Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
shweeeeet pics Jin'! loving the macro shots, i love bud that sticks to the scissors :) I can so vouch for that!

I think people can clearly see now that you picked at a great time, the richs have not degraded into that greyish dull colour, they still have that magical shine and glimmer to them, quality dried, quality bud, perfect timing if you ask me. Any longer and I think they lose Visual appeal. pure cloudy ass trich heaven. fully realized THC is what that is folks!!! :)

plain and Simple. rep+


Well-Known Member
shweeeeet pics Jin'! loving the macro shots, i love bud that sticks to the scissors :) I can so vouch for that!

I think people can clearly see now that you picked at a great time, the richs have not degraded into that greyish dull colour, they still have that magical shine and glimmer to them, quality dried, quality bud, perfect timing if you ask me. Any longer and I think they lose Visual appeal. pure cloudy ass trich heaven. fully realized THC is what that is folks!!! :)

plain and Simple. rep+
Thanks, man. These are the nugs I'm smoking right now. The flavor is almost there. In one week it'll be magic.

As impressive as these might look, they don't really compare to the regular daylight shots above.

The flash just doesn't do justice to the trichs. Daylight:

Flash shots. I think I'll be shooting them in daylight from now on.



Well-Known Member
Dramatic BW shot. Such emotion.

Aw, look how skinny he was.

Pity I never got to see him as a tiny kitten, but I think finding him at this age forged a strong bond between us. I've noticed that 'problem cats' tend to be the ones raised by people since tiny kitten age. Too much coddling can cause behavior problems down the line. Yes, I watch "My Cat from Hell" on Animal Planet. Jackson Galaxy is the shit.

Anton is the sweetest cat you can imagine. I honestly believe that I was rewarded when I found him. I lucked out. I feel sorry for those people on his show.


Well-Known Member
Lovely asses back there Jin! Just what i needed at lunch time :)
I'm going to let my girl stretch naturally for the time being, without any Pgr's yet..seeing i have the air cooled hood this should allow me to have my tips closer to the light right? i may get a little more vertical growth, i'm experimenting, and with a new strain :shock: i really don't want to hinder this strains natural height characteristics. I'm going a whole different direction to my mentor this grow, he went full Pgr's. In a few days I will determine to use Part B at all. what to do. what to do!!!???

edit: you snuck more in! ;) nice colourful


Well-Known Member
wait... am i high or are you saying your the one taking pix of these females?
I put up sample photos by other photographers of models I have yet to shoot. Once I shoot them, I post only my own of that model. See the Tiffany process:

Other photographer:


Rest assured that if I shoot Carli, my photos will be better also. And yes, you're in all liklihood high.


Well-Known Member
I think so. I'm doing my little part to help the economy, and I'm having fun doing it.

Also, these girls work really hard exposing themselves to the world like that... so only the utmost sensitivity and professionalism guide my conduct.


Well-Known Member
go for it, im not knockin ya. maybe i could send some bitches your way. lol
Your support is appreciated. Hey, even Hugh Hefner started somewhere, right?

And I'm an open book. Though I shoot with professional models primarily, I could always start an "amateur section" on my blog. Reader submissions? Got a hot girlfriend? Or maybe you're a hot girl yourself? Go for it! :D


Well-Known Member
Oh, boy... Not that again. I'll just say no because if I say yes I'll just get called a bullshitter by the jealous haters who have never been near a woman half this hot (you know who you are).
haha we wont call you a bullshitter, i dont think theres a point in lying over the internet. people already have no idea who we are.
and if you ever got with tiffany, you deserve a medal. maybe 10 medals.