Let's see. This is tough.For all of the advanced users, what do you think of this question? The possibility that death may indeed be the end, with my essence (ego or otherwise) ceasing to exist, has really got me down; it just seems like such a sad proposition.
And even if we are all just "one," that doesn't really help the situation. I also wonder how/if reproducing factors into this whole magical mortality equation; what if, on some level, having children is the *only* way to not die, so to speak.
- Angry that there are no answers to any of the important questions.
Nobody you know has come back from death? Doesn't matter, so what's your point?....death is it.. after that, we are pretty much worm food imo...
to me, this is why man has created things like religion .. trying to make themselves feel better and believe that there really is a heaven and a hell when in fact once you die, that's it my friend..
i have yet to meet anyone who has come back from death, nobody i know used to be so in so in the 1800th century so to speak.. we have one go around on this crazy planet, make each day count, because once it's over, well, it's over, again, imo..
We were not "designed" and no species of any kind put any "thought" into the creation of humans. Life just happens. Like watching mold grow on a piece of bread. Earth is the bread, we are the mold. Conditions are right for life here, so here we are, with all the other animals, bacteria, mold, bugs, trees, and so forth. If we were designed it would have to be by another living being, right? Or are you suggesting that some figment of magic star and pixie dust miraculously appeared out of nowhere, made earth and humans and everything else, then disappeared into space? Where it watches over us and hears our prayers? Lol. Living being or mystical being, it's horseshit.I will disagree with the concept of death being the end. Human beings are such beautifully designed creatures. Way too much thought was put into us to just be alive for a while as carbon carriers. We have a purpose...
Lol. Best post in this thread.So you guys got it figured out yet?
+ Rep.I spent a few years exploring for myself what both life and death meant. Religion wasn't the answer, I tried. Eventually I came to the realization that we are each given life on earth by chance and that prior to conception we did not exist, and after death we will again cease to exist. At first I was depressed, I'm not going to lie IT SUCKS. Like everyone else I would love to be able to live forever, maybe not here on earth but in a spiritual or physical form. My family, my friends, all those who came before me and all those who will come after me are all doomed to the same fate.
Eventually I accepted that someday I will die and as I've gotten older time has really started to fly by. It changed the way I thought about things in many ways. For example, that guy cutting you off on the freeway might just be in a hurry to get home and see his family or do something that he wants to do. Can you blame him? He only has a limited amount of time to live as well. It left me wondering what in life is really important? Society tells us that we need to get an education, we spend 12+ years in school here in the states. We all need to work so we can have a house, a car, and someday support a family. We all need to have kids, and get married. Those things that society tells us will no doubt take up a huge chunk of "our time". Are they important to you? Cool, so do them! Are they important to the bum that just wants to get trashed every night and sleep under a bridge? Probably not so don't knock him for spending "his time" however the fuck he wants.
Anyways.. I could go on for days, plus I'm stoned as fuck.
Life is short, do something you love. Try not to worry to much about death because once it has happened... YOU WON'T KNOW
It's sad to me, that people somehow rationalize putting a dead-absolute stamp of approval, on the theory that "nothing happens beyond this". As if they speak some sort of absolute fact. They find a psychological need to think their correct about what cannot be understood right now.+ Rep.
It is sad to me, that so many fear death so much... they find the psychological need to tell themselves they will continue to exist forever.
I agree, i am comfortable with this answer-It's sad to me, that people somehow rationalize putting a dead-absolute stamp of approval, on the theory that "nothing happens beyond this". As if they speak some sort of absolute fact. They find a psychological need to think their correct about what cannot be understood right now.
Stating that "there is nothing after" as an absolute, is just as crazy saying "there is absolutely something after". Neither can be rationalized.
touche sir, valid point. I even agreed with Strife's comment until you pointed that out..It's sad to me, that people somehow rationalize putting a dead-absolute stamp of approval, on the theory that "nothing happens beyond this". As if they speak some sort of absolute fact. They find a psychological need to think their correct about what cannot be understood right now.
Stating that "there is nothing after" as an absolute, is just as crazy saying "there is absolutely something after". Neither can be rationalized.
That didn't all happen as an immense set of miracles and freak circumstances all at once just so you could have breakfast without getting a sunburn. There were a couple of freaky miracles and all of that is a result of a billion year battle to capitalise on those original freak circumstancesI just can't swallow that its all just happen stance. The complexity of life and everything that encompasses us all here on this little rock in a big, suppesedly never ending universe from the sky the protects me from excessive uv light, to even just food how it sucks crap out of the ground and magically it turns into something I can eat.
I don't tell myself i will cease to exist when i die, because when i am completely honest with myself... i always come up with the conclusion that i do not know. I merely find it sad when people tell themselves certainties in the absence of them.
For some odd reason i have this uncanny inability to be dishonest with myself... it's quite annoying at times.
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What do you mean by "all by itself"?I just can't swallow that its all just happen stance. The complexity of life and everything that encompasses us all here on this little rock in a big, suppesedly never ending universe from the sky the protects me from excessive uv light, to even just food how it sucks crap out of the ground and magically it turns into something I can eat.
Really, how the fuck does that just happen all by it's self, and in such a way that life can create itself and not just in some crude fashion, but in a very specific way.
The way I see it, life is meaningless without an afterlife. Really, wtf is the point and why continue making more humans just for them to fight through life to die and be gone forever? Why bother fighitng for a better life for those after us if they too are just going to die and cease to exist? Why not just end human life now and stop all suffering?
I commend you for acknowledging the distinction. A lot of people can't. Faith, it seems, isn't understood by much of the faithful... Faith, by it's vary nature, can't be proven. It can't be tested. I believe it's a scapegoat to the demand "prove it". The faithful don't require proof to cement a belief.Everyone has their own beliefs and justifications, but life to me would be meaningless without God. Nothing else makes sense, and the science behind it can't prove the existence of God anyway as the after life is a world not of this one, but there are those who think what they find here for some reason translates into whats out there in the after life. To each his own I guess.