Why is Racism Bad?


Well-Known Member
Racism is bad because it divides our species into several sets of sub-species which limits our ability to breed the best qualities of humanity into the entire species. In other words, it fucks up evolution.


Pickle Queen
Racism is fear, people want to be the best, people find reasons to hate on each other, crayons don't see colour, they all live in the same box, have the same shape, hmmm people are like crayons


Active Member
...so, why is it?
Racism is no worse than any other "ism" (heterosexism, agism, sexism, ethnocentrism, classism, etc.--you get the point). ALL of the "isms" are the result of oppression in action. ALL of them are made up of a group defined as "normal" and everyone else not in the group as "not normal." The Normals have all the power and will do horrible things to keep that power (i.e. not give blacks the right to vote (racism)...or women the right to vote (sexism)....or blacks the right to marry (racism)....or gay people the right to marry (heterosexim)....or...I can go on and on.

Racism is bad (as are all of them) because it denies certain groups of people and equal opportunity at life...PERIOD.


Well-Known Member
racism is bad because it paints a picture for us, when we may have painted a different one without it. it closes off the mind to possibilities


Well-Known Member
i know this is a bit off topic, but not much.. i often wonder if racism isn't inherent in all of us to a certain degree..
for instance, think about the saying a bird of a feather flocks together.. it's very true.. i was sitting out in the yard when a slew of birds flew into a near by tree.. had to be a thousand or so.. the thing was covered in them..
what was really odd was that every single bird on that tree were all of the same species.. not one bird was different.. it really made me think about shit.
This is true. I've read that the human brain interprets physical characteristics that are similar to itself as being more trustworthy.


Well-Known Member
This is true. I've read that the human brain interprets physical characteristics that are similar to itself as being more trustworthy.
I agree, people are scared of others that are different looking than them. It's true in nature as well, like they say, birds of a feather flock together. Being of mixed race myself, I find it easy to not be scared of other races. The only group of people I hate with absolute certainty is junkies.


Well-Known Member
I agree, people are scared of others that are different looking than them. It's true in nature as well, like they say, birds of a feather flock together. Being of mixed race myself, I find it easy to not be scared of other races. The only group of people I hate with absolute certainty is junkies.
OK i'm not going to lie...and it's kind of more of a phobia...I am terrified of Russian people. Not American people with a Russian blood in them. People who were born and raised and live in Russia scare the hell out of me. Don't ask me why. I do not know. They just scare me.


Well-Known Member
OK i'm not going to lie...and it's kind of more of a phobia...I am terrified of Russian people. Not American people with a Russian blood in them. People who were born and raised and live in Russia scare the hell out of me. Don't ask me why. I do not know. They just scare me.
I'd classify that as phobia. The cold war is still in recent history, plus any time you have a russian character in a movie they're some scary murderer. So, if you're american then you have those things in your head for sure.


Well-Known Member
i know this is a bit off topic, but not much.. i often wonder if racism isn't inherent in all of us to a certain degree..
for instance, think about the saying a bird of a feather flocks together.. it's very true.. i was sitting out in the yard when a slew of birds flew into a near by tree.. had to be a thousand or so.. the thing was covered in them..
what was really odd was that every single bird on that tree were all of the same species.. not one bird was different.. it really made me think about shit.

An old black man once told me that mixes were bad. Also he said," I never saw a red bird nest with a blue bird or a yellow bird."

Was that racist of him ??

Was it racist of me to commit that to memory ??


Well-Known Member
Racism started out as:
"You came from tribe/family A ... Well we had a war 200 years ago, fuck you" OR "You came from tribe/family B ... Come in, eat, here's a room to sleep in."

But now hospitality doesn't exist as prevalently, and we are faced with families from all over the world everyday.

So it's bad because now most of it is unreasonable, and there's no need to get passionate about the hate like some people do. Just turn down helping them if you don't like another family, don't get crazy with it.


Well-Known Member
You're not born with hate, hate is learned, it's taught. That's what makes it so disgusting, personally..

You were born with a clean slate, your parents taught you to hate, unfortunately.
You can learn to hate on your own, you can't just immediately blame his parents.

What if the ONLY experience you EVER had of any other Colored person was a kid at school that tripped you one day. Or some similar situation.
You may learn to hat eon your own. It's unreasonable, but most race hate is.