World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
plant wilted fella. my bigger bc in two days looks so ill now? it covered in mini webs lower nodes and looks like life being sucked out it.
alot white spots on leaves too. got some spray for now from bnq till my plant vitality arrives


Well-Known Member
good luck lad, keep doing it every day as they'll keep coming back until all the eggs are gone. Miss a day and the cycle starts again.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
says give it two weeks on bottle. hoping the showers earlier wiped out half the eggs. and spray did adults i hope.
ordered some plant vitality and hear thats like a nuke bomb and wipes them out for good.
will disinfect everything in morning and hand clean the carpet in room to b sure no pesky hangers on. if i think they back i will treat self new tent n burn old one hahahahaha.


Well-Known Member
plant vitality plus is the shit mdb kills the fuckers properly i still like to give em a few blast of it tho, aprently it was banned at some point? but ive always been able to get it at my local hydro.

ice bongs i soooooo fucking nice u can just keep hitting that fucker cause the smokes so chilled.

hope all are good n well familys included.


Well-Known Member
wetting the bed qaulity pukka never done meself im more a take a piss in the wardrobe kinda guy loololol done that a few times loolol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
easy all. like a miracle in the tent today all perky now and loving the spray.
bigger bc colour slowly returning and the wilt has stoppes but think it took a good beating so thinking less bud on that one at harvest but sod it.
right lil question chaps. im feeding all plants same strength nute feed.n now two bigger plants in big pots n others in smaller pots. now this where gets interesting my two bigger ones r showing sign burned tips on top growth, but the smaller plants aint yet? now how could this b possible as if too strong nutes i wood thought the smaller ones wood struggled with the nutes rather then the ones twicwe the size?
could it b cos the pots bigger and more nutes r going in as takes more water( even thpo strength nutes same as smaller plants) or could it b a salt build up in the larger pots?
ive flushed the day lights out the bigger pots now so sure end problem.
could the spider mites off some how caused the tips burning some crazy way? as smaller plants showing no sign the borgs?


Well-Known Member
Fuckin hell Pukka must have been some amount of shots or u cant handle your liquer lad! lmao.......
Lost count how many shots matey, then i no i bought 3 buckets of 5 x turburg then i must a had 6 pints bought me to, i thought i dint do bad for not drinkin for a month lol you scotts are hardcore drinkers mate lol

Little Pic update. We have PurpleWreck in the DWC, BR/BSB's in Airpots and little pots, Trainwreck in Airpots & psychosis 4 weeks in, group shot in veg cub, the one in tent is psycho a few dys in 12/12 also in airpot :-D

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cant see no pics mate hopin they turn up when i reply now!!!!!!!

they germed yesterday and i potted them last night but the tap root is pushing them out of the coco instead of growing down into it
i know. this is my first go at coco and its strange to me too. the free seeds that i put in soil are staying there tho. the coco is quite loos even tho ive compacted it down, its quite gritty compared to the soil
the tap root is curled so the point is facing up the same way as the seeds. ive only got 4 root riots left ill put them in now and use a bit of soil in the centre to hold the seeds for a day or 2

scotia ive been reading up a bit about them diying. did you feed them nutes from the start? it says the coco doesnt have nutes like soil so you got to feed it straight away
i know. i put too much ph down in this morning when i made a new bottle with canna coco a and b so i used rhitzonic to bring it back up lol
Hey mrt notice your havin a bit of trouble with the coco mate heres a few tips dont have to listen mate just though id try an help
1st You wanna put ya tap root up mate, then it curls grows down an the curl straightin up is what pulls the seed out with out the case, cos coco loose puttin it in this way will help, but sayin that they will still germ any direction the seed just doesnt lose energy doin a double curl, i chucked a pic up explainin few pages back.
You want to start addin feed to your seeds in coco once youve got your 1st-2nd set of true leaves(not the round fuckas) at a low rate, cocos got no food allready.
An a little tip with the ph'in mate, i noticed youve allready noticed the rhiz raisers it so can use that if ya to low but be carefull not to rase pmm's to high while doin that an burn the fuckas i do it sometimes but only when i no im safe, another way is to add more tap water till you get back up to what you want this is safer but means everythings gunna be slightly weaker which aint gunna hert nowt. Another tip if your ph'n down small amounts an you keep addin to much, Ph down a 1ltr of water down to like 3-4 then use that to ph down your mix that way you can add a little an it will only go down by a point or 2 even when mixin .5 of a ltr

least the exo one isnt looking droopy yet. hope found it in time. was weird a fan fell in tent so i went in to put back up and spotted wot looked like a blonde hair hanging off bottom plants. ended up being cobweb like things. anybody no if spiders wood kill mites? as got a king spider living in front room and man does he look big and hungry hahaha
Fuckin hell mate im gutted for ya bugs an fuckin mold are the enermy!!!!!! looks like you got it under control good luck!!!

wetting the bed qaulity pukka never done meself im more a take a piss in the wardrobe kinda guy loololol done that a few times loolol
I did that aswell mate well nearly was in the corner next to the wardrobe lol was in a right state!!

Them ice bongs sound mint fella!!! hows it goin over there still lovin it??


