The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i tried predator mites at one stage. never found them again when i tried. there was like 5000 of the fuckers in the tent. never found a single one. i was expecting to find the alpha mite sat there looking hench.

didn't feel good at all releasing thousands of tiny bugs into the op.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
it worth me killing off the two infected plants? the four smaller ones not showing any sign yet? or just try and wipe em out with some spray?
the lady bugs worth a dabble? u get in garden centres or pet shops or something? (not meaning them as pets but not sure if u feed them liquards or some tropical pet)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
also my grow is spotless so im thinking wen i got oplants out other day to teach mate how supercrop that they brought the pests with them? thinking bout it he is a tree surgen so plenty chance off him carrying them on clothing. and i thought the ganja gods wood b happy with my efforts to educate peeps


Well-Known Member
it worth me killing off the two infected plants? the four smaller ones not showing any sign yet? or just try and wipe em out with some spray?
the lady bugs worth a dabble? u get in garden centres or pet shops or something? (not meaning them as pets but not sure if u feed them liquards or some tropical pet)
its the eggs you need to get rid off mate they lay loads of eggs most things will only get rid off the bugs and leave the eggs to hatch later on


Well-Known Member
yeah that was one i nearly brought couple week back. think can use up to 3 days b4 chop down so sounds good. hope not to weak tho
i put the name of it into google and i couldn't find to much info but the reviews i did find said it was good but check it through first if you do decide to go with that :peace:

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
fucking bugs and pests. still gutted i got them as im so clean. i clean tent once week and dont ware footware in the room. always wash up self before go in so i bet it was cos i got few out to teach mates how supercrop. me and the ganja gods have had our 1st falling out


Well-Known Member
You loaned some of your plants out for training purposes? gee yer a kind lad MDB. You'll know better next time...or have you had clones from the fairy? may be you got something that way.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
oh dst how i have fluffed up being way to nice. yeah i got few out other night n let mate abuse it alil show i could make sure he knew how train n s-crop it. thinking as he a tree surgon that he brought some pests with him. in few days my bigger bc looks abused , my exo got early signs few webbs and couple white spots. the other 4 r ok so far no sign.
i wood say 99per cent borgs if not then an illness on only one plant and a wandering spider haha, but still wont explain the white spots apearing over last few days??????????? bout nuke the lot off them now with some bug clear ultra.
thinking doing the worst bc now and see if any bad effects causing from the spray before do me exo x br

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
and this is reason y i dont take clones no matter how good the grower is. haha not that its helped me on this run as still got them haha


Well-Known Member
i dont do seeds,clones are muc h better in my opinion,damn once u done em just stik em under a 6400k and forget about em water a dribble once a week,ive just ordersd another 30 watt blue spectrum cfl to go with the 24 watt,thats doing great alone so the extra 30 should be MINT!

well just snapped a 2gb ddr3 memory stik how fucking stupid am i lol

got sum geil perfomance ddr3 ram for sale if anyones interested no cash il take bud :O

morning TT lost yer phone matey? il see if i can find a old one kicking around i think i do have one il throw it in post for u

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I have a drawer of old phones. My HTC Desire was useful to me though in that i could read and send emails and long texts. Other than that i really have no use for a phone. can't be fucked replacing it at £100+ though, might as well just consider a new contract or something and see if i can find a smartphone with a battery life of more than 12 hours.


Well-Known Member
I have a drawer of old phones. My HTC Desire was useful to me though in that i could read and send emails and long texts. Other than that i really have no use for a phone. can't be fucked replacing it at £100+ though, might as well just consider a new contract or something and see if i can find a smartphone with a battery life of more than 12 hours.[/QUOTE)

so it was a good one uve lost :( ring up get it blacklisted mate) our lasses 3gs is fucking shite mate, she asked last nite do u even charge your phone(i have a old nokia that looks like a blackberry) im like lol to here i chare mine like every 3 days or sum shit,hers is like twice a day,but sh does sit on facebook and fucking ebay all day on it,new phones pff

YORKIE000think ive cliuppered you mate i got your lighter sat here lmao

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've had it for a while but aye, it was a fairly all singing and dancing phone that still costs a good few pennies to replace. Looking at that Nokia Lumia, looks quite cool and can be had for fairly cheap on a reasonable contract. Although i do like the look of the HTC One X although that is rather pricey, might have to sell some pc components. Got a bunch of watercooling gear i have never gotten around to selling.