the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
heres one of the bigger bubbas today... after these get pimped for 4-5 clones a peace or so they will go outside to get climetized to the desert.. when i get out there they going into big ass holes we gonna drill with a power auger son!!!! like i said some of these plants are now bigger then 3 feet..
this plant is now dead... split right in half by heavy desert wind gusts.. son of a mah bitch.. we are now down to 19 fucking bubba clones were there once was 25... how the fuck am i supposed to grow outside under these conditions


Well-Known Member
fuck yeah doc, I'm hella glad you got the bubba pheno. looks so dank.

thats the kidna bud that it aint about it looking so crystally it frosts you off the screen, it looks hella crystally but it kicks your ass harder than any of those super crystally strains, and that's whats up.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thanks pops.

ya man , I been getting superstoned today, lol. happy vibes all day. gonna go get lit again soon so I can be in the clouds again, hahaha


Well-Known Member
thanks pops.

ya man , I been getting superstoned today, lol. happy vibes all day. gonna go get lit again soon so I can be in the clouds again, hahaha
hahaha shit I wish I could smoke sk all day...

with 5 of my 12 main plants being sk though I think this may be a reality... but probably not I can't handle being that stoned alll day lmao.


Well-Known Member
hahaha shit I wish I could smoke sk all day...

with 5 of my 12 main plants being sk though I think this may be a reality... but probably not I can't handle being that stoned alll day lmao.

if its too much for ya ill take some off ur hands lol


Well-Known Member
fuck... i think i may need to have a tooth pulled... my last molar on my right side on the top is fucking hurting... i think that fuckers cracked.... dont feel good man.. 3rd day now and it feels like it got worse... the advil is helping alot.. i have no fucking dental insurence too lol

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
fuck... i think i may need to have a tooth pulled... my last molar on my right side on the top is fucking hurting... i think that fuckers cracked.... dont feel good man.. 3rd day now and it feels like it got worse... the advil is helping alot.. i have no fucking dental insurence too lol
next time save yourself some money and start brushing your teeth knucklehead, mouthwash helps also. the people around you will start thanking you :lol:


Well-Known Member
next time save yourself some money and start brushing your teeth knucklehead, mouthwash helps also. the people around you will start thanking you :lol:

its not like that.. the tooth has a big ass crack in it and i think bacteria or wtf ever is attacking the inside... pains gone for now but im wondering if thats just cuzz the advil

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member

I feel your pain bro. I just pulled a teeth a month and a half ago cause that bastard was hurting like a bitch. it was the very back one. a big fucker. it took 2 sessions to pull it out cause the painkilers wasn't doing shit for the pain the first attempt. tooth was infected, had to take antibiotics and go back and try again after the infection went down. they gave me so much shots they had to cut my fucking line! lol then there was a big hole that took forever to fill in.

in all honesty, if you aint got dental, you're fucked. cause toothaches are a bitch.


Well-Known Member

I feel your pain bro. I just pulled a teeth a month and a half ago cause that bastard was hurting like a bitch. it was the very back one. a big fucker. it took 2 sessions to pull it out cause the painkilers wasn't doing shit for the pain the first attempt. tooth was infected, had to take antibiotics and go back and try again after the infection went down. they gave me so much shots they had to cut my fucking line! lol then there was a big hole that took forever to fill in.

in all honesty, if you aint got dental, you're fucked. cause toothaches are a bitch.
i have the same issue... its that big fucker in the back.... upper right molar last one..... and i think my shit rotting too..


Well-Known Member
if worst comes to worst ill drop 500 or so to get that fucker pulled.. id rather keep it though.. hope it gets better atleast till i get some dental ins.