The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well a mate has offered to buy a spare tv off me, so aside from the pain of a 24 month contract, i'm looking at the HTC one x but am waiting to see what the new samsung phone shapes up like.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
well so far so good.
sprayed the lot them with bug clear ultra. says it fine with all sort plants,veg and that.
ment kill mites on contact. and hoping shower help take eggs out. so will see.
it says on bottle it absorbs in plants and helps prevent as well i think so fingers crossed.
plant vitality b here couple days so think i done a big enough body count till then.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i dont get the rage on buying latest and greatest phones. i mean if it rings and sends messages surely they r the most important things. rest just aload crap no needed and a total waste time and money. hahahah bah humbug

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oh, i'm very much the same, my flatmate couldn't get his head around the notion of me having a phone and not using apps and widgets. I use my phone for big emails and texts quite a lot, so for me, however much i'm not a fan of touchscreen keyboards, smartphones are very very useful. Only reason i'd be looking for all singing all dancing is that if it's a 24 month contract i might as well get something worthwhile if a reasonable cost. Should i find something on ebay for a better price then i'll most likely just get that and a 30 day contract sim. My typical text message is around 1000 characters, so a nice big readable screen is a bit of a must. That and i am a complete geek at heart :D

As i say though, i've so much spare computer stuff and tv's and flat screens doing nothing but gathering dust that i can jsutify selling a few bits and pieces and getting myself something worthwhile. I've always got my sony w810i should i ever need a once-a-week charge phone.

Plus the One X has a fantastic camera, i always like having a camera around and the 5mp on the desire didn't quite cut it.


Well-Known Member
yeh im using cannazym i think its called rhiz too,,im using it atm works fucking great breaks yer old roots down into sugers for the plant fuk buying new medium every grow


Well-Known Member
Is this really how people get hooked up with a deal these day? It use to take months to get introduced to a guy who knew a guy....and get his/her trust, now you just pop onto the internet and bait yerself up.

Glad it's nice weather where you are at Jafooli, pissing it doon here.



Well-Known Member
Is this really how people get hooked up with a deal these day? It use to take months to get introduced to a guy who knew a guy....and get his/her trust, now you just pop onto the internet and bait yerself up.

Glad it's nice weather where you are at Jafooli, pissing it doon here.

haha dst trust me pal if your sellin weight your not gonna go on like those 2 ;-)!!
Its a fine way of gettin yourself robbed lol shit they kick your doors down around here if they know u got more than a couple of 9bars and its happenin on a daily basis no fuckin around if u dont hand ocer your gear your likely to see the butt of a gun or slashed and stabbed a few times


Well-Known Member
Morning Cheds....seems like it's nuts all over the place in the UK. When I was young lad we didn't give a fuk either, but we still had respect. Shocking these day it seems.


Active Member
yes yes weather is niice, nw goin 2 bed lol xbox got rinsed but been in 'garden' since 5 !
and yeh like chedz sed, fuck baitin yourself on internet wid shit like that literally


Well-Known Member
Morning Cheds....seems like it's nuts all over the place in the UK. When I was young lad we didn't give a fuk either, but we still had respect. Shocking these day it seems.
Tbf lad were tryin to stamp it out down here but yeah its gettin worse untill some cunt kills 1 of the thieving bastards its onky gonna get worse imo"!
Ive had 2 cousins stabbed and and hit repeatedly with the butt of a gun the last few weeks neither was a plesant ecoerience for em tbh but its rhe risk u take everyday wen meddling about with drugs ;-)


Well-Known Member
morning girls

been like it for many many yrs in the south, london more so i member yrs ago a friend of a friend having be kidnapped n half tortured over a very small amount of white cause they thought he had alot more than he did.

it was fucking lock stock n 2 smoking barrels that sent it haywire after that fucking film every wana be wants to start robbing dealers n growers but its been going on for yrs and was happening for yrs before that movie too.