
I have a couple of babies that have streatched a little, and I have a couple in a place where they need to be short so they won't be detected. I just wanted some advice on how to top and what is the best time or stage for topping. I already have a couple in the ground and a couple in party cups ready to be transplanted. This is my first grow and I'm learning as much as I can. Do I just top the very top node (I think it is called) where the stem Y's? Will this make the plants much smaller but wider? How much shorter, and what about the yeild? Does it affect it? Thanks
I have another question and I hope it isnt very stupid, but I don't have a local nursery or a good place to get high quality growing supplies. I don't have a way to check the ph levels in my tap water and I was wondering would it help the levels if I boiled the water before I used it?? I hope that isnt the dumbest question u all have ever herd.


Well-Known Member
Chop the main stem just above where you see two small shoots, personally I do it at whatever level/node is best for each plant/situation.
I don't think it effects harvest really, unless parts of the plant are getting more light because topping changes her shape.
If your concern is only of testing the ph of the water. Go to walmart or a pet store and ask for the strips. Not as good as a digital one buts better than nothing


Well-Known Member
I want to top these babies, but I'm a little lost....Please give me some good advice....
honestly super cropping is way more efficient imo. with topping you lose the main cola, so if you pinch the main stalk and twist it till it flops over (don't over do it till it till it snaps off) then tie it down you are still able to get more light to the lower bud sites and still keep that main cola.
Im scared to death to try this, I don't want to kill any of my babies. I'm thinking about trying it on one and seeing how it turns out.


Active Member
leave your water out to evoporate some of the chlorine in the water. and personally i like LST all you need to do i grab a part of the main fan leaf and tape it down to the pot so it is leaning over then the nodes on the inside will shoot up and you will have alot more growth and it will be short.


Well-Known Member
Im scared to death to try this, I don't want to kill any of my babies. I'm thinking about trying it on one and seeing how it turns out.

1,000,000 of clones are taken daily and maybe as many plants are topped. you will do fine.