Well-Known Member
Hey mrt notice your havin a bit of trouble with the coco mate heres a few tips dont have to listen mate just though id try an help
1st You wanna put ya tap root up mate, then it curls grows down an the curl straightin up is what pulls the seed out with out the case, cos coco loose puttin it in this way will help, but sayin that they will still germ any direction the seed just doesnt lose energy doin a double curl, i chucked a pic up explainin few pages back.
You want to start addin feed to your seeds in coco once youve got your 1st-2nd set of true leaves(not the round fuckas) at a low rate, cocos got no food allready.
An a little tip with the ph'in mate, i noticed youve allready noticed the rhiz raisers it so can use that if ya to low but be carefull not to rase pmm's to high while doin that an burn the fuckas i do it sometimes but only when i no im safe, another way is to add more tap water till you get back up to what you want this is safer but means everythings gunna be slightly weaker which aint gunna hert nowt. Another tip if your ph'n down small amounts an you keep addin to much, Ph down a 1ltr of water down to like 3-4 then use that to ph down your mix that way you can add a little an it will only go down by a point or 2 even when mixin .5 of a ltr
cheers mate. i was going to try putting them in upside down but they germed in the morning and with the kids running round i couldnt plant them till the night so the tap root had already curled. they looked like a u, so i put them in with the curled part in the coco and the tap root and seed closest to the top cos i read the thing saying about double twisting. ill just have to try and get the next lot in pots sooner.

thanks for the ph tips :-D ive had to leave them at 6-6.2 at the mo cos if i put anymore down in it would be way too low


Well-Known Member
easy all. like a miracle in the tent today all perky now and loving the spray.
bigger bc colour slowly returning and the wilt has stoppes but think it took a good beating so thinking less bud on that one at harvest but sod it.
right lil question chaps. im feeding all plants same strength nute feed.n now two bigger plants in big pots n others in smaller pots. now this where gets interesting my two bigger ones r showing sign burned tips on top growth, but the smaller plants aint yet? now how could this b possible as if too strong nutes i wood thought the smaller ones wood struggled with the nutes rather then the ones twicwe the size?
could it b cos the pots bigger and more nutes r going in as takes more water( even thpo strength nutes same as smaller plants) or could it b a salt build up in the larger pots?
ive flushed the day lights out the bigger pots now so sure end problem.
could the spider mites off some how caused the tips burning some crazy way? as smaller plants showing no sign the borgs?
are you watering them too much? the smaller pots could be drying out quicker than the big ones


Well-Known Member
cheers mate. i was going to try putting them in upside down but they germed in the morning and with the kids running round i couldnt plant them till the night so the tap root had already curled. they looked like a u, so i put them in with the curled part in the coco and the tap root and seed closest to the top cos i read the thing saying about double twisting. ill just have to try and get the next lot in pots sooner.

thanks for the ph tips :-D ive had to leave them at 6-6.2 at the mo cos if i put anymore down in it would be way too low
No bother mate! the quickist ive had was a gk seed i put it in water over night next mornin the seed had cracked but no root out i stuck it in a root riot pointed end up or cracked end up just under surface an it had broke the surface later on that day a few hours mate it was so quick it was white no green colour lol if id a put it tap down i reckon it would have been out by the next day so there not much difference.

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Ph'n is a ball ache at 1st mate but you soon get used to it after a while i could work out how many drops i needed to get me ruffly where i wanted in my head, best thing to do is write down how much you use each time so you can look back an ruffly see what you need if the mix is the same ph then put just under that amount to get you close test then adjust if needed it saves you testin loads.


Well-Known Member
it wont let me view it either. dutch passion white widow are the quickest ive had germ. twice now within 24hrs the tap root was about an inch long and curled all the way around the seed. the bubblegum i just finished took nearly 3 day for all to get that big


Well-Known Member
it wont let me view it either. dutch passion white widow are the quickest ive had germ. twice now within 24hrs the tap root was about an inch long and curled all the way around the seed. the bubblegum i just finished took nearly 3 day for all to get that big
Think ive sorted it mate can you see that?

way i do it you never see the tap root well just the very tiny end when the seed case cracks then its in the cube, by time the roots curled round the seed its gettin ready to surface seed case stright off, if you go the other way you can get the case stuck on a lot cos the seed comes out backwards cos of the double kink!


Well-Known Member
Think ive sorted it mate can you see that?

way i do it you never see the tap root well just the very tiny end when the seed case cracks then its in the cube, by time the roots curled round the seed its gettin ready to surface seed case stright off, if you go the other way you can get the case stuck on a lot cos the seed comes out backwards cos of the double kink!
yeah mate i can see it now. i just skimmed it the first time and went by the pics but didnt realise it said that the wrong way lmao


Well-Known Member
is the middle pic at the bottom right? cos thats how i planted them but reading that again i might have been wrong lol
no mate the top pics right, the bottoms pics are what happens if you got pointed end down or cracked end down, a lot of peeps asume roots grown down so put the root down it needs to be up, theres some scientific name for seeds that do this ill try an find it now theres a few different plants that do it.
you see in the top pic the root grwos out of top an down the side then the natural curve its made straightens an the seedling slides from the case an surfaces wastin no energy, the bottom way the root do its curve like its programed to but the realisers its wrong way and wont surface so goes back down which wastes energy an you end up with the double kink whick can hold the seed case on as it comes out backwards now, also some time they dont surface at all an die cos they have used all energy growin up then down.