think it would be fun to see RD swap a pack of seeds with Ken's GDP and we can see you both grow each others genetics. It could be a lot of fun and a very positive competition! It doesn't have to be negative there is room in the world for both companies and many more to do well